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Rated: 13+ · Book · Death · #1982207
Town legend says there is a book hidden under the basement of the library. Its cursed.
#810404 added March 17, 2014 at 3:05am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2.

Mr. Grey's eyes went wide, he turned to look at Diana then back at his wife, his mouth opened as if he had something to say, and then shut. "What do you mean, 'she's pregnant'?"

"We all believe she was raped, but there is no evidence that she had sex, other then, you know, her being pregnant. All the doctors are stumped on this."

After the conversation with her father, she decided it was time for bed. She lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her eyes burned for sleep, she rolled over and looked at her clock, and the numbers flashed 10:03 PM. She sighed and closed her eyes; slowly she started to picture herself on a beach. She was sitting on a light brown hammock, it swayed in the wind slowly; the sound of the waves crashing on the beach made her yawn.

She drifted off to sleep. She found herself sitting in the middle of her room: a single rocking chair on the light gray, circle rug. The chair rocked back and forth, making soft creaking noises as it moved. She laid her hands on her stomach; it was swollen to the size of a basket ball. It didn't seem like that much time has passed.

The room was dark except for the little table lamp that sat on her bed side table. In front of her was a small wooden desk, nothing on it except for a notebook and a pencil. The chair continued to creak, setting off Diana's nerves.

The room seemed to drain of its color, it grew hot. Diana started to fan herself with her hand, a sweat bead dripped down onto her lap. She looked around and noticed red creep up the walls. All her furniture drained of its color.

"Sweet Diana, look at how confused you are," a sinister voice called out.

Diana turned around in her chair, she noticed a man sitting on her bed, flames engulfing the bed. A hissing sound came from below her chair. She screamed and pulled her feet up from the floor. A white snake with sleek scales stuck its tongue at her, hissing.

"W-who are you?" Diana asked; her eyes went wide, fear pouring off her in wave after wave.

"I have many names," he said, running a hand through his dark hair, "Abaddon seems to be my favorite, but as your 'people' like to call me, Satan will do."

"That's impossible! This is just a dream! You aren't real!" Diana yelled; she was on her feet in a flash. Her senses screamed at her to run, and that's what she did. She was at the door in a second, her hand on the handle, she twisted but the door remained stayed shut.

"Come and sit with me," Abaddon casually said, he smiled, showing a row of pearly white teeth.

Diana found herself on the bed, sitting right next to him. Diana frowned and tried to get up again but her limbs wouldn't move.

"Stay awhile," he said, flashing Diana a smile again, "I'm here to inform you."

"Inform me? What are you talking about?!" Diana asked, her voice rising, she cursed under her breath, her limbs still wouldn't move.

"The child you are pregnant with," Abaddon said, his eyes boring into hers, "he is mine, and through him, I will bring destruction to this place. Legions of demons will run free, obliterating everything in their path! Doesn't that sound joyous?"

Diana's eyes went wide, her mouth moved but no words came out. She was in complete and utter shock. This couldn't be happening.

"You're lying!" She shouted, her limbs finally worked, she bolted up and tried to move away from him. He stood and placed his hand on her head; she saw scenes of destruction, people crying, and holding onto their loved ones. Another of a demon holding the severed head of her father, the creature laughed and tossed the head, it landed next to the mangled body of her mother. Fire swarmed her vision; screams of anguish filled her ears. "Make it stop."

He let out a sinister laugh and gently pushed down on her head, she fell back on her bed. She finally got a good look at him: a black suit, a red tie, and slicked back hair that was as black as night. She noticed his eyes; they were black, somewhat like soulless pits. She felt drawn to him but her mind still told her to get away, run far away and never return.

"Here's the catch, dear," he said, standing in front of her, he gently lifted her hand to his lips, "there's nothing you can do to stop me either."

Diana woke, she was covered in sweat. A choked sob rose from her chest and she just sat. This was all wrong, so very wrong. Why her? That's something she's been asking herself lately. She looked over at her night table where her little pink phone sat. She grabbed it and started to type her password in. The time flashed 12:00 AM.


