Yesterday was an awesome day. The seniors felt special. As we drove to the Spirit of Washington, they could not believe how much the District of Columbia (DC) had changed. A few were born there and had not been back in years. Some had retired from jobs there, and their old world place had been replaced by a new structure. One 91 year old, said that she did not want to hear anything else about Mount Rainier, she just wanted to talk about how the District had changed.
As I looked at all of the beautiful faces, looking around in wonder, and excitement about the changes in DC, I asked myself, "What was their smile's worth?" How could such a small something make them so very happy? I got so happy, I could not stop talking and trying to answer their questions.
They wanted to see some of the monuments, especially the newer ones. I told them, there would be another trip, just for that purpose. They asked about having lunch in downtown DC, and if that would be something we could do on the next trip. Over stimulated by their energy, I could only say yes, and commit to more activities for them.
Life is short on some levels, but on the other end it is long, and tough. Especially, when you are feeling forgotten and left behind. When the family stops visiting for whatever reason. When you only get your social security check based on your last three top years of earnings that never got higher than minimum wages. The best you can do is pay the rent, buy food, and medicine. Outings/Entertainment. What outings? What entertainment? You are always behind, no matter what you do!
Seniors are not a nuisance. They are not just a liability or high risk. Without their contributions, many of us would not be where we are today. Yet, they are treated with disrespect, and so much unnecessary baggage. I am blessed to still be very active, and blessed with a good and reasonable portion of health as well as a little better resources beyond social security, and I am still struggling. Struggling for different reasons, but struggling just the same.
I have people who check in on me daily and regularly. They call, come by, send their children, and make sure that I am okay. My son often says that he argues with me to make sure that I stay sharp. My daughters say that they work my nerves because they want me to be around and on point for a long time. All of them encourage me to stay active and involved. My daughter's words are "Momma, you have got to stay frisky and on your game!"
For those of you reading this, know that you will become old, if you live on. There is a charge I would like for you to keep. Charge forward with your life. Charge forward in taking care of your health. Charge forward with living and playing and singing and dancing and just plain old staying alive!
Yes, all of us could have made different choices in our lives, but we did not. We did what we did. Some things were good, and some were bad. Because of what we did, we are not the people we were then. What we do now, will certainly make us different in the future. No matter what, each of us will move on to what we were always becoming.
Party any time you can. Party as hard as you work. Take pictures. Get out your comfortable place and explore other things. Meet somebody new. Do something that you have never done. Laugh a lot. Tell your own silly jokes, and laugh about them. Get feisty. Stay full of life. Give death a run for its money. Don't look back. No regrets. Take life by a storm, and hang on.
In the end, you will be GLAD that you did!
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