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A variety of topics usually related to writing and art. Other topics may be included. |
Typing right now is a painful experience, however, I forgive my body for giving me this challenge of trying to type with pain accompanying each press of the keys. Arthur, I forgive you, yet, I do not accept this situation. You, Arthur must go away and leave me alone. You do not belong in my body. You, Arthur are not natural nor supposed to torment me. I am a child of God and therefore you are not allowed to be within this temple. Now Arthur, go, leave this place, and allow me to type the words which must be placed here so that I can share my thoughts and knowledge with the wonderful members of WdC and anyone who would read my written works. To forgive is not just for the offender. It is especially commanded of us because it is a gift from God my father in heaven who cares for and about everyone no matter how and what they respond to Him. His grace is sufficient for me. I know and understand that to hold onto negative thoughts and emotions is not good for me or any other human. We tend to hold onto many things, but, to hold onto negativity is like holding onto and embracing cancer. Negative emotions eat away at many wonderful emotions, happiness, joy, freedom from guilt, life pleasures, and much, much more. To refuse to forgive is like holding onto cancer or other life threatening illness. It eats away our health physically, mentally, and spiritually. God is protecting us from this serious devouring and killing monster that cares not about us. When we forgive we are setting ourselves free to be uplifted light as a feather. Our life is open to joy, happiness, and all of the very good emotions, events, and activities which we enjoy. Our choices are to spend time in darkness being eaten away with no forgiveness, or we and spend time in the light, soak up the joyous and happy moments of life. To be sick in the darkness or to be healthy and in the light, that is the question. I choose to forgive and enjoy all of the good ness and fun in life. I do not want to carry a major heavy load of negativity. I understand and know personally that to forgive is a major challenge. However, this is a choice. For our well being we must make the right decision to forgive. There are steps toward this goal. It takes time and personal investing of thought and working through our feelings. What is worth having is worth working towards, so I take the steps for me which help me to forgive. Prayer is powerful. Talking with someone is helpful. Having a conversation with the person in my mind sometimes helps me figure out what I should do next, and when the right time comes, especially after a cooling off period; as my spirit feels, I then will communicate with the person who I need to forgive. Another possible way to work towards forgiving is to write a letter, or other form so that in print the emotions and thoughts can be examined. I have discovered that after writing a letter to someone who I must and need to forgive sheds much light on what I should do next. Usually I find that letter to be too harsh and cruel. I sometimes rewrite the letter especially when I plan to send it to the offending person. I send letters by e-mail usually because after editing several times, I am able to express and explain how I feel and what I think should be the best way to resolve our differences. Very often the response I get is respectful or gracious. Very rarely have I received a unreasonable reply. When this happens, I give the person the benefit of the doubt. I ask for help for me and the person with whom I have this challenge. God is ready to give help. We need ask and wait for Him to act on our behalf believing that this will happen and trusting He will reach out to both of us to help us resolve our differences. I feel much better when I forgive. It is a wonderful and beautiful experience to resolve differences or be free because I did not continue to carry the hurt, I thrust it off from me and took on forgiveness. Forgiveness is light and joyous. It is freedom and life sustaining happiness and healthy thinking. Forgiveness also ripples through out the world. When we forgive, we teach and show how doing this is much better than the negative thoughts and responses we can decide to hold onto. The very best way to lead is to lead by example. When we care for and about people enough to over look their faults, we truly are following the leadership of Jesus and this is a very special life giving and teaching method. Sharing our love and forgiveness is giving the gift of life. Forgiving does not mean allowing someone to get away with something. Forgiving is setting us free. Forgiving is showing an example to the offending person so that they may learn how they can make a life changing decision. It is better for everyone to forgive because then we all are free. When someone is in prison, when this person is forgiven, it sets all involved free to have a happy and joyous life. I have chosen to forgive so that I may be forgiven of my mistakes and trespasses. When I forgive, then the other person is free to decide to forgive me also. When we forgive each other, we have set each other free. Viv (dogpack) & Bella (service dog) "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP" ![]() "ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE IS OPEN!" ![]() "disABILITY WRITERS MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN" ![]() NaNo Winner 2011 http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/848245 http://www.vpclass.blogspot.com |