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You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me! |
May I ask you a quick question? Have you heard of the book by Padgett Powell "The Interrogative Mood"? Can you believe all 164 pages consist of questions? Who would have even thought to do that? Isn't it brilliant? Why did someone make up the saying that there is no such thing as a stupid question? 'Are we going to write on the writing test?' Isn't that a stupid one? How do you define stupid? Do horses and cattle get along? Cattle or cows? Why does every English rule have an exception? Are we afraid of being decisive? Was it a compromise? Why does compromise have the word promise in it? Am I giving an oath that I'll give in a little? Why is it so hard for me not to be obstinate? Do you think dreams reflect on your personality? Do you think bipolar has become a catch phrase instead of the intended diagnosis? Does fish oil come from fish? What part of the fish? Fish from the ocean or pond? Could I really be anything I wanted to be or do people just say that to make you feel good? Why does it take so long to clean but so little time to dirty it up? What if I were reincarnated as a coffee cup with a fear of kitchen appliances? Or a casket? Do caskets dread being buried alive? Why must we whisper at funerals? Shouldn't I be allowed to stand up and say "I love this person! I can't imagine breathing without them in my life!'? Who decides what is disrespectful? Should I not tell my students when they smell less than desirable? Do any bridges really burn? Where is the Olympics for regular non-high achieving people? Who thinks about you during the day? or night? Why do we require kids to give presentations at school but yet punish them for talking during class? Is this an example of irony? Or am I way off? If your mind was a landscape would it be polluted? Are we more intelligent than early man? Or more self-involved? Why does everyone's accent disappear when they sing? Why did Olivia Newton John sing Let's Get Physical? Did no one ever tell her to stop while she's ahead? Why do I go in my shell when someone else is hurting? Why do we worry that there is a "right" thing to say? Shouldn't just saying something count? Do mustard and ketchup gang up on mayonnaise? Have you taken your Christmas tree down? Did you put tinsel on it? Are you still finding it in places? When was the last time you mailed a real letter? Did they answer you? Do you worry more about your health or someone you love's? Why are you still reading this? Is bullying a bigger problem now or do we just have the media to hear more about it? Are the sun and moon friends? Why does milk seem to last longer in my house than cereal? If my paycheck were bigger would I save money or just have more to spend? Do doctors put off going to the doctor? What about dentists!? Or the gynecologist? What if monkeys really prefer strawberries and it's just that no one has offered them to them? Can animals be allergic to foods? So, what do you think? Audra |