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A third attempt at this blogging business. |
30DBC PROMPT: "Springtime Fever", from sunnystarr. Hello again! If you're wondering about today's prompt, Sunny asked me this afternoon if I'd post it for her since she was running out of time on her break, so there it is. It's short, quick, and open to all sorts of interpretation. Glad I got the chance to catch Sunny before the rest of you guys in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So springtime fever. That's a thing, right? You guys get it? I don't. I get Seasonal Affective Disorder ![]() "Chain Of Funk"...that should've been the name of a really popular band from 1978 that played a speed metal version of disco, with three guitars, two drummers, a horn section, a key-tar, and backup dancers. I should Google that and see what comes up! A Fleetwood Mac remix, various listings for "Chain Of Fools", and- oh! Turns out a band like the one I described exists...only they ditched the backup dancers, added actual keyboards, and called themselves The Roots. Well, now it all makes sense...thanks Google! ![]() But back to the matter at hand. Like I said, I don't really get "springtime fever" anymore. Sure, the smell of the air changes and I feel like I wanna play basketball and bust out my old Public Enemy ![]() What really frustrates me is rain, mainly because I got stuck in the rain today after a physically grueling session of PT and I still can't figure out the weather patterns after living in Cortland for a year and a half. The sky was all gloomy lookin' today, and right before the ultrasound session the sun started to peek out, so I breathed a little sigh of relief hoping that I'd be home before the rain hit, even if that meant cutting my grocery shopping trip a little short in order to do so. Nope. No chance...by the time I made it to the store it was raining, which turned into a torrential downfall, The kind of rain that would be fun to play around in, say, if you didn't have obligations or life happening or stuff. Try waiting for a bus in that mess...especially with confused masses who aren't sure if they should try to make a break for it to their cars with bags of groceries or start singing Kumbaya in the lobby while turning down the store's offers to shoppers of an umbrella-assisted escort to their cars. It's interesting because I've lived all my life through terrible winters that everyone trudges through like there's a badge of honor waiting for them at the other side of their destination, -30 wind chills be damned, but throw a midday thunderstorm on them and everyone turns into pussies. Remarkable. And here's why the weather's so weird here: it's disgustingly humid for a few days (to the point of marinating inside your own flesh), and then it rains for thirty minutes to an hour, and then the sun comes out and you're Sahara hot again. Whereas in Buffalo, if the day's gonna be shitty rain-wise, it's shitty all day. It sprinkles off and on but the clouds just refuse to move. You're not sure if you can trust the sky, but you're not worried about your life getting stuck in a parking lot flood because it's raining like the world should be ending and the disaster awareness people will find you dead knowing everything you bought was exactly the opposite of what your doctor has advised you against. So yeah, I should've tried to drag out my grocery store trip for as long as possible today to not have to walk a few blocks in a mess of cumulus cloud rage, but I just wanted drinkable water and the chance to get home and relax as fast as possible. I'm confused as to why it's called a rain shower when, immediately after being trapped in one, you feel like you need to take a real shower with soap/body wash afterwards. I kinda was pissed when I got home that I woke up early enough this morning before PT to take a shower, only to feel exponentially more disgusting three hours later. BCF PROMPT: "What was/is your favorite TV show?" I know very recently I was having a discussion with don't call him Charles Charlie ~ ![]() ![]() There's too much truth to the fact that I hate watching television, because how much of the programming we're stuck with choosing from is something you can actually relate to? If it's not something I can sympathize with, then I feel terrible about dedicating my eyes toward an experience I'll never be able to recapture. I have a nearly nonexistent attention span as it is (let's not even talk about movies), and I prefer to do things at a pace that isn't dictated by advertising or ratings or the whole fast food "get it now" urgency that society has become. I do things when I want to do them, and not because it's nestled in the cushy "Thursday at 8pm" time slot. Having said that, obviously I'm typically late to the party when it comes to television. I don't even own one, for fuck's sake. And I don't want one. I don't wanna be a slave to The Man. If you're only keeping me in your social circle because you think I might have something interesting to say about a show you watch, then we won't be friends for very long. But I will cop to being fans of two shows..."Friends" and "Arrested Development". "Friends" came along at around the same time I was their ages as characters, but it took me a long time to get into it. I was dating a girl who would always watch the reruns, and my laptop was situated next to the TV because that's where the open phone jack I could use for dial-up internet was. And it seemed like, for awhile, I was watching the same damn episode over and over. I don't remember how I got sucked into it- maybe it was my sister watching it one day and I started taking more of an interest; I don't know- but somehow I loved the characters and it was sorta something I could relate me and my friends to. I have no problem admitting that I cried at the end of the final episode, because there was no longer a "them" and I knew we'd all be sadly affected by the outcome. "Arrested Development", on the other hand, is flat-out comedy genius. Some people go for quick laughs and cheap humor, but this is challenging stuff. The cast worked you for the laughs because the payoff was that much better. The premises were so far-fetched and unrelateable, but that made it funnier than shows that attempt to mimic what "real world adults" go through because, quite honestly, how many of us actually go through life like we're on "Scrubs" or "How I Met Your Mother" or "<insert legal drama here>", or "Friends", for that matter? Besides late-night shows like Jimmy Fallon's and Seth Meyers' (and occasionally Jimmy Kimmel's) or SNL, I really don't care what's on TV. I can fall asleep to ESPN's SportsCenter, wake up, and it's still the same damn show. News? My building just got rewired for internet access recently, so it's not like I'm unaware of what's going on in the world (plus I still read the occasional newspaper). What doesn't the internet do? Besides make me omelets? When your TV can do that you can shove it up your ass Text me when that happens. MUSICAL BREAK!! This is why I need The Roots as a part of my everyday life. More so than Rock You ![]() THE DAILY BOX SCORE: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm inappropriately sweating mad legit right now due to the sun's position versus mine, so here's where you and I part ways for another day while I ponder whether to close the blinds and take a nap or catch up on the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ![]() |