Stopping, or changing the revolving door of prisons, and crime, is something positive in a landscape of misery, and hopelessness.
When, I ask, WHEN, will people all over the world, in cities everywhere, wake up to this fact, that current thinking isn't working.
Locking people up in prison. Hello. Think. Thousands upon thousands of people in prison. Does that sound right to you?
People making wrong choices. Really? Thousands upon thousands of people making wrong choices. Oh yeah? How can that be right? How can thousands of people do the wrong thing, knowing it'll lead to arrest, prison and most likely a violent and lonely death, where no one cares.
People being punished for being angry, when their anger, to me, seems perfectly normal. Angry at being raped? Having to sell your body? Anger that you were given drugs when very young. Anger at all of it. Anger at being abused.
Then there is Anger at yourself. Why did I do that stuff? Why didn't I choose differently. Anger, that it's all your own fault.
Anger at men.
Anger at women.
Anger at police, at religious people, at other races, at ill educated people, at highly educated people, at rich, at poor.
Who wouldn't be angry?
Where does it all end? On a poverty stricken street in Detroit?
Where does all the money disappear? A lot of the problems where people want drugs, or choose to be a prostitute, or fight, or injure / kill people for money, deal drugs, deal sex, a lot of these problems stem from poverty and a lack of the right teaching in the first place.
But what I say about this is, the root of all these problems, and basically the biggest one; everyone locked up in prison, is what is put in front of people in the first place.
Drugs. A false example of how to live; I give you TV and movies. Fashion. The list goes on. The thinking that we should all be rich and famous.
I'm sure there's many more things put in front of us, coupled with systems of government where we feel there is no choice but to choose the easy way out. Choose the short fix. Choose the way of living, the way of treating others, the way we feel about ourselves, and the way we conduct ourselves each day that anaesthetises the pain, takes away our awareness of our harsh reality, our loneliness, our fear of getting too close to others.
That's what I see, in the faces of inmates, as they talk, and look at each other. Especially the ones who don't get along.
They are too much alike. They don't like it when someone else "gets under my skin."
That there, I believe, is a major problem for all of us humans. We don't like to get too close, to talk about stuff that's deep, to work out ourselves and each other. We fear it. Why is that?
Why is that? This question is something we should all think about, a lot. I feel it's the root of a lot of bitterness, fear and hatred. And it shouldn't be.
I can't talk to any of these women, in the video below, or anyone else in prisons anywhere.
But if any of them, anywhere in the world, reads a blog like this, then perhaps they'll read this statement to them.
Write! That's my suggestion and advice for you.
It is and will be a tunnel of escape, not only in your reality right at this moment, but a tunnel of escape in your deepest imagination.
You'll never be lonely again.
If you can't write well, and need help with that, find writing sites like this one where people will help you. No one here knows what your past has been. Even if they did, you are a new person to everyone here. You are a writer.
Everyone that comes here is a writer. How do we know? Well, have you heard anyone talking on wdc?
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