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A third attempt at this blogging business. |
30DBC PROMPT: "The English Alphabet has 26 letters...therefore using all 26 letters write a poem that describes you. If you would rather write a short story describing yourself to us then highlight each word which begins with that letter. Let's see what ya got ![]() 'Sup y'all? I am not feelin' my creative side this afternoon...it's been a lazy day of lacking motivation and catching up on shows I've missed on Hulu this week, which means I've spent the majority of my waking hours in various states of positioning that weren't upright. One of the last things on my mind right now is writing a poem of some sort, or even a short story...and I've never been crazy about describing myself. I think that means I could be in trouble with this prompt. Here goes nothin'... All-in when I believe in someone or something. Big-hearted. Crazy (and it's up to you if that's in a good way or a bad way). Defiant toward rules and regulations I don't like. Emotional when I listen to certain songs. Friendly once you get to know me. Generous...even if I don't have much to spare, I'll still share. Humorous, if you like that kinda thing. Intelligent, so I've been told. Jackassery, like my love for made-up words. Kleptomaniac of hearts. Loner at times, because it's better than failing at fitting in. Minimalist...I don't need much to make me happy. Norb, the only first name I'll ever be born with. Oh, is this almost over yet? Passionate about my favorite teams. Question everything. Restless...I'm not good at sitting still. Shy in situations where I don't know a lot of people. Taco Cat spelled backwards is "Taco Cat". Unbelievable, some of the situations in life I've had to prove others wrong. Very determined not to let my mistakes define me. X: Have you seen this list of words that start with "X" ![]() Youthful charm to go with my boyish good looks (when I'm clean-shaven, of course). Zoned out shortly after I take my sleeping pills. There you have it...almost 26 words that tell you a little bit more about me. That's the best I could do for not wanting to think at all. BCF PROMPT: "How much does the clutter that fills our closets describe us?" I think if it's clutter that's accumulated over a prolonged period of time, it doesn't define us as much as it described our past. If it's packed away, that's a likely sign of something we don't use very often anymore, which one can then think maybe it's not relevant to who we are today. I guess in a way I'm lucky that I don't have a lot of crap anymore. My life literally fits into an area roughly the size of a parking space. More junk just gathers dust and is a pain in the ass whenever you have to move. The sad part is...I still could probably really go through all my stuff and get rid of more of it. Mostly knick-knacky crap and clothes that don't fit me anymore that maybe someone else can get some use out of. I see some of the t-shirts and pants and it hits me how skinny I used to be. I once heard someone say that if you haven't used something in six months to a year, you don't need it. We probably hold on to certain items longer though, thinking the day after we throw it out will be the day we'll really wish we still had it, even it's been twenty years since it last saw the light of day. I can understand holding on to some belongings for nostalgia purposes, but what happens when they become obsolete? I feel bad for someone who spent a fortune on having wedding videos shot on VHS, and wasn't able to transfer them to DVD in time before the quality degraded beyond the point of them being watchable. But no, I don't think our clutter is a complete and reliable indicator of who we are. It's just a small part; a sliver...a few chapters in a much longer story. MUSICAL BREAK!! "You're sneaking and peeking and trying to give chase but you ain't never gonna catch me; I'm in your crawl space" Lyrics. ![]() THE DAILY BOX SCORE: ![]() I'll admit I don't know as much about this topic as maybe I should, but hell yeah companies should be labeling their products if it contains this garbage! I understand the purpose of trying to feed everyone and lowering costs (especially for poor families and people trying to eat on a limited budget), but the public has a right to know what's in the food they're about to spend their hard-earned dollars on to put in their bodies. Not that it matters too much...I mean, you can get cancer from damn near everything anyway these days. But the more information we have, the more we can find out about these food and the potential dangers they can inflict upon us. Y'all seen those pictures of the McDonald's hamburger that won't spoil ![]() I think you'd see a lot of companies changing the way they do business after being exposed. What really sucks is that it's so much more expensive to eat healthy, non-GMO tainted food. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sweet...looks like I'm done here and I can go back to laying down and not doing anything. Y'all have a nice rest of your Saturday...peace, renovate or evacuate, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! |