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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#818585 added June 3, 2014 at 4:05pm
Restrictions: None
Violence, Dreams, Seasons and Spring Fever
Today's blogs...

Blog City – Day 92 – June 3

Tell me about a personal experience with violence, either one you experienced personally or one you witnessed (or even choose a violent scene you watched on television or film that affected you) Can violence ever play an effective role in problem solving?

I think it is important for us to remain aware of violence in our world. All too often we are dulled down by the excess of it playing out around us - most of it on television. We tend to numb ourselves to the effects, but we need to be aware so that we can rise up and call to action against it. Taking it as the 'norm' only kills the goodness out of society.

I don't believe violence will ever play an effective role in problem solving. Violence begets violence. There is no room for compromise or negotiations of any kind. Each party is in it to win it and with that scenario, both sides ultimately lose.

When it comes to writing I tend to leave the violence out. Even my contributions to the Game of Thrones campfire where relatively violence free. Beside we were required to keep that to 13+ rating. I was a little worried my scene with the pedophile may have been testing the edges, but I think it was allowed. I was told to make Tywin despicable and that is what I came up with.

Though I do enjoy reading Game of Thrones (I have only started the first book though). I like the development of the characters and their relationships. That is what enthralls me.

I do read some novels where violence occurs - life is full of conflicts, some do become heated and lead to violence. The novels I read that have violence are also fought in a battle of good versus evil, where for me to stay with it - the good side must prevail. My mind thinks of the Harry Potter series and Lord Of The Rings.

I am not a huge fan of graphic violence. I remember watching RoboCop years ago and being overwhelmed by the graphic violence. I watched Saw once and am still having flashbacks. I am not too thrilled with movies like Kill Bill - directed by Terentino, I believe. My husband loves that stuff... is that a guy thing?

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twenty - Four

3. Do you remember your dreams? What was the last dream you had about? Do you believe in dream analysis?

Now this is an interesting topic. I don't always remember my dreams. The last one I did worked into the short story I was writing so that was helpful. Sometimes I will wake up and have to ask people if something really happened or I dreamed it, but that does not happen all that often.

I am not sure about the dream analysis aspect. It is interesting, but whether it holds any credence, I am not sure. I would be inclined to read what others have to say on this topic and keep an open mind.

4. What is your favourite season and why?

The only season I don't like is winter. Being a Canadian you might think that odd, but believe it or not by mid - January I am quite over the excitement of snow and wish it gone. I love the snow for Christmas but I do not relish the idea of trying to get to work when there is a pommeling of snow, sleet and ice making driving a suicide run!

I love spring but I am not crazy about the allergies that it brings. This year has been particularly difficult. I feel I have no energy and yet I want to experience the re - awakening world. We have had robins in a nest by our front door. I watched the last of them leave this morning. Now I have to go clean up the bird poop and remove the nest because it is not the best place for them to be building. Getting out to garden is actually a good thing.

I love summer for the openness of time. School is out so there is no chance of supply work, but I am able to write more and get outside and enjoy the days. There is a laziness to the days that extend long into the evening. I like those long days. I even like the gentle, warm rains so long as we don't get days and days of it.

I think Fall is my most favourite of all. School resumes. September is still my New Years, not January. The world is aflame as the trees change from variegated green to a flourish of yellows, reds and orange. The days are still warm and the nights cooler. Life settles back into a pattern that summer sent on a hike. My sense of order is restored.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Springtime Fever

Spring fever is a term applied to several sets of physical and psychological symptoms associated with the arrival of spring. In general it refers to an increase in energy, vitality and particularly sexual appetite, often particularly strong in those suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)[1] and thus experiencing lows during the winter months. It is this sense that inspires the use of the term as a title for several works of literature and entertainment. In some uses however it refers to the opposite, an unexpected loss of energy with the onset of spring.

Even the definition has spring fever – loopiness, best describes it.

I find I experience both sides of this equation. The increase in energy that gets me outside, actively enjoying the freshness of spring and the decrease of energy when the allergies associated with being outside pummel me. Welcome to Spring!

I am excited to write a poem about it.... but I need a nap.

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