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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#818459 added June 2, 2014 at 10:31am
Restrictions: None
Unwritten Rules, Favourite Family Members and Summer Plans
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge

I checked out that baseball article. I did not realize that there were 'rules' of that nature. I always figured if the pitcher hit the batter it was because he had a bad pitch; now I see there is an unwritten rule behind it and it was more than likely done on purpose. I will never watch the game the same way again.

Now, as for blogging and unwritten rules. I am sure there are some, but I do not know what they are. I am thinking it all comes down to respect, just like the interviewed player said on the website you sited. Respecting the game and the other players and that is true of all things, I think. If people don't follow the rules, in a shopping line, for example (no butting), I can feel my blood pressure go up and I would love to retaliate and wonk them - but I only give a cool glare.

I try to be respectful. Share my opinions is the most communicative way and accept that there will be dissenters - as there is in anything. If someone offends me I may just stop reading them or unfan them. I may say something, but only if I know them and their writing and know this is not their usual style. Clearing the air is good.

On WDC, I have only had one person hound me about a rating I gave them. I was new to the site and he felt the rating was too low given the feedback I had given him. I knew his piece needed work but I was unsure of what exactly - it was just a gut feeling. Telling him that did not satisfy him so I just stopped answering his emails. Eventually he let it go. Since then I try to be more forthcoming in my reviews letting people know I am not overly experienced and to use or discard as they see fit, but some people have to pester I suppose. In all my interactions here on WDC he was the only one like that and I am glad I stayed on despite him - I hope he got the review he needed from someone more experienced. I find when I review I will often check the person's portfolio to get a sense of their experience - I try to write my review with that in mind.

It's all about respect.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twenty - Four

2. If you had to choose a favourite family member (not spouses or children) who would it be and why? (parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents etc.)

I really like my family. I feel so 'normal' around them compared to my husband and his family. I have two favourites - one is my Gramzie; the other is my mother's younger sister, my aunt.

Now both of these people I have mentioned before.

Gramzie is my grandmother. She is my mother's mother. She lived to be almost 101 years old and until her stroke two years before her death, she was very on the ball. She was my unconditional love. She was my soft place to land. She was all things wonderful and I miss her with a sweet remembered smile.

My aunt, her daughter, is just as feisty and seemed to expect good things of me. Being a teacher, I idolized her as a child. As I have grown and had many opportunities to teach and learn with her, I admire her beyond the teaching she does. She and I are similar in many ways. She is a mentor, a friend and my aunt and I am extremely grateful for her guidance.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 91 June 2

Prompt: What are you hoping to accomplish this summer?

I have already blathered on about this - but going over it again will help solidify it - besides this asks about the whole summer not just June.

For June: I have signed on to do JuNoWriMo - I am committing to 50,000 words to my NaNo novel but also including blogs and any other writing for the month - I will sort it all out in the edit later.

I have also committed to Giselle's I Write - June, July and August contest - 13 weeks of writing something for a contest and doing a review of the person who submitted before you. This ensures one review of my work and a chance to review and learn from others as well as get a handle on a variety of contests WDC has to offer.

I am going to continue to blog and do my 750words.com writing - I find I start my writing on that site to keep my daily writing streak (currently at 63 days) going and then I move off to other files to continue to accomplish my tasks. I have a method. I am blogging for Welcome To My Reality, Blog City and the unofficial month at the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Outside of writing: I will be supplying and putting together my resume for the onslaught of long term occasional postings that will come out near the mid to end of the month. Believe it or not June is a busy time for teachers - the students are winding down and getting rangy for summer but the paperwork is a killer - it would be such fun to just enjoy the time with your students; instead of stressing that everything is in order for them to move on.

For July: Much of that will stay the same but JuNoWriMo will shift into Camp NaNoWriMo.

Outside of writing: Hopefully interviews and a teaching job for September. That would also mean planning for a class and all the position would entail.

For August: I would probably continue to work on my NaNo novel in hopes of getting it completed.

I would be continuing the blogging and all my other writing commitments.

Outside of writing: More interviews for teaching jobs and planning if I get a position.

My husband takes 2 weeks off around the time of our Wedding Anniversary so we may do something together away from house renovations and such.

I am tired just reading all this... I think breakfast is in order. That will help me tackle what needs tackling.

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