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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/809816-This-ones-about-the-rarest-moments
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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#809816 added March 11, 2014 at 11:44pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the rarest moments.
30DBC PROMPT: "Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trusted? Tell us about it."

'Sup y'all? Before I actually come up with an entry tonight, I need to figure out something...have I actually thought enough about this prompt and really don't wanna answer it, or have I subconsciously tried not to think about this prompt hoping it would just go away? Silly me.

I know this is a recycled prompt; this is true because at one point maybe a year or so ago I received (I don't remember which) either a private comment or an email from someone that read something like "Once I saw the prompt, I cringed...". That person was also the subject of that particular entry. I'm not gonna bother wasting the time tryin' to look up the specific entry; it's in the past, and that's where it deserves to stay.

I also have a hard time believing anyone would be excited to want to write about an experience like betrayal. I would think it requires a somewhat sick need to feel like you want to relive a grown-up version of your parents telling you there's no such thing as Santa Claus, or finding out your teenage idol is a coked-up douchebag. There are moments in life you're not proud of, they happened, they can't be changed no matter what, make peace with what you can, and move on. I didn't say "don't forget"...but try not to remember. Surround yourself with what brings you the most joy and outnumber your negative energy. It's not easy and I'm not saying it works for absolutely every situation...and no, I'm not necessarily advocating the acceptance/forgiveness of any of my sins in the past (because I know both sides of the "losing trust" thing).

The point is: there are usually more important things in life than harboring broken feelings and carrying the weight of someone's misdeeds against you. To talk about them only renews the expiration date on them. Why reopen an old wound? How does that help the healing process? Many times, the details in certain emotionally draining circumstances become enhanced exponentially...think of the old "fishin' trip" story: A week ago, I caught a fish that was as big as my hand; a year ago, I caught a fish that was a big as my chest; why, son, when I was your age we caught whales using a piece of string tied to the end of a stick. See what I'm gettin' at?

It sounds easy for some jerkwad halfway across continents to type up on his laptop, and it's even easier for you to read, but it's the truth according to me (even if I have a hard time convincing myself sometimes of all that). Call it "grand scheme", or "moral high ground", I don't care. Chances are, if I'm open to entertaining the idea of revisiting the past judgmental lapses of others in the name of their personal gain, then I'm wasting time and energy by conceding the present to yesteryear...and that makes it look/sound like the person who has betrayed me once has won again.

BCF PROMPT: "What are the chances? (accidental encounter, accidental pregnancy, lottery, prison, job loss...just to give you a few hints)"

Ahhh yes, the question that also serves as a rebuttal of sorts...said often in disbelief or with mock sincerity, and usually rhetorically.

*Questiong* What are the chances I read this prompt a minimum of four times (when I received it, before I went to sleep, when I woke up, and when I got home), yet could not recall it when I started this entry?

*Questiong* What are the chances that I'd pause writing this entry before this very sentence to take a short bathroom break, and forget the prompt a sixth time (when I started writing the actual entry, and again when I got to this point)?

*Questiong* What are the chances that I wouldn't have had a proper idea for this prompt, even if I'd said it to myself seven hundred times? (Not-really-a-spoiler alert: Even I'm not that OCD.)

*Questiong* What are the chances of me having a WDC twin? Same birth month, date, and year? That's, like, the triple crown of online twindom, or as they say in the real world, ya know, "being actual twins" or something. Apparently there's a quest going on, and if you're interested to know if you've got a WDC twin, check this out and add in your thoughts: "Note: We are looking for someone with the birthdate of J...". Disclaimer: Please see official rules for details. No purchase necessary, and a purchase will not improve your odds. Offer not valid in all 50 states or shades of grey. Must be at least 48" tall to ride this ride. Subject to prior approval. Objects may leave the field of play and fly into the crowd. Omaha! Omaha! Parental discretion is advised. This stopped being funny five minutes ago (in your time, not mine). Offer expires 2/31/13.

There you have it, folks...just me at my best, answering questions by leaving more questions in a slack-jawed confluence of ridiculousness and bewilderment. While you were calculating the odds, I was making a clean getaway. *Smirk*


Today is 3/11, or as it's known among certain people, National 311 Day. And I know they just released a new album, but this will always be my favorite 311 song.

Watch this for no other reason than to see how incredibly foolish a man with nearly no hair looks while headbanging. *Shock*
(Pro tip: It starts at around the 2:00 mark.)


*No* I discovered earlier this evening that one of my least favorite phrases in the English language is "I hope to see everyone there!". Surely, you do not want to see everyone there...that's a lie, and that makes you a liar. And nobody likes liars! Further down this road nobody should want to travel is the complicating matter of posting said remark of potential consequence on social media network places. "I hope to see everyone there!" is not a phrase you should throw around lightly! What if I happen to show up at your event, and I haven't seen you in twenty years? You're all like "Heeeeyyyyy", and I start spittin' caveats like "You said everyone!!" and then it just gets awkward when people who didn't see your stupid Facebook drunk-with-intent random nonsense in the first place come across the item in the local Police Blotter that states you had to have me forcibly removed from your festivities...good luck explaining how the here and now applies to that guy, Mr. "I invite everyone but I don't plan on everyone actually coming to my shindig", with your busted logic and whatnot.

*People* I do kinda have a WDC twin, but we weren't born on the same day or anything like that (so what kind of twinners are we then?)...too bad our old friend Julie D - PUBLISHED! Author IconMail Icon doesn't come around that much at all anymore. I miss having someone that could write a blog entry at the exact same time as me about the very same thing. I'm not talkin' "Oh, we're in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window. together, cool!"...no. I mean "same obscure details and references" same. It's, like, a gift and stuff that only select members of a special fraternity share. Like herpes, but minus the icky aftereffects and awkwardness.

*Snow2* (I'm only using the snow emoticon because there's no milk, bread, or toilet paper emoticons...yet. *Smirk*) So, today was pretty awesome being stuck inside while it was in the 50's temperature-wise for the first time since, like, September or something. And tomorrow there's a winter storm warning in effect that's supposed to dump 8" of snow on us between Wednesday night and Thursday morning...but it's supposed to be warmer again this weekend. And that, boys and girls, is how the winter cold that everyone passes between each other but never really goes away gets started.

Ok...well, so much for not really havin' much of an entry today, or the ambition to come up with something. And I still managed to tuck this one in neatly before the WDC clock crosses midnight...unlike myself, who will probably not be tucked in before 1am at the rate I'm goin' tonight. Peace, electrified by the sound, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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