Diana sat in the pews of the old church. She could hear the winds hitting against the stained glass. A few people sat in the pews ahead of her. They prayed, heads bowed, eyes closed, almost in a trance like stare at the ground. Someone coughed; Diana looked to her right and noticed a woman walking towards her, a giant smile plastered on her face. She had blond haired, stacked upon the top of her head. Boring, brown eyes stared at her.

"Hello child," the woman said, "what brings you here today?"

Diana stood and smiled at the woman. Her smile didn't reach her eyes; nothing really made her smile much anymore. Not since her dreams started.

"Hello, Miss Claudia," Diana said, her eyes never leaving the woman.

"What can I help you with today?"

"I just wanted to talk to someone at the church."

"I see, child, come with me. We'll go to my office," Claudia stated, she turned on her heel in an elegant way. The heels clicked against the tiled floor. Diana followed her towards her 'office', if you could call it that. It was a small room, filled with crosses on the walls. A small one hung from Claudia's neck. Her desk was plain except for a small notepad and a bible. A pencil was tucked under the notepad.

"Sit, sit," Claudia said, holding out her hand for her to sit.

Diana sat in the small, uncomfortable chair; she placed her hands upon her lap and stared forward at Claudia.

"I would like to talk about my dreams," Diana stated, her eyes never leaving the woman. She was getting highly uncomfortable in this room. It felt like her energy was being drained.

"What about them, child?" Claudia asked, her smile lessening just a bit.

"There's something wrong here, with this child that I'm carrying. I shouldn't be pregnant! This child, it's not natural!"

"Hunny, you're just going through a tough time, carrying the miracle child and all; it's going to be hard. The church is with you with every step of the way."

"Why aren't you listening to me? This child… its evil! There's nothing 'good' about it!" Diana shouted; her hands had moved from her lap to the sides of the chair. They clutched the edge till they turned white.

"Child, it can't be evil, it's a gift from God, you're just going to have to accept that," Claudia calmly said, her smile widened.

Diana didn't say anything; she frowned and stared at the woman even more. This room, this chair, it was all pissing her off. Nothing in this room was right. The crosses, when she looked at them, it seemed to make her eyes burn.

"Thank you, but I must go." Diana stood and gave Claudia a small smile and left the room, before she shut the door she heard a voice.

"Don't worry, child, it's just the miracle child."

Diana slammed the door shut and walked out. She couldn't be here anymore.

Diana screamed into her pillow.

No one was listening or believing her. Claudia and her best friend, Susan, they don't believe her. Susan already believes she was crazy, now she won't even talk to her. Claudia, she's just as bad, 'miracle child' what a joke. Diana was overwhelmed with anger. She just wanted someone to listen to her. She felt sleepy; she looked over at her clock and noticed the flashing letters: 4:36 PM. She figured a nap wouldn't hurt.


Diana felt her eyes close and she drifted off. In her dream, she was in the church. The room was dark and she noticed a red hue to everything.

"What do you want?" Diana asked.

"Now, now, that's not how you talk to your elders."

"Why did you drag me here?" Diana was not amused; she looked around for the source of the voice.

"I just wanted to talk to my, now what is it kids call you now a days, oh right! My baby momma," he chucked at some kind of twisted joke of his.

"Don't call me that!" Diana shrieked.

He chucked again appearing next to her. He sat gracefully while looking at her. He reached for a lock of her hair and twisted it around his finger.

Diana jerked away from him and stood. She stood in the middle of the pews. A scowl was placed upon her face.

"Answer me! Why did you drag me here?" Diana shouted, "for once, I would like a dream without you in it."

Abaddon opened his mouth to speak but frowned.

"Well, it seems someone is upset that I'm talking to you."

A blinding light flashed, and a figured walked forward. Diana couldn't make out the features of the figure. It stalked forward; Diana covered her eyes and looked away. The dream was fading and she was glad.

"Brother!" Abaddon called, he looked over at Diana and waved, "till next time, girl."
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