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A third attempt at this blogging business. |
MOB-RELATED ACTIVITY: What's up y'all? I dunno about you, but if you're somewhere in Canada or the Northern third of the US and you're anything like me, you're done with the cold weather...and you know I'm not one to typically waste my day complainin' about it, but here I am, thoroughly frickin' over it. I say that because I had to partake in a stupid task that I'll get into a little more later on, mainly because I was too lazy earlier in the week to do it because "it was too cold". As usual, my procrastination has led me toward anger that should just be directed at myself and forgotten about. Instead I'll project it a little bit...spoiler alert: don't feel sorry for me. Today in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ![]() ![]() ![]() In his absence Joel's left nobody in charge, but threw down a bit of a warning that if anyone got too out of hand, I wouldn't be afraid to step in. It's probably because of that afternoon I spent locked up in jail cell...when you've been cuffed and stuffed in the back of a cop car you almost always come out a changed person. For me, that change was in my sick time at work because I had to waste my phone call explaining why I wouldn't be coming in that afternoon. Anyway, what Joel doesn't know is that courtesy of Wordsmitty ✍️ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() BCF PROMPT: "Who is your favorite and least favorite celebrity? And why?" I've got an idea...let's play "Remember When...?" Remember when I said I don't really care for movies because I don't have the patience or the attention span for them? Guess what goes hand-in-hand with that notion (in my little world, at least)? Celebrities. I don't watch enough tv or movies to have the proper frame of reference to answer this question. I tend to get more attracted sometimes to the roles they play, because I know 99.4725% of the people behind them wouldn't give me a second look in real life, so it's just better for my mental health to 1) like who they're portraying more; and 2) not get caught up in a relationship with a fictional character, 'cuz that's just crazy. So yeah, I don't have favorites. I guess if I'm watching a particular tv show for a few seasons, I might become slightly enamored with a particular actress...but then my rules governing my attraction towards famous people (from the previous paragraph) kick in and I go back to being "single guy living on his own" from "single guy living on his own who's unreasonably attracted to the latest in Hollywood's darling-actress-of-the-month club". Sorry guys, I just can't do it today. MUSICAL BREAK!! ** Image ID #1970900 Unavailable ** I went from having no idea what song I wanted to use today for my pick in "The Soundtrack of Your Life" ![]() There's not one line or set of (NSFW) lyrics that stands out to me on "Trying To Find A Balance" by Atmosphere (album: Seven's Travels {link:http://www.amazon.com/Sevens-Travels-Atmosphere/dp/B007LNJ690/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1391647254&sr=8-1&keywords=atmosphere+seven%27s+travels}; lyrics: http://rapgenius.com/Atmosphere-trying-to-find-a-balance-lyrics), but it's the overall point that it's not as important to be liked or admired in someone else's eyes if you can't be happy with what you see through your own. Also, there's this idea of "celebrity" that I think is conjured up by society...lavish lifesyles, money, eternal happiness, etc., but the reality of that can be entirely different. Ever met someone you consider "famous" and they were a total douchetool to you? Maybe their week wasn't as good as yours...you get to go home and post up about how you met someone famous; meanwhile, they're going home after another long day of meeting twenty-eight other people just as obnoxious as you (or worse). Personally, I make no secret of the fact I struggle with self-confidence a lot more than it seems. I don't take compliments very well and I often hide behind self-depricating humor to hide my insecurities, even when others might see it as not being necessary. I'm still learning that it's ok to feel good about yourself once in awhile, and that it's possible that although you've heard certain things in your life for so long that are more hurtful than true, that doesn't mean those words have to hold you back or stay your reality. ![]() ![]() It's been said before (and I believe it) that you have to have balance in your life in order to appreciate it. You have to take the good with the bad. There's no peace without war. Stuff like that. It's an easy concept, but it doesn't always present itself that way. I know I'm still trying to find balance in my life; I don't want to know what happens when I stop looking. THE DAILY BOX SCORE: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Alright, well, it's time for me to head off and start my super-secret mission that's so super and so secret that I can't really share it with any of you unless you join our Blog Mob (and if you're in the Mob already then you know what it is and I don't have to worry 'bout not telling you, 'cuz we're cool) first; otherwise, you'll have to wait a day or so to find out how (or is it "what"? Hmmm...) we did. Peace, nowadays everybody knows how to get fresh, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! |