Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810407-Painful
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #1982209
She knows Pain well.
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#810407 added March 17, 2014 at 3:52am
Restrictions: None
"Please," A girl about the age of sixteen whispered.

She knew it was bound to happen. It was only a matter of time before he snapped. She hadn't meant to happen. But, somehow, it just did.

The girl cried out. The boy, inflicted more pain. He was going to say something, but he didn't. He wasn't ready to say anything yet. He brought his hand up to wipe her face, which was coated in sweat, he stroked her face. Then he dug his nails into her face. This is how he showed love. Which was in a sick way. But no one could change that. It was just who he was. How he always was.

"But, Alice, you deserve it," he muttered. He started to stoke her cheek again, smearing blood in the process. His other hand, which was roaming her body, stopped at her waist. His hand started squeezing, which made her cry out in pain. Her cry turned to a scream, which lasted for a minute, then he let go. His hand started roaming again. Over her stomach. He stopped. He laid the hand, the roaming one, beside her head.

Her face was covered the tears, it smeared the blood. Making it go down in rows. It was almost looked like she was crying blood.

"No more," Alice cried out.

"Cry some more, Alice, you know I love it when you do," he said. He lowered his head. Alice knew what was about to happen. He brought his lips to hers, but she moved her head over to the right, which caused him to miss. His hand, the one laying on her cheek, grabbed her face. He forced her to look at him. This time, he got to kiss her.

He stole a lot of her kisses. He was her first kiss. Alice regretted ever meeting him. If she had known this was going to happen...

He pulled back, his lips smeared with blood. He didn't stop there. He kissed her jaw making his way down her neck. Smearing blood along the way. Alice cried out in pleasure, despite everything. Her mind was saying, 'no', but her body was saying, 'yes.'

"I love you, Alice. Do you love me?"

Alice answered automatically, "Yes, Randy, I love you." He drilled that in her head, from the first time they met, he made her say it, or it was more pain. She always said the same thing.

Alice wanted to cry out for someone to help. But as Randy had said, they were in his own little word, he had created. No one could hear or see them.

Finally, Randy stopped. He brought his mouth back to Alice's. He kissed her, it was a small kiss, then it turned to a forceful kiss. He forced his tongue into her mouth, rubbing it on the roof of her mouth.

Alice was used to him taking command. And she hated it. She wanted someone to save her from this hell.

Randy ran hand threw his black hair, which had a blond streak. Alice could see herself in his eyes, his forest green eyes. There was nothing there. No love, hate, pity, nothing. She wished he would change, but she would never get her wish. He would always abuse her.

'I have to get away from him,' Alice thought to herself. She got to her feet.

Randy took a step toward her, which she took a step back. "No more," Alice whispered. She sent a kick toward him, it was a weak kick, but at least she had to try, otherwise she was not going to get away from him.

Of course, Randy caught it. He snickered. "I expect better from you, Alice." He whispered.

Alice's strength was draining. She jerked her foot from his hold. Grabbing her arm, Randy, pulled her toward him. Alice stumbled toward him. She did the only thing she could; she bit him. Hard. It caused blood to appear in her mouth. It forced Randy to let go. And which, she was free.

This little hell was gone. She knew where she was. She wasn't far from her house. While Randy was distracted. She took off. She heard him yell. But she didn't care, as long as she was away from him.

Once safely a far distance from him Alice stopped and rest. She needed the rest. Her chest moved up and down, drawing air into her lungs.

Alice continued toward her small apartment. She saw her apartment building. A eight story building, which was covered in red bricks. Front to back.

Alice lived in a small town. The town was located somewhere in Maine. She sighed when she walked inside. No one was at the desk. Bathroom break, maybe. She continued toward the fifth floor. She owned the whole fifth floor. That's good thing about her parent's owning the apartment building. Well, they used to. Until the accident.

Continuing her way up in the elevator, she walked out into the hallway. Coming up to the first door, she unlocked it. Walking in, she walked to her bed. Laying down she fell asleep with in minutes of laying down.


