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A third attempt at this blogging business. |
30DBC PROMPT: "It's Saturday! Did you get to sleep in? Make a few creative excuses for why you were able to sleep in this morning. If you didn't get to sleep in, what woke you up?" What's up y'all? You read that prompt right...it's Saturday, for real. I suppose right now's as good a time as any to remind you if you're reading this before 2am Sunday on the east coast that the whole Daylight Savings Time thing goes into effect at that moment...what does that mean? It means we're gonna sacrifice an hour of sleep this evening/tomorrow morning, but we'll be that much closer to summer (and hopefully we can thaw out some). Just doin' my part to be helpful, ya know? Figured I'd get that outta the way early. Push the big hand on your clock ahead one number before you go to bed tonight, or do nothing if your time revolves around automatic World Clock updates on all your devices (Is the World Clock still a thing? It sounded like a big deal once the internet became mainstream, but I don't think anyone's referenced it since Y2K. ![]() Wow...I think I just set a new personal world record for "Fastest Off-Topic Rant (Multiple Off-Topics Division)" in my short and painful long and storied blogging history. My man The Six Year Old Me is impressed...aren't ya, buddy? ![]() ![]() He's smilin'. So anyway, yeah, I slept in today, but I've got some good excuses. I've slept in nearly every day for the last three weeks because of the whole stupid ankle thing and not being able to work. I'm gonna be screwed come Monday and I have to be out of the house by 8:45am at the latest when I go back to CAPCO. The hour of Daylight Savings Time is gonna work against me too come Sunday night, when I know I won't be ready for sleep early enough to comfortably take my sleeping meds, get my eight hours, and feel well enough to get out of bed come the morning. But that's my problem, not yours. You're only here to know what my real (fake) excuses for sleeping in are, so without further ado, here they are (in no particular made-up order): ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Everyone, no matter what their situation, deserves a good night's sleep (or day's, if you're nocturnal like that) and at least one solid attempt at laying in bed for as long as you possibly can without the disruptive forces of work, children, or pea-sized bladders. I hope your morning was good to you. BCF PROMPT: "National Working Women's Day: Many women feel that being a stay at home Mom is a full time job. Do you agree or disagree? How do you feel about Dad being the one that stays at home instead? Do you agree or disagree it should be whichever parent has the best opportunity to make it work?" First off, to paraphrase comedian Chris Rock, good for you if you're a woman that works, 'cuz that's what people are supposed to do (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0B_ekSrsEk). I realize that's a terrible thing to say or even imply, and the video clip uses all sorts of colorful language to illustrate the stupid comparison I was going for, but this is one of those "everybody gets a trophy for participating" days when it really should be a "why aren't we a little more appreciative of this on the daily?" kind of day. I don't get a "National Eat A Whole Bag Of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Day", but that doesn't negate my struggle. I know somebody's gotta feel that. It's also a situation that's more of an indictment of the day and age we're in now as opposed to what we knew growing up. It's not as common anymore for there to be a stay-at-home parent, and in many cases even to maintain a middle class, no frills lifestyle both mommy and daddy should have decent jobs that pay more than just hugs and kisses and fingerpainted portraits that get hung on the fridge. I'm not trying to minimalize anybody's position within the family structure here, and I'm not pretending like kids can/should raise themselves...I know better than that. Then there's that whole "it takes a village to raise a child" thing too (http://www.ask.com/question/poem-it-takes-a-village-to-raise-a-child), and it's true...parents can't do it all on their own, even if they have the means to. Community and extended family need to fill in the gaps and pick up the slack when necessary...it's on all of us to be good citizens, because you never know when a child's paying attention and learning something from you whether you're a parent or not. It's easy for me to say and all, because I don't have kids...but I was a kid once, so I do have a little frame of reference on the topic. The onus doesn't fall on one parent or the other, or both of them. Holding down a job doesn't make you a bad parent, just as staying home all day doesn't ensure you'll be a good parent either...every week the news is filled with too many examples of how not to raise a kid, yet there's never enough stories about the people who are doin' it right. And why is that? Because that's what you're supposed to do, even if it's damn near impossible on a constant level. No matter how horrible the hand you're dealt in life is, you have to remember somebody's got it worse...you can barely feed three kids? Someone's tryin' to feed four. Same with clothes and homework. And too many folks seem to want to make it all a competition instead of playin' together for the same team, fighting to achieve the same things. MUSICAL BREAK!! ![]() ![]() It's the first Soundtracker Saturday! I love it! If you were sleepin' in during the month of February, you missed a bunch of us droppin' songs in the key of life (random Stevie Wonder reference alert) during "The Soundtrack of Your Life" ![]() I'm trying to keep with the themes offered in the prompts for the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ![]() ![]() THE DAILY BOX SCORE: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, I think it's late enough for me to think about trying to cross over into the medicated world soon, so I can get back to that more normal sleep cycle people seem to enjoy so much that they do it on a regular basis. Peace, spring forward and fall back, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! |