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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/805001-This-ones-about-the-space-genie-and-superhero-mode
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#805001 added January 28, 2014 at 11:35pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the space genie and superhero mode.
30DBC PROMPT: "A genie has granted your wish to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What's it like?"

What's up y'all? Today's a special day 'round here...it's the last entry before the two-day "Serial Prompt" extravaganza that will mark the end of January in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, and with it comes a simple prompt, devoid of psycho-babble and interpretation. No "the color red means you're angry" or "what the knick-knacks on your end table say about you" over-analysis. Just me, a lamp, and a genie inside it with the purpose beyond what the standard vibe straight outta something The Six-Year-Old Me would likely be screaming obnoxiously: "I'd wish for more wishes!!" (My greatest hope is to not necessarily have a great January in terms of writing, but that when you read that last sentence you screamed it in your head like an obnoxious six year old. *Smirk* And you're trying it now.)

Me, age five or six.
McKayla Maroney

Yeah, remember them? Neither one is impressed so far.

Ok, old gags aside, my perfect space then? Probably an attic loft, where I can see what's going on below. It'd have to be spacious enough for a desk and a couple of bookcases, because I'd want this place to be my total command center where all the reading and writing happens...sorta like a mini museum dedicated to all things me (wow, that sounds conceited *Rolleyes*). I'd have my notebooks on one set of shelves, my favorite novels and collections on another, a small couch where I can take a nap get comfy with whatever I'm readin', and one of those big fancy captain's chairs with padded armrests and a high back so that when I sit at my desk I look like I'm runnin' a country).

I'm cool with faux wood paneling and little mementos, but I don't need much more as far as decorations go besides my World Heavyweight Blog Championship belts (wow, that really sounds conceited *Rolleyes*)...too much clutter just mucks up the creative process, ya know? No need for a tv, but I'd probably like a decent stereo set-up goin' on. And my laptop. And a mini-fridge. And since it's in a loft, a velvet rope to (pretend like it'll) keep you from falling down into whatever room it's overlooking (because don't let it fool you...velvet ropes don't keep you safe or out of anything). And a unicorn (because we all know unicorns don't exist and I just wanna see if you're still paying attention...wow, that sounds really, really conceited *Rolleyes*).

I actually had a room like that once, but instead of the rope it was walled off. And it wasn't quite in a loft. Everyone called it a "basement". And it had a tv. Is it too late to return the genie I ordered that reading/writing space from? I think it was defective. Well, you know what they say...once you let the genie outta the lamp, you can't just make him (or her...yes, her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XELze7CXKjk) go back inside. I don't know who exactly says that, but if they weren't on something then they were definitely onto something.

BCF PROMPT: "If you got one whole day where you were both unable to feel any pain and be totally indestructible, what would you do with that 24 hour period of time? It's your moment to be a Super Hero! *Exclaimy*"

I think I...I don't know. I'm not comfortable in hero's clothes. Would it be selfish of me to answer with "I'd be satisfied spending an entire pain-free day relaxing in absolute joy doing nothing, knowing there's no ache in my bones", and just call that an entry? Probably, although it does sound pretty tempting.

Also, I'm a little thrown off by the word "indestructible", because in order to be declared that first you'd have to survive some pretty serious attempts on your person (perhaps now's the appropriate time for a commercial interruption: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NHq3Yze6s0). The body surviving as a testing ground doesn't sound as awesome to me as much as not being bombarded with all sorts of otherwise crazy scenarios that would kill mere mortals, but that's just me.

However, what if I was, in fact, fool-proof and legendarily a specimen of physical indestructibility that couldn't handle just sittin' still and mindin' his biz? And let's assume I'm more inclined to use my temporary superpowers for something besides leaping tall buildings, pulling a train with my teeth, or forgetting ice (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWvBxIEgL44). Where else does that leave me?

The temptation of being a giant douchebag and using my body as a means of making others feel inferior doesn't appeal to me. And I'm admittedly too apathetic to care much about crime-stopping or being a cop's best friend. I guess I'd end up doing what I feel most comfortable doing: trying to make people laugh. Only, it'd be funnier than normal (assuming I'm funny occasionally) because I'd be this big, imposing presence trying to act out physical comedy, which is still kinda funny even when it's not (example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHZhw94C5vQ). The sight of people seemingly larger than life doing "average person" things always tends to get some kind of reaction out of people, especially when they look sorta clumsy doing it. Why not use that to my advantage?

And almost as quickly as my audience begins to enjoy the antics of a well-built piece of human machinery, just as fast would I shrink back into the crowd and become li'l ol' me again, where average people doin' "average person" things just aren't as awkwardly impressive. Although I've been known to do awkward pretty well more times than I'd care to admit. *Rolleyes*


Because there's just something so unnatural about being perfect, even if it's only for a day.


*Hockeyhelmet* I can definitely sympathize.

What to watch, and which is which?

So far the Sabres lost in overtime, and the Republicans are taking a beating in the liberal media. And I have chosen to take part in neither event this evening, from a viewer's standpoint.

*Video* I'm pretty sure it's happened the last few years, but did you know you can actually stream the president's State Of The Union address on YouTube? I'm not sure what means exactly about us as a society, other than besides the president being on every channel tonight, he's also preempting the internet just a smidge...another idea Al Gore will eventually claim to have had. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnFJ8cHAlco (Full disclosure: I really don't care one way or the other about politics...elected officials stopped caring about us common folk a long time ago.)

*People* What's Brother Nature got up his sleeve for February's "unofficial" "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS? Stay tuned for a very special 28-day edition of the 30DBC. #steadymobbin

Well, it's damn near 11pm...I had a hard enough time waking up this morning as it was, and I'm not even close to being tired yet but I know it's gonna hit me soon so I better get outta here while I'm still coherent and able to respond to the last couple of emails and other notes that are staring at me from the WDC notification system (ok, seriously, who let this conceited a-hole write a blog entry today?? *Rolleyes*) Peace, doesn't anybody ever know, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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