Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
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Excerpt: 'You should meet them. They know how to have fun,' Timothy said.
Excerpt: The fairy sounded the warning, but it was too late. Humans descended in massive swarms, leaving the poor, bewildered fairies too easy to capture. Poor Flower, the youngest of the fairy kingdom, was taken by one of the youngest humans. Miranda was only six years old, but even then, she knew what her parents were doing was wrong. Nevertheless, she wanted to take Flower Fairy to play with, just because she was lonely; nobody wanted to play with her.
Excerpt: The story you are about to embark upon, was written as an episode for 'Star Trek: Voyager' in the fall of 2000. I was going to submit it for consideration as a script for the sixth season of the series, but learned from a script source that by the time I had started submission, "ST:V" had already been mapped out through the series finale. They did, however, encourage me to retain it as it was, in their words, 'a well-crafted story'.
Excerpt: Agramon was a giant. Not the tallest most famous giant, but definitely a giant. He lived on top of Knob Hill in a beautiful castle built just for him by a family long gone. Knob Hill had its own zip code, a different one than the town at the bottom of the hill. Every afternoon Agramon walked to his mail box at the bottom of the hill and opened it. Nothing was ever in there, but he checked the mail every day before going back home to eat a snack from his peach tree.
Excerpt: 'Ciara, it is time for dinner! Come soon, before the soup gets cold!'
Excerpt: 'In the middle of the ocean. How did I end up here? Oh yes, I remember! My wife decided I needed a vacation. What I really think she meant is that she needed a vacation from me. So she buys me a boat, sends me off on this crazy sea voyage, and what happens? It sinks. It sinks! And now, I can't even see anything because there's so much fog around! I feel like I'm in our tiny little shower thing at home where she put up her pink curtains' PINK' in my bathroom. Can you imagine? Geez, and now I'm talking to myself, maybe I'm' Submitted to Newsletter
Excerpt: RICHARD writes: I did not realize that I had beento haphazard in giving my feed back, I am not sure as to how to recreate the problem. Or rather undo it. If someone could give me a hand in this matter. thank you brom21 writes: I've never heard of a supermoon before, I find it very fascinating; I might even use in a story someday. I'll mark my calendar for the next one. This also reminds me of those paintings with multiple giant moons and colorful nebulas in the sky. Do you know what I'm talking about? I see them in a lot of sci-fi shows and movies. Thanks for telling me about this! BIG BAD WOLF is Merry writes: One never knows how life will turn out. |