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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#819303 added June 10, 2014 at 7:16pm
Restrictions: None
If I Could Change...Am I A Writer? And Children.
Today's blogs...

Blog City – Day 99 - June 10

Prompt: If I could change my... Complete the statement (multiple times if that floats your boat) Play it crazy or play it safe - as long as you play.

If I could change my life... I'd be as rich as the queen.
If I could change my hair.... I'd return to being fair (no more grey/silver strands)
If I could change my weight... I'd be down twenty pounds.
If I could change my age... I'd go back to 24.
If I could change my health... I'd lose these allergies.
If I could change my career... I'd be a contracted teacher.
If I could change my career... I'd also be a published author.
If I could change my.... well, now some of these I can work on to change others I can not, but in truth, I am quite content as I am. Thank you very much.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Twenty - Five

2. If someone visited your house, what would tell them that you're a writer? For example, do you have writing books on the shelves, pen and paper on the desk, etc?

My place is such a jumble right now I am not sure if they would think me a writer or not. I am living in the middle of a renovation.
I usually have my laptop and books sitting on the dining room table. A perusal of my books may give hints but there is a multitude of books and topics one might be unsure. Two of the books are about writing – Your Novel: Day by Day by Mary Anna Evans and Old Friend From Far Away: The Practice of Writing Memoir by Natalie Goldberg. The rest of the books are novels in the process of being read. It is an eclectic mix from romance to young adult fantasy. There are even a few non-fiction books. There is even a Prevention Big Book of Walking for Weight Loss book.

With the renovations, I now sit on the couch. My laptop is either in my lap or resting on the couch waiting for me to come back. My books are on the side table with a few notebooks thrown in to the mix as well.

I do have writing reference books upstairs on the shelf and my spare bedroom that needs a cleaning has a box of writing reference books that I need to find a place for.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

How do you think your life would be different if you didn't have children? If you don't have children, how do you think it would be different if you did have them?

My husband and I do not have children. I come from a broken home so I would not like the idea of having to put my own children through that – though that is my issue not theirs. My parent’s marriage fell apart after I came along. I think on a subconscious level I believed I caused it.

My husband’s family is not as close as mine. His parents remained together until his mother died. He was 14. His Dad remarried within a couple of years and all photographs of his mother are gone. Odd.

My husband is very anal, like his father. I think it would be very stressful keeping his wrath off a child who did something he was not supposed to do.

If we had children would he ease up? Would I have to give up my only child tendencies to care for another human being worrying that I would screw them up royally. I just don’t think I would be a great parent. I think with all our differences it would pull us apart.

Don’t get me wrong. I love children. They are amazing little gifts of joy that are packed full of wonderment at the world. I love their outlook. I love teaching for that reason. I really like working with children who have special needs. I just find the responsibility of children 24/7 would do me in. I applaud those people who are raising children to be responsible members of society.

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