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A third attempt at this blogging business. |
30DBC PROMPT: "Invalid Entry" ![]() ![]() ![]() What's up y'all? Interesting prompt from BillieGail memory of Cheyenne ![]() ![]() Now, I don't have kids but I know a lot of you do (at least most of you that I've known through here for a decent amount of time. I know Charlie ~ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It's hard for me to speculate what life would be like at 38 with kids. It'd mean erasing every memory from a certain point on and imagining that void filled with my babymama and however many kids we'd have...and the older I get the harder that is to do. I think (and this is just my opinion) that while being a parent is a wonderful and awesome and rewarding thing, you parents have the easier answer here...oh sure, you love your kids and wouldn't trade them for the world, but about twenty seconds later y'all be ramblin' off fifty-six different things off the top of your head you and your spouse would've done had you not had them. And you laugh because you know this!! Gotta say the right things first..."such a blessing", "changed my world", "never in my life I'd imagined I..."; but then you're all like "Bungee jumping!" "Road trip to Vegas!" "We probably wouldn't even be together." "We'd have so much time and money and food and less stress!" True story, and I know. You don't live to be 38 and not at some point wind up dating a woman who has kids of her own. Meanwhile, I'm over here watching the last 5-15 years or so of my life flash in front of my eyes as it evaporates into "I had an accident in my pants", "I fell out of a tree and I think it's broken" and "Can you pick us up from practice and take us to the mall?" It's depressing because that doesn't come with the actual joy one feels when they bring a child into the world for real. It's something that you can read all the books in the world about, and think you're prepared, and you know life's gonna never be the same, but until you're holding that life that you helped create, you really don't know what it's gonna feel like. I know this much though...babies change people (most people, at least). You see it all the time, and even when you look back at friends who've had babies five or ten years ago, you can tell their identity is completely different than it would be had they not become a parent. I don't know what kind of dad I'd be or how having kids would've affected me...for a multitude of reasons, I've never reached the point with someone where we were mutually comfortable with introducing another life into this world. And while that was the right choice for the time, that's not to say I wouldn't have been able to adapt or accept or learn what parenthood was all about. Nowadays, I'm not really upset over it. I'm looking at a life-altering long-term decision about my own future coming up that might end any hope of me ever becoming a father...and I'm ok with that. Will part of me feel like I'm missing something? Sometimes. But I figure I know enough folks with kids already, so I can enjoy all the fun aspects of childhood again and eventually they'll get tired and go home and become their parents' problem concern...sounds like a win-win situation to me. BCF PROMPT: "Are you a better sport as an adult or more competitive than you were as a child?" I think it all depends on the situation (wow, what a copy/paste answer that is!). If we're over at "Invalid Item" ![]() Competitiveness is based on our nature, I believe: some are born determined not to lose at anything, no matter what, while the rest of us don't care as long as we're having a good time. Some people prioritize winning almost to a fault because it hurts too much to accept less, and some never had much and learned to make do with whatever's available. Me? I'm a yapper. I'm not havin' fun unless I can talk a little trash, and ya can't flap gums if you're not runnin' game. Losing sucks like that. But as long as the game's fair and the attitude ends when the competition's over, it's all good. MUSICAL BREAK!! "50 percent of all American households are destroyed by divorce." That's what the sentence at the beginning of this video says. There's no guarantee that my life right now would be any different had I had kids. Maybe I'd be divorced instead of just single, and there's a chance if that were the case that I'd still be living where I am regardless. Obviously my outlook on life would be substantially altered, having children that were a bigger part of my life for so long, but the possibility that I could end up in the same place would still exist under those circumstances...kinda mind-blowing. THE DAILY BOX SCORE: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ok, glad I got all that off my chest. Put it in the books. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Peace, hope you enjoy it this time, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! |