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Rated: 13+ · Book · Death · #1982207
Town legend says there is a book hidden under the basement of the library. Its cursed.
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#810403 added March 17, 2014 at 3:02am
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Chapter 1.

Diana Grey walked down the darkened stairway of the library. All she had to do was go down to the basement and prove her friend wrong about this certain type of book. It was once said that the elders of the town had hidden a book in the basement, keeping it away from prying eyes of the public. Diana believed that this was just a rumor the town's people thought of. She couldn't wait to tell her about this book not being there.

Her footsteps echoed off the hallways, making large slapping noises as the bottoms of her shoes hit the stairs. She kept telling herself that she was almost there, just a few more steps then she was there. She came to the bottom of the stairs; a single door was in front of her, a simple hall light shining above the door. She opened the door with a single pull, the door glided open without trouble. Diana took a step forward; she turned and started to feel for the light switch.


The room filled with a dim light. Boxes stacked on boxes, a few tables pushed against the walls, chairs stacked in rows. Old elevator doors sat closed a few feet away from the door.

'Must be used to bring tables up,' Diana thought to herself. She made her way forward, sliding a few boxes with her foot aside. Moving towards the center of the room she saw a simple wooden desk. In front of the table sat a wooden chair. She started to wonder if this was such a good idea. What if a janitor came down and saw her. She could get in trouble then. She brushed off the feeling and started to look around in the boxes, lifting up the flaps and quickly taking a look inside: nothing but packages of pencils and paper.


A box had fallen to the floor, its contents spilling out. Files and paper scattered around the box. Diana let out a nervous laugh, she had almost believed she had been caught. Moving closer, she decided to pick up the box and the paper off the ground.

"Ok, come on, Diana! Just look around some more and get out of here," She said to herself, returning the box to its original stack. Just as she was about to turn around she noticed something. She moved towards it. A crack had formed into the floor. It didn't look big, but she could probably fit through it. People have commented on her being too skinny, that it was 'unhealthy'.

Diana sat in front of the crack. Her arm could probably fit through it. She reached in and felt around. Just as she was about to give up; she felt a rough leather object. Her fingers brushed it again and again. It had to be a box or something. Both arms were in the crack now, grabbing and pulling at the object, she tried to bring it closer. Her fingers closed around the object and she brought it up. It was a book. This wasn't what she expected. She had expected some kind of box, but not this.

Diana sat back and stared at the book. Leather bindings held the book closed, a buckle sat on the edge, holding the book shut. To open the book, it must be undone. Diana did quick work of the bindings and opened the book. The pages were old and torn.

Just as she was about to close the book, something over came here, this feeling to read the words aloud. Her eyes strained in the dim light, but the words were crystal clear to her. Not understanding this feeling, she read the words aloud.

"I call upon the one named Abaddon, the one true king of the world," Diana said the words as they came into her mind. The book started to shine, her hands burned. Standing, she threw the book as far as she could. The book shined brighter and brighter. Diana put her hand in front of her eyes, shielding them from the brightness. This feeling to sleep washed over her, her body fell, eyes closing. Her body hit the floor with a thud.


Diana woke with a start, she had that dream again. She knew she had it because it was the only dream that would wake her up in a cold sweat and a head splitting headache. Diana looked over at the little clock on her purple night stand. Red numbers flashed 6:00 am at her. She sighed, almost every night she awoke at 6:00 am because of this dream.

"A few more minutes," she muttered under breath and laid her head back down on the pillow.

Diana woke up to the sound of an annoying sound going off in her room. She looked over at the clock again and noticed it flashed 8:00 am. Groaning, she set her feet on the cold floor and made her way over to the door.

Mrs. Grey had noticed a few strange things happening to her daughter after the second week of her little library visit. Diana had been feeling sick in the mornings, would hardly eat anything, she was more cranky all the time, sick looking. Mrs. Grey had started to put the pieces together and had went out and bought a pregnancy test. When the time felt like it was dragging on and on, Diana had stepped out of the bathroom with an upset look and a few tears in her eyes.

"Hunny, it'll be alright," her mother said, soothing Diana's hair out.

"You believe me right? I haven't done it! I can prove it," Diana sobbed out.

"I know, honey," her mother said, "I know."


Mrs. Grey had decided it was time to tell her husband. He was an understanding man, he wouldn't get mad, especially when he hears the information about the event. It was a strange event; they went to the doctor, he ran a few tests, of course, and the news they got back was horrifying and odd.

Mrs. Grey waited till after dinner when they were all sitting in the parlor room. Mr. Grey sat in his fluffy, red chair, a glass of wine sitting next to him on a dark wooden side table. He pushed his glasses up and continued to turn the pages in the battered book.

Mrs. Grey coughed; her husband looked up from his book and turned to look at his wife. He had noticed the tension in the room and had decided to speak first.

"Is everything alright, dear?" He asked, saving his place in his book and setting it to the side. He pushed up glasses and went for a drink of his wine.

"Well, there is something we should talk about," Mrs. Grey straightened up, "something has happened to our daughter and we aren't completely sure on how this happened."

She stopped, letting her husband take in the information so far.

"She's pregnant," she said, bluntly.
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