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A story set in the 1960s about a young witch willing to sacrifice for her true love. |
Where am I? How did I get here? I was standing in a narrow hallway, it seemed endless in both directions. The lights were flicking in and out of darkness. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approach but from which direction. I took a step forward and the aging floor creaked noisily beneath my feet. “Hello, is anyone there?” I yelled shakily with echoes repeating what I said back to me. There’s no one, I was alone. There’s that creak again, I quickly spun around, squinting to try to see in this semi-darkness. There it is again. I spun in the other direction and was suddenly confronted by a door. I tilted my head in confusion. I could tell there’s a white blinding light on the other side of the door but could that blinding light also be power? Before I could think about it, a strange force was pulling me toward the door. “Come out, Lilianna and accept your punishment.” Mary Jane said in a mocking tone as I was being pulled toward the door. No, I will not accept punishment, no, I won’t. I tried to cling to the wall as hard as I could but it was no use. I was exceptionally close now. “Stop!” I screamed. Everything around me seemed to have temporary suspended for a moment before Mary Jane’s power conquered over mine and the door busted open. I felt myself being thrown backwards toward nowhere while the door hurtled toward me faster than I could control. I landed on my back with the door on top of my chest. The door was heavier than I thought and it was draining my air supply as I felt my lungs collapsed beneath the door. No, it can’t end like this. Mary Jane appeared before me, an evil grin appeared on her face. “You broke coven code, Lilianna Jameson, and the coven has voted to sentence you to death. Will you accept the sentence?” She spoke firmly with authority. I shook my head, “No, I don’t accept, never.” I breathed. “You don’t have a choice, I’m afraid.” Mary Jane said, “I will have to kill you anyway.” She took out a dagger from inside her robe and raised it above my chest. “This will make sure you will never be resurrected. You will be gone.” I closed my eyes as she plunged the dagger into my chest and my eyes were busted open again. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” An anxious voice next to me said. I was back in Carter’s bedroom, it was all a nightmare, I hope. I gulped a mouthful of air and nodded, “I’m okay, it was just a nightmare.” “Are you sure, you screamed pretty loud there?” “No, I’m not okay. They’re coming for me, Carter. They’re going to kill me.” I broke down and sobbed in his chest. “It’s all right, no one is coming. It’s just a nightmare.” He said as wrapped his arms tightly around me. I shook my head violently in his chest, “No, you don’t understand. The things I dream about, they come true. For me, they are not dreams, they are visions of the future.” He frowned and I could tell exactly what he was thinking. “No, you cannot protect me. You need to promise me that when the time comes, you need to get far away from here. Change your name so they can’t find you and you must not come to find me. I will come find you.” As I said it, I could feel a tiny bit of power coming out of me because knowing Carter, I knew he wouldn’t make that promise. Carter kissed my forehead, “Yes, I promise.” He smiled wrapped his arms around me and we lie back down and he went back to sleep. A tear fell from my eyes as I shifted myself in Carter’s arms and forced myself back to sleep. ***** “I have to get to work. Will you be okay here by yourself?” Carter said as he walked down the hall to the door. It’s been two days since I had the vision and since then, no dreams or visions have entered my mind again. Though strangely, I do not find this comforting, I tried not to worry Carter. Maybe he’s right, maybe it’s not a vision for a change, and maybe it’s just my fear creating warp images in my head. I leaned in to kiss Carter and chuckled, “I will be okay. I have my powers protecting me, remember? Besides, it won’t be the first time I get in trouble.” His eyebrow shot up, “Not your first time?” I kissed him again, “I’ll tell you later but right now, you have to go or you’ll be late.” “All right, well see you tonight.” He opened the door and kissed me on the forehead and then he was gone. After Carter went to work, I went back to his room. The bag of my belongings is still on Carter’s desk. I sat down and took out my ring box and my journal, the two things I cannot be without these days. I flipped my journal to the last entry, August 11, and sighed. Today is the 20th, it’s been over a week since I’ve written. Has it very been that short of time? It somehow felt so much longer in my head. “August 20,” I wrote and leaned back on the chair. There’s so much happened that I don’t even know how to write it down in words. I stared at the blank page in front of me and sighed. So much has happened since the last time I’ve written. I was trapped in the dining room for 5 days and I ran away the first chance I’ve got after making some stupid compromise with father to never go near Carter again. I lost his trust, of course, and he casted a spell on me to make me suffer every time I go near Carter. After I got out of the house, I went straight to save Carter from a local gang who’s under Mary Jane’s curse. I healed Carter and told him what I was the very next day. Carter, of course