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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life. |
Today's blogs.... Blog City – DAY 95 – June 6, 2014 Most of us as children had a secret place to get away from our family. Prompt: Do you have a secret place now you go to avoid real life? If not, do you think you need one at times? Do I have a secret place I go to avoid real life... off hand, I would say... my imagination. It is portable and I can get away whenever I need to go. As far as a physical place, I find I like my space. Room to just be. My husband dips down into the basement - that is his place. Mine is the main floor. I have the kitchen, dining room and living room. When the renovations are done I will resume writing at the dining room table, but for now I am on the couch holding court until they are completed. With the nicer weather, I will move out under the canopy when it is up and ready to provide shade and keep outt the bugs. Outside the home, I like coffee shops and bookshops. Chapters and Starbucks do well to be together - I can browse books then get a coffee and read in a comfy chair. ![]() ![]() 30 Day Blogging Challenge Here's Friday's prompt: What if calories cost money? That is, what if one calorie cost one cent, adding up to your entire meal? For example, a large Big Mac meal at McDonald's would cost $13.20. Do you think charging per calorie would change people's eating habits? Why or why not? I would like to think it would make people more conscious. We spend money on food anyway but to break it down into components, some people may be made even more aware of what their food choices would be. It would be nice to spend 15 cents on brocolini instead of 3.49. I am thinking the healthy foods would become cheaper and the crappy fast foods too expensive making eating cheaply the healthier way to go. I was in a kindergarten class supplying and the Early Childhood Education teacher was telling me that they stress eating healthy - eat your healthy food first and many of these children do not have healthy choices in their lunches. Their parents have thrown together things that are easy to buy without a lot of thought. If the healthier food was cheaper would these children come to school with better things. I would like to hope so, but something tells me - some parents buy for convenience not for health factors, sadly. I really like the idea of this prompt - calories costing. Having to 'spend' for daily allotment of calories without going over. It has a futuristic quality to it. You input your food choice into a computer that generates your food - it subtracts from your daily allotment of calories not letting you go over - if you overdue it at lunch there is no more food until the next day - unless you pay in more funds or exercise to earn calorie points. |