30DBC PROMPT: "Review your peers and your posts. Share your best blog post from your own posts and two from your peers."
Good evening, dear readers! 30DBC Creator/Founder  , what's the deal here? Back in March it was determined that nobody really cared for the "Sunday Review", so it was suggested Sundays become a day where we pick a news story and talk about that. Now not only have you done gone and changed it back, but you've also made it even more difficult because instead of going the and/or route and talking about one blog entry that resonates with us and just straight free-write bloggin', we've got to talk about one of our own, and two of our fellow competitors' entries! What kind of chicanery is this?!
Ok, I'm done with my little rant. We're cool, Earl...it's just, well, I clearly didn't see this direction comin'.
I don't even know where to begin today, in part because my head still feels somewhat compressed and fuzzy, making it hard to concentrate or remember between all the different entries I've read this past week. I'll start with mine because at least I can scroll down and not have to open new tabs every couple of minutes. Since I'm having trouble deciding (it wasn't one of my best weeks overall, in my opinion), I'm picking July 1st's entry ("This one's about forgettin'..." ) and July 5th's ("This one's about existential crises." ). Reasons being: "Forgettin'" was very biographical, and the nursery rhyme prompt got me feeling creative in an "on the spot" kinda way; and "Existential Crises" because it was the first time all week I felt like there were similar themes running through all three groups in a way, and it's most reflective of the week's entries as far as what I like to do when I set out to write a blog entry I'm fully satisfied with.
Now, for the hard part...on to two entries that really resonated with me from all the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" submissions this week. Can an entry really be considered as having "resonation status" if you still have to look it up and eventually wind up reading a bunch of other entries in the meantime? I have a terribly uncooperative memory as it is, and of course throughout the week I never manage to write down the entries I like the most...I sound like a bad friend that way, but you'll have that.
Anyway, enough complaining/stalling...here goes. I'm choosing for my first pick ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy  's "Invalid Entry" . Keep in mind that this isn't necessarily about "favorites" or whatever criteria you wanna pick out of a hat; it's about what sticks with you. It's not often I'll remember too many emails I'll read once I've taken my sleeping meds (which is why I'll seldom respond to them after a certain time), but Ann's response to my comment was something that stuck with me, and not necessarily in a good way. I said (something along the lines of) the generalization of different groups of people who don't believe in the same thing as you doesn't make them to be evil, liars, or attention-seekers that are only looking to start negative, fear-mongering debates. I've since deleted her rebuttal, but it started off with something like, "See, this is exactly what I'm talking about" and then it proceeded to get confusing in a roundabout synopsis of all the beautiful things God (or his spiritual presence) created, and it ended with an "I don't want to debate either", so I'm not gonna push the envelope because I don't need the beef. It makes me sad that there are so many examples of perfectly fine people in this community who don't have religion (or refuse to talk about religion), but can know and understand love...and other people (especially some who are older, wiser, and have seen so many changes in society and how people from all walks of life have gained acceptance for who they are rather than having to face persecution) still choose to hold on to simple (yet damaging) stereotypes mainly because they don't see the same side of the coin. And that's all I have to say about that, because it's getting close to bedtime and I don't wanna carry this unnecessary frustration with me another day.
The second entry from this week I'd like to talk about that resonated with me enough on a Sunday evening is Noyoki  's "Invalid Entry" . The imagery of a little girl who's unable to swim suddenly floating out to the middle of the lake on a raft was (and I'm sorry because I'm sure it was scary at first but now you can look back and laugh) comical...and I should really say the imagery in the entire 30DBC portion of her entry was very well done. The angry people jumping and yelling; her flicking at the water and pretending to help...I don't think we see writing like that often enough in blogs, but that's just my opinion. And Noyoki's entries are always a treat to read.
I think we're off to a good start this first week of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ...can't wait to see how the rest of the month plays out.
I almost feel like I'm mentally a day or two behind, even though I haven't really done much of anything the last couple of days and I haven't needed to go anywhere. This song came on this morning (I got it a few years back as part of a magazine compilation outlining the influence Neil Young's career had on artists of the current generation) and it kinda fit my mood...today's Sunday and I'm there physically but that's about it.
I feel like a bad fan for being unaware of this, but one of my favorite radio stations when I'm back in WNY is actually one that comes out of Toronto, CFNY, 102.1 , and on Sundays they run a program called Spirit Of Radio Sunday which takes a look back at the early days of CFNY. All morning their Facebook page had been running plugs for the show, saying they were gonna have a tribute to Martin Streek , one of the DJ's I always remember hearing commercials for...he would do live shows from clubs,spinning music you'd never imagine hearing in some of the quote-unquote clubs in Buffalo (who always stuck with trendy bubblegum pop and dance songs). I had no clue he'd passed away five years ago today...he was like a Canadian Casey Kasem for the punk and grunge generations.
On a happier note, also on this day occurred the release of the movie Forrest Gump back in 1994. I saw it the same year on my birthday, and I think it was the last movie I saw in a theater that actually generated enough emotion within me that I cried a little once it was over. Truly one of the greatest movies I've ever seen...I can't imagine it any different, but these 15 Things You Didn't Know About Forrest Gump definitely shed some insight on how it could've looked. John Travolta and Ice Cube playing two key roles? I think then you've got a totally different (and maybe not as universally acclaimed) movie.
That's about all I've got the patience for tonight, folks. Hope y'all had a kick-ass weekend, and are ready to face whatever the week ahead brings ya. Peace, no idea who you're talking to, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!