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Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
1 February 8, 2014 Looking through the Writing Windowpane "Good writing is like a windowpane." George Orwell On this weary day I can't yawn my time away, as I look out my window glass and watch the white clouds rushing past. 2 February 18, 2014 Not for the Faint of Heart: A poem about writing "My stories run up and bite me on the leg - I respond by writing down everything that goes on during the bite. When I finish, the idea lets go and runs off." Ray Bradbury Writing a day long journey not for the fain of heart. Somewhere between morning dishes and afternoon laundry the muse attacks distracts whispering sweet plots to my ears. The story line is too intriguing to stop for anything except black coffee. I sigh knowing I still have laundry to lug to the laundromat, but midnight is not time to leave the apartment unescorted by my muse; who insists that I remain until the chapter is finished and the protagonist meets the antagonist on the battle field. 3 February 20, 2014 Fragment Friday: Thoughts on writing poetry Thought 1: It's Friday, I picked up my coffee cup to take sip and realized it was empty. Thought 2: As I walked back to the computer carrying a hot cup of coffee, it dawned on me that I have several poems started that aren't finished. Thought 3: Hours kissing winter souvenirs Hopes fingers Snow downpour ...Where do I go from here? Thought 4: Summer rain reflects mountains Twilight hidden catastrophes ...How do I finish this? Thought 5: Autumn singing changed houses Solitary beauty ...Does this have haiku potential? Thought 6: Strange lilies insane music Whispering superstitions ...Is this an exercise in procrastination? Thought 7: Roses dream invisible premonitions The spoken word cannot convey the subtleties Something is lost in the translation The nuances of silence ...When did I begin this poem? February 28, 2014 On a Rainy Friday in Las Vegas It rained this morning cold wet drops falling from charcoal gray clouds sent shivers up my spine. The sun peeked out for a short time before the clouds completely covered the sky promising more rain. I listen to a distant rumble is it thunder I hear or the echo of fighter jets flying over the air force base. The lights blink and I glance at the red flashlight sitting on my desk; I wonder if the batteries are dead. Friday, February 28, 2014 Jal'l (Glory), 4 Ayy'm-i-H' (The Days of H'), 170 BE After sunset damp air penetrates my bones is it still raining I'm tired of winter tired of the dampness and clouds I want spring to come |