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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#818102 added May 28, 2014 at 6:21pm
Restrictions: None
Allergies, Misunderstandings, Friends and A Million Dollars
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge

It is Wednesday and I am promptless, so I will try to post a little something.

The biggest thing this week has been my allergies. They did say with all the funky weather we had that it would be a bad allergy season and I was doing fine until Monday of this week. I walked over to the plaza to get my hair cut. I picked up some day moisturizer with an SPF of 30 in it from the Shoppers Drug Mart next door to the hair cutting place. I went in for a coffee and something to snack on before heading home. I decided I would put the moisturizer on before heading back home. I don't think I got it anywhere near my eyes, but I was starting to question that when the walk home got me one weeping eye and a runny nose on the left side of my face. No amount of cool, clean cloths over my eye would stop it so I resorted to taking some allergy medication. Eventually things subsided.

The next day, I was supplying in a grade one class. I took allergy medication as soon as I got to the classroom. The big lawn cutting machines were circling the school and the nearby park. By the time 9:30 rolled around both eyes were streaming and my nose was running. I had to let the children know I was not crying but that my allergies were really having a problem. I also had outside duty on the playground in the afternoon. By the time I got home I was whipped. I fell asleep on the couch until almost 7 pm and then got up to finish making dinner.

I find my allergies really take a toll on my system. I feel rung out. Carrying a basket of wet laundry outside to hang out to dry is enough to have me almost panting - and that is only one flight of stairs to tackle.

For the most part I push through. I do not want to be ruled by these crazy allergies. I still helped weed the yard after dinner and my headache subsided.

Today I am off so I will probably do some more gardening and yard work. I think I will take some Reactine that seems to work better than the Claritin.

I am, however, going to do my blogs early so that I do not come to them bleary-eyed and brain fogged later. I may do some Game of Thrones reviews done early as well for the same reason.

I do really love this time of year, but I am finding the older I get the worse these allergies get. I will survive!

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Twenty - Three

4. Have you ever been misunderstood either in a blog entry, an e-mail or any place on-line. It happens to the best of us. Tell us about it and why you think things like this happen more on-line than any place else?

I don’t remember any such incident, off hand. But I do understand why is can happen. Any kind of interaction that does not allow you to see the person can have misunderstandings. Texts, emails and blogs do not contain the subtle social cues we get from face to face interactions.

My husband is famous for leaving notes written in full capitals – I keep telling him he is ‘yelling’ at me, but he does not get that. HE DOES NOT GET IT! I swear my heart beat kicks up thinking I am in trouble each time I read his notes – I find myself looking at the bottom first to see if he has signed it with love before I start to read the note. If it is signed with love, then I am not in trouble.

6. Tell us what it is about your best friend that makes them the best.

They accept me for who I am and how I am. We can pick up where we left off whether it has been a few hours or days, weeks, months or years.

I am blessed with two best friends. One is a creative leader who is inspiring. She was always the one to get me to try something new, with her, my fears were diminished. With her, I could ask for space and she would give it to me willingly, accepting me back when I was ready to me part of the group again. This summer, I will have known her for 38 years.

My other friend is open and accepting. More follower than leader, but she is willing to add her two cents to improve the situation. She is often wonderful comic relief without even trying. I have known her for 32 years.

Both these girls would stand by me through all things. That is true friendship – sisters in love, not blood.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 86 May 28 Prompt

If you were given a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do?

I would be inclined to invest a good portion of it so that it would keep working for me so I would not have to, then I would plan a trip and take me and my trusty laptop - and my husband, as well - off to England, Ireland Scotland and France. I would get to write in Parisian cafes and soak up the atmosphere of going where the expatriate writers of the 1920's hung out.
I would live my dream - writing.

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