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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#819844 added June 15, 2014 at 8:16pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about cereals. Not serials.
30DBC PROMPT: "It's THE SUNDAY REVIEW!! Tell us about your favorite blog entry of the week three favorite breakfast cereals, and most importantly, why. If you don't like cereal, you can share that feeling with us as well. Here's a link for reference.  Open in new Window.", courtesy of Fivesixer Author IconMail Icon.

What up blog fam? By now you've probably heard me complain tens of times how much I'm not a fan of creating prompts, and today's is no exception. I even gave myself a few days' notice, telling myself I had to come up with something halfway decent. I stayed up later than I normally do the last two nights, hoping for some kind of inspiration. And yet, when it came down to the point where I had to get something posted, I had nothin'. I really don't know how the rest of you guys come up with these incredible, thought-provoking, soul-searching queries that lead people to write tremendous things.

I literally was sitting over my laptop last night when I looked up and around and saw my collection of unopened cereal boxes and thought, "There's your prompt." Nothing else came to mind; or nothing that could supplant the thought of food. At least it's a one-day, easy, opinion-based prompt rather than a two- (or more) day, "tell us a story and then resolve it" serial nightmare extravaganza that we usually see at the end of official "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window. months.

Without further ado, here's my Top 3, in order from third-best to best:

3) (tie) Honey Bunches Of Oats With Almonds/Frosted Mini Wheats When I really thought about it, I had a hard time picking three. And thankfully, the adult version of me is making the choices, because the kid-sized me would have three totally different choices (none of which would be as remotely healthy as anything I'd choose now). It's true...I don't eat cereal often, but if I'm gonna, I want something that's kinda good for ya. Both of these cereals balance out nutritional value with just the right amount of sweetness...Honey Bunches Of Oats probably has an advantage though because it's not the same thing in every spoonful...it's not just flakes or round things or little biscuits or anything like that; it's variety.

2) Cheerios You can't go wrong with Cheerios at any time of the day, really. And it doesn't matter what variety (ok, except Multi-grain...Multi-grain Cheerios sucks and if you like Multi-grain Cheerios, we're not friends)...I'm partial to plain ol' regular Cheerios, and if I'm feelin' a li'l sassy I might go for Honey Nut. Remember when those were the only two kinds of Cheerios you could get? Now there are just as many flavors of Cheerios as there are different scents of deodorants and laundry detergents, but that's ok. I challenge you to find a more versatile breakfast cereal; it's the perfect on-the-go snack anywhere and anytime...just fill up a zip-lock bag and you're all set. No mess, no cleanup, satisfying, and it won't put you in a diabetic coma if you eat too much at one sitting.

1) Reese's Puffs Ok, so here's where the kid in me wins out, because I absolutely love peanut butter cups and have been known to eat them in meal-like proportions at times. This could possibly be the greatest cereal ever invented, if we judged cereals solely on taste and nothing else. Imagine that...a sweetened kids' cereal that doesn't need a dumb cartoon mascot or some goofy gimmick...it just gets by on its own virtues. We should all strive to be like Reese's Puffs. Bonus: when you're finished and you drink the milk, it tastes like melted chocolate/peanut butter ice cream.

There's my three selections...I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else likes. The beauty of a prompt like this is that there are no wrong answers, and nobody's gonna judge you for leaning toward a particular side or sect. Unless you willfully put Multi-grain Cheerios in your mouth, which will lead me to question what other disgusting things you've put in your mouth. *Pthb*

BCF PROMPT: Since it's Sunday and there are no prompts in either the "Blogging Circle of Friends Open in new Window. or "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's ParadiseOpen in new Window., and I really didn't have much of an exciting week worth recapping, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all the dads out there a Happy Father's Day...and that goes out to all you single moms too, for pullin' double duty tryin' to raise your kids right.


I'm fairly positive I've never heard a song that name-dropped a bunch of different cereals in such a creative fashion. Ever.


*Mugy* Special shout-out today to all the deadbeat dads  Open in new Window. out there who wonder why their kids have grown up and don't love them anymore.

*Speaker* RIP to the legendary American Top 40 DJ Casey Kasem, who passed away this morning at age 82. He was a staple of my childhood, encouraging all of us at the end of every broadcast to "keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars". I sincerely hope no one eulogizes him like this  Open in new Window..

*Football* Heartwarming interview  Open in new Window. on ESPN's SportsCenter that ran this morning with Jim Kelly's daughter Erin, who describes what it's like to be #KellyTough and has sorta been the public face of her dad's battle with jaw cancer.

Not much more to say today...I've got a busy week coming up so I'm gonna get out of here and see how much trouble I can stay out of. Peace, go party, do some minglin', and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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