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Rated: 13+ · Book · Supernatural · #1982204
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#810401 added March 17, 2014 at 2:53am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1.
Broken Asylum


"Do you understand the conditions of the contract?" An elderly man asked, running a hand through his slicked back grey hair.

He stared at the green eyed, blonde haired woman in front of him. He eyed her, not sure what to think of her. She was certainly qualified to do this job, but the mental stress that could be put on someone such as young as her..would certainly do some damage. But none the less, she was needed for this job.

"I accept," she said, a smile gracing her lips.

"Excellent!" He said, sliding the contract towards her again, a pen on top of the paper.

She signed her name on the line. Anna Meeks. When he nodded, she slid the paper back to him and stood. They shook hands.

"We will contact you when it's time for you to ship out." He said, opening the door for her, "you may bring an assistant with you to help you out. Make sure they're good for the job."

Anna nodded, walking out into the white hallway.


The day was bright and still young. Anna was ready to leave already, but she understood, it took time for things to get set up.

"I should get lunch!" Anna thought, smiling to herself. She soon found herself in front of her favorite pizza place. Inside it seemed busy, but that was alright. She walked towards her favorite table, near the back, perfect view of the busy streets.

Ring, ring, ring.

Anna searched through her purse. When she found the device, she accepted the call.

"Hello?" She said into the phone, looking down at her menu. Not that it mattered, she knew what she wanted.

"Anna!" A voice on the other line said, getting excited.

"Hello, Molly," Anna said, smiling at her friend's excitement.

"I heard you got the job."

"I did," Anna replied, she looked at the waitress that had placed her water in front of her. She had been here tons of times, the waitress already knew what she wanted.

"I'll be needing help there too," Anna said, "they said I could bring a friend along with me. So, do you want to go with me?"

"Do I? You know it!"

Anna giggled, "Good, I was hoping you would say yes. Well, I have to go now, about to have lunch."

"Later!" The phone went silent.

Anna put her phone back into her purse and started to play with the napkin. She waited for her food to get here. She looked at her wrist watch. It was almost 12.

"Ok, get my food, eat, and go home and pack," Anna thought, "I need to be ready when they call."


Airport 34.

Anna and Molly sat patiently in their chairs of the plane. It was due to take off, and they could barely contain their excitement.

The plane went to a rolling start and soon they were in the air. Molly and Anna had a short conversation, then Anna fell asleep, while Molly stared at the movie that was playing. She would keep her laughs to giggles so she wouldn't wake Anna.

Anna awoke to the plane landing on a small port. They were on an island out in the middle of the ocean. There was only one way off and that was through the plane.

They got off the plane and were greeted by two men in white coats. They shook their hands and ushered them towards a golf cart.

"We were told to greet you when you landed. Now it's time for you to get briefed." One said, looking through their files. Nothing really interesting. "You will be shown to your rooms and you will be given your sets of coats for when you go to nurse the patients."

He handed them both a map of the hospital. "There will be places you can not go without guard supervision and they will be marked in red. Here are your badges." He handed them two badges with their names printed on them. Their pictures were in the middle of the card. "You will need to wear them everywhere. You can not be seen without them, your rooms are the only place you may take them off. Breaks will be 30 minutes long. You will be expected to get used to some patients sleeping schedules. Understood?"

"Yes," they both said at once.

"Good, we're here. Put on your badges now." He nodded when they both put them on. The other doctor led them towards a door, he slid his key card through and showed them to the mess hall.

"Here is where you will be eating, anytime you wish to take a break. We aren't too strict on when you take your breaks, as long as you're done with your 1st rounds."

"What were about to show you is the wing where you will be staying."

They were taken to their rooms and allowed to get settled in. The doctors left and allowed them to rest for the night.


"Good night, Anna," Molly said, opening the door between their rooms.

"Good night," Anna said, getting into bed.

When Anna awoke in the morning she noticed there were files on the desk in her room. Yawning, she got up and walked towards them.

She grabbed one and sat down on her bed.

Patient number: 2685. Red Area.

Name: Tamara Miller.

Age: 27.

Bio: Confidential. Please ask Doctor Cooper.

"Weird, I wonder what I'm supposed to do with her." Anna went and grabbed the rest of the files and read through them. When she was done, she looked at the clock. "It's 8, so I guess I should get ready to make my rounds."

Anna took her shower and got ready. When she was done, she pulled her hair into a pony tail and looked into the mirror. She was dressed in a red shirt, black skirt, and her lab coat over her clothes. Her name tag attached to the pocket.

"Let's do this."


Anna walked towards wing 3. The map said this was the red area. When she got there, a security guard allowed her entrance.

One of them walked towards her. She inspected him. Black hair, blue eyes. Nice smile, good looking.

"Hello, I'm Anna Meeks, the new doctor here. I'm supposed to visit Tamara."

"Aye, I was informed there would be a new doctor, just didn't know it would be a pretty one. I'm Adam, I'm the one who will be showing you around."

"Alright, shall we go?"

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