When Alice opened her eyes, the alarm clock read 8:00 A.M. Yawning, she stretched her limbs. Walking to the bathroom, Alice looked in the mirror. She wasn't surprised to see her face bloody. All she wanted to do was get out of these clothes.

Alice turned on the shower. She set the temperature just right. Shedding her bloody clothes, she got in. Having the hot water wash over her skin felt good. She grabbed the shampoo off the rack, rubbing it into her golden blond hair. Letting the water wash it out. Then, she did the same with the conditioner. Having turned off the water, Alice felt the cold air against her skin. Shivering, she put a soft, fluffy towel on.

Alice dried her hair. Putting new clothes on; a hoodie, pants with a few holes in them, her favorite Pink Floyd Converse.

Yawning, she walked into the kitchen. "Mm, what's for breakfast?" Alice reached into the cabinet. Noticing she barely had anything in them. She walked to the refrigerator; it was also empty.

Alice huffed.

'Well, looks like I have to go to grocery store,' Alice thought. 'Yay, me!'

The store was about ten blocks from where she lived. Since she didn't own a car, she would have to call a friend.


Alice walked toward her home phone. Pulling out an address book, she started to look at all the names. Her finger landed on her friend Katie Gillack. She quickly punched the number in.

'Come on, come on, pick up,' Alice thought.

"Katie speaking!" A perky voice said from the phone.

"Hey, Katie, it's Alice," she said, then continued, "I was wondering if you could give me a lift up to the store."

"Grocery day?" Katie chuckled.

"Yeah," Alice sighed into the phone. After Katie said she would pick her up, Alice hung up the phone. She grabbed her keys from the table, which was located next to the door. A few minutes later, she heard the Katie's car horn. Rushing to the elevator, she quickly punched in the floor number.

Alice walked into the lobby. It was decorated. When you would walk in, the front desk was right there. Flower pot's set on the left and right side on the desk. Along the left wall was overstuffed chairs. On the right, there was pictures hanging on the wall. In the middle of the pictures was a stand with magazines.


"Bye, Alice!" The lady working at the desk waved.

"See ya, Jane," Alice waved back.

The one known as Jane laughed and returned to her magazine.

Alice walked towards the white mustang that sat in front of her apartment. Katie was casually sitting in the drivers seat looking uninterested in everything around. Her phone vibrated and Katie's attention was dragged towards the little device in her hands.

"Thanks for doing this," Alice said, smiling in thanks to her friend.

Katie smiled in return.

When Alice got back from shopping, her cabinets were full and so was her refrigerator. Smiling to herself, she pulled out a pair of steaks. Then she walked over toward the cabinet which held the seasonings. Pulling out the ones she needed. She rubbed the seasonings on the steak. Once everything was ready, she put the steak on her grill.

Alice sat her plate on the table, her stomach growled, reminding her to stop stalling. She dug into her food, not even bothering to keep her manners.

"That was yummy!" Alice rubbed her stomach. Putting the plate, and cookware in the dishwasher.

Alice looked at the oven clock, it read 7:00.

"Wow, where does the day go?" She walked into the living room and sat on one of the black couches. She watched a few cartoons, then it was off to bed.

"Do you think you can get away from me so easily?"

Alice tossed and turned in her sleep. 'No...'

"You belong to me."

Alice muttered in her sleep. "Only you..."

"Mine, no one else's."

Alice tossed again. Her eyes squeezed shut. She couldn't wake up from this dream.

Randy hovered over her. He was kissing her, touching her. Every place he wanted to touch. Alice moaned when he kissed her. She couldn't help it. It was something her body did on it's own. Her mind was saying no.

Randy's finger's dug into her skin, making her bleed. He smeared the blood, everywhere. He lifted his hand up to her face. His finger traced her lips, smearing blood there as well. Then, he kissed her lips. The blood transferred to his lips. He started kissing her cheek.

Alice's eyes were closed.

Every place he kissed her, blood would be there.

"I love you, Alice. Do you love me?"

Alice woke up sweating. She pulled back the covers, walking quickly to the bathroom. When she saw herself in the mirror, she screamed. He had been there.
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