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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#809226 added March 6, 2014 at 8:51pm
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This one's about your cake and where you eat it.
30DBC PROMPT: "Mac or PC? (One word answers aren't interesting to read, so please expand on your opinion. *Smile*)"

What's good, y'all? Nothin' like a straight-up, "pick one and here's why" Opinion Thursday prompt to turn people against each other spark some discussion amongst the crowd.

Personally I prefer a PC because that's all I know. Sure, when I was a kid we had the legendary Apple IIe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_IIe) in school, but those things were like $2500 back in the early eighties, with the day-glo green-on-black monochrome displays that were basically only good for playing Oregon Trail on and printing giant 8.5"-wide banners in Print Shop for people's birthdays...back when "dot matrix" used to actually mean something, and birthday cakes looked something like this:

          ^ ^
          II II
          II II
  I                   I
  I                   I
  I                   I
  I                   I

Those were the days...printing that out would've taken like 27 minutes back in 1985.

I know at some point I might switch camps and get a Mac, but I'm plenty comfortable with my PC for now. I don't do a whole lot of anything else besides internet browsing, so what more do I need? If the time comes and I find myself down the road doing things that'll require a Mac (like school-related things, for example), I'll worry about that later.

Just please, whatever your intent is...if you're a loyal Mac fan, please don't tell me every reason why I absolutely need one this instant. There's a good chance that I might like you a little less for it, it's not gonna make me run to the Apple Store like Windows 8.1 is suddenly on fire, and I probably just don't care. What I do my internetting on is kinda low on the list of priorities this week. Kthanxbye.

BCF PROMPT: "Do you prefer to travel or would you just rather stay home?"

I guess in a vacation sense, I like travelling as opposed to staying home, because I can stay home anytime and see the same old things over and over. And part of the fun, as I hear so often, is the journey itself.

If it's a "hey, what are you up to tonight?" kinda thing, I'd prefer to stay home more often than not. I don't know when exactly I changed into some kind of raging homebody, but now when I'm in for the night, there's no pulling me back out. I get into less trouble as well, which is mostly preferable. And it's typically easier on the budget.

But back to the idea that this might be a vacation-related experience, if I may. There's certainly nothing wrong with touring the vast expanse of one's driveway as a means of spending some time away from work. Even if it's to tackle some upkeep on the property or lay out in the sun with a good-to-great book. And getting away for awhile isn't always the grand ol' time it often sounds like, because everything you're putting off that week is still there when you get home, only there's less time to do it all because you've got to go back to work or school or whatever. And some trips wind up being more trouble than leisure...especially if you're entertaining different groups of people while away or there's a specific purpose attached to your destination. How are you supposed to enjoy your sixth beer at noon if it's some obscure family member's wedding in East Nowheresville, South Dakota that you've driven 12 hours to the night before? Who's idea of a good time was that?

Personally though, I think I'd still vote for travelling if I had that choice to make. I get bored too easily being in the same place for too long, so it's nice to have some new scenery once in awhile. As long as I'm not going by plane, I'm good. I don't fly very well (and no, smartasses...it's not because my "arms get too tired" *Smirk*).


"It's just a line, folks...you can step right over it." We're at that point...

A generation so much dumber than their parents...
I remember...I remember Buffalo.


Six: That's the recovery time in weeks I'll be lookin' at. Time to dig out my crutches, 'cuz I'll be having surgery soon to remove the rest of the hardware in my leg. Fantastic. At least (hopefully) there won't be any snow on the ground. I should know more by tomorrow or Monday...I don't know if it's actually sunk in yet that I'll be having another operation on this ankle. Nope, it hasn't. It probably won't until I have a set date or see the doctor again beforehand. Can't get any worse from here on out, right?

*Drbag* Oh, I have to go for some "arthritis screen" and more blood work. Maybe this can get worse. *Rolleyes*

*Shirt* On a more positive note, I'm cleared to return to work (albeit with all sorts of restrictions) next week until I go under. I'm kinda excited about that, and if they're cool with me sittin' behind a desk all day during my recovery period then this surgery thing might not be so bad after all.

*Cart* I did manage to see a man back a motorized shopping cart into a wall at the super-mega grocery store in town today. We made awkward eye contact like he was mortified that I noticed him doing that...it kinda reminded me of my adventures with one in "This one's about stones and bones?Open in new Window. and "This one's not about the Oscars.Open in new Window. from February of 2013.

I think I'm gonna try and get caught up with the rest of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window. entries I haven't read in the last couple of days...sounds like it'd be more enjoyable than thinkin' about what's gonna happen here the next few weeks. Peace, it would seem to me I remember, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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