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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#820141 added June 18, 2014 at 2:23pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about volunteering, earworms, and more Poe.
30DBC PROMPT: "Have you ever been a volunteer for an organization? What was the most fulfilling volunteer opportunity you have done? If you haven't really volunteered for anything, what would be your ideal volunteer job?", courtesy of PandaPaws Licensed VetTech Author IconMail Icon.

Good afternoon, folks! There's a diverse array of prompts today...so much so I can't even begin to try and tie them together. That's ok though...they're interesting enough to merit standing on their own...merits. Let's begin.

I'm good with the idea of volunteering. It's not something I would've considered in the past, mainly because when I was working full-time there wasn't a reason or a cause I could fully get behind that felt worthwhile enough to consider spending my free time at. I'm generally exhausted enough from committing to a workplace environment that when I'm done, I just want to relax and unwind. There's nothing wrong with that.

But a few things have changed since I came out to Cortland. I've got this mental health diagnosis (severe depressive disorder), which has opened up a few opportunities that I might not have known about...especially when you're lost in the shuffle a city like Buffalo tends to create for you. Being laid up and unable to work for extended stretches has also contributed to my current situation...last I checked, nobody hires a guy who can barely walk and looks fine otherwise.

Through a few different programs, I latched on to Capco  Open in new Window., which is the Community Action Program of Cortland County. They provide a bunch of resources for everyone...especially those with low incomes. I work in the Family Essentials department, which is basically a clothes closet for the less fortunate. Besides clothes, we also offer basic toiletries (Cortland is where the Marietta factory is...they make tons of hotel soaps, shampoos and body washes).

While technically I'm a volunteer, the program I go through offers a stipend...$2/a day plus $2/hr., up to $52/month. Not much, considering what it costs just to live even the most bare-bones of existences. And I'll take it, because right now I'm living on Temporary Assistance, which covers my rent and gives me a few dollars each month...but my rent's going up as of July 1st, which means my cash allowance will go down, and this time it's almost by half. Word to the wise: never find yourself in a situation where you'll be homeless, because the quote-unquote bailout from the government is not the lifestyle anyone should live. Why multi-mega corporations get billions of government money when they're failing, yet common people going through hard times and unexpected calamities get next to nothing, is way beyond me. But that's another blog entry for a different day, I guess.

The point is...volunteering for a place that has the singular purpose of helping people is really its own reward. Not only does it get me out and active, but it reminds me that there are people that have life way worse than yourself. I'm thankful that places like Capco exist.

BCF PROMPT: "Song Stuck In My Head. I have a song stuck in my head.... Do with this what you want and have fun."

I always have a song stuck in my head. Most often for no good reason; I just wake up that way. I try to go to sleep at night knowing what the writing prompts for the next day are, and sometimes I already have a song picked out that's relevant to said prompts. And other times, it's a damn struggle marrying prompts to music.

Today, for instance...I had no idea what song I might try to associate this entry with. I even left iTunes open and running on my laptop when I went across the street to CVS for a few things. And when I came home, the song playing was immediately stuck in my brain...catchy pop sensibilities reminiscent of old sixties girl-group Top 40 hits, tinged with the nineties alternative vibe. The kind of song that makes you pause for a sec and appreciate, rather than just having to hear it for background noise.

They may not make any "best of" anything lists, and maybe these songs are just an "in joke" with a select group of people, but they remind you of something and/or they're just ridiculously catchy enough that once you hear it, you cannot unhear it for several hours, no matter what you're doing.


May your day not be filled with shitty music stuck unwanted in your head.


Blog City image small

*Bird* "Why is a raven like a writing desk? I love when the Mad Hatter asks this question. There is no right answer. It is just opinion related. One example: Edgar Allan Poe wrote "The Raven". Was there a raven nearby sitting by his window or did it fly in and sit on his desk?"

I don't even know...I almost skipped this today because I don't think I have the skills necessary to invent a palatable theory about something so random. Like, I'm fairly intelligent and stuff, but sometimes things go together for whatever reasons that don't make any sense and defy conventional wisdom.

So what I'mma do is consult the source I usually go to when I come across something that has me stumped. Fivesixipedia states that the raven is a bird, and birds live in trees...a writing desk can be made out of wood; therefore a natural correlation is born.

I realize this doesn't come close to answering the prompt at all. But that's the most I had the patience for best I could do.

*Cat* Even though I'm not a hardcore animal lover, I still possess empathetic sympathies most of the time...but this is a thing? "Special needs"  Open in new Window. cats? I have some special needs too, but I don't see anyone willing to throw $50k at me in hopes that they might be fulfilled.

*Gift2* We're at 9,900 and counting! (Re: "Note: So, I have this blog, right? It's called [Lin...") So get your name in the comments section and maybe win something! Somehow I average between 30-50 views per entry, so 10k will be happening very soon. Unless you don't like prizes. Weirdo.

With that being said, I think I've done enough confounding, confusing, and general misunderstanding for one day. Thanks for letting me have more fun than a guy should have. Peace, I know the dirty beard hangs, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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