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Sometimes people are given a second chance at living one moment over. |
Chapter 28 They were safe. Because of the actions of Emily Cleary, Antoinette and Micah were safe, alive, and relatively uninjured: Micah bruised a shoulder when they landed. It was Miss Cleary, though, that placed them in danger and for that Micah was upset. He and Antoinette sat in the back of the ambulance, the door opened. Paramedics checked them out, deemed them both unharmed but had them wait until the police returned to question them. They held each other under a blanket, holding on and not wanting to let go. Antoinette leaned into his chest and whispered, “Did I tell you that I love you?” “Not often enough,” he responded. Micah pulled her closer and kissed the top if her head. “That was very brave what you did in there. How did you know what to do?” She looked into his eyes and smiled. “You’re my hero.” She reached up and pulled his head down; her lips met his. They kissed. A woman coughed, interrupting their embrace. It was Miss Cleary. She wanted to speak but Antoinette interrupted. Antoinette leaned forward with eyes that didn’t belie her anger. “This is your fault, all of it.” Micah held her, kept her from leaving the ambulance. He shook his head. “How could you do that? How could you show your cousin the story?” She looked at him with wide, apologetic eyes. “I’m sorry, but he’s family, he needed to see it.” Tears began to well in her eyes. “Micah, I had no idea he do this, all of this. Yes, I knew he was protective of the painting’s knowledge, but I had no idea of what means he would take to protect it, or to find its location. I really didn’t know.” “You should have never let him see it,” Micah said. He waved an arm for dramatic purpose. “This all could have been prevented if you have just kept the story from him.” “You used his name in the story,” she stated. “I’ve meant to ask you how you knew him, knew about it.” She surprised him with her statement. He knew he would have to explain how he knew about Kiliaen Van Rossum, but not so soon. “I’ll tell you someday, but it can wait.” She nodded. “Yes, that it can.” “Emily, I need to see you," a bulletproof vest wearing man said. “We need to discuss how you knew about this.” She turned to the teens and offered another apology: it landed on deaf ears. Antoinette looked at Micah confused. “You used this man’s name in a short story?” He nodded. “Why? Was it a coincidence or did you know something?” He looked at her silently. He didn’t know how to answer her. He didn’t want her to think he was mentally unstable, especially now. “It just came to me.” She looked at him with disbelief. “Are you sure, or did something make you use it?” He was stunned. It sounded like she knew something, might have a feeling that he had help with it. “What do you mean?” A small smile came to her face. She looked into his eyes, searching for something she thought she had seen before. The smile left her face. She looked away. “You might think I’m crazy, but I thought I saw something in your eyes, like another pair that were out of focus. I thought someone else was inside of your soul.” A cold chill rocketed through his body: Antoinette saw it, too. Micah began to hyperventilate. He wasn’t ready to answer her, not right now. “Relax,” the older Micah said. “You knew that you’d have to explain how you put Van Rossum’s name in a story, how you knew about the painting. I guess you’ll need to do it now.” I’m not ready. I don’t know how to do it, what to say. I don’t want to lose her, not right now. “I can help you with this.” How can you? She can’t hear you. “Find a mirror.” A mirror, why? “You know why. You’ve known why for a while. Think about it. Do you remember seeing a second pair of eyes looking back at you?.” I thought that was just me. “You didn’t realize it, but there’ve been others that have seen it, the out of focus eyes. Toni’s one of those people.” Micah sighed and looked at her. “Antoinette, we need to find a mirror.” “Why?” “Because it will help me explain things,” he answered. She looked at him, looked into his eyes. She took a step back. “You see a second pair of eyes, don’t you?” She nodded slowly. “How did you know?” The older Micah told him, “Just be honest with her. She’ll understand.” Do you know something you’re not telling me? “Of course I do. Now, just go to a mirror.” “Let’s go,” she said, sliding out of the ambulance. She took his hand and led him back into the building. She looked quickly and found a lady’s room. “Let’s go in here.” “I can’t, it’s the lady’s room.” She cocked her head. “Do you really think anyone’s going to care after what we’ve been through?” He chuckled. “I guess not.” They looked around and saw no one in the lobby. Antoinette slipped in first. When she saw she was alone, she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him inside. They stood before the sinks and mirrors. She looked up at him and softly spoke. “We’re alone. Please tell me.” He didn’t hesitate. He took her by the shoulders and turned her to face their reflections. He stood over her and smiled. “I’ve not been alone since Saturday morning.” She looked at the mirror and wanted to say something when the second pair of eyes appeared. Her mouth opened when she saw a face appear over his, one that came into focus. It looked familiar to Micah’s but there were differences: scars, shorter hair, and grayer hair. “Hello,” the second face said. The voice came from Micah himself. “Who are you?” “I’m an older version of Micah. I don’t know why I’ve come back, or how I got here.” “Are you his soul, the older Micah’s?” “I’m not sure. I think I’m more likely his consciousness. As things have changed in the past, my memories have changed as well. I know they’ve changed.” “Can I ask you about what’s in store for us?” “You can, but I feel something’s preventing me from doing so.” “Is it God?” The vision shook. “I wouldn’t say God per se, but something like it, let’s call it a ‘Higher Consciousness’, has kept me from dispensing further information.” “Can you tell me from how far in Micah’s future you came from?” “Yes I can do that. It’s eight years, from 1990.” She sighed. “I really wanted to know if we’re together then, if things work about between us.” “I can’t tell you that, but what I can do is tell you both to enjoy it.” The face turned and began to fade. “I guess I’m done. Goodbye to you both.” “Wait,” Micah said, but it was too late. The older version of him left the mirror. He felt it leave, felt that his soul was alone. Though he knew he should be happy, he wasn’t. He grew accustomed to having someone else around. Antoinette turned into him and wrapped her arms around his body. “I wasn’t seeing things,” she mumbled into his body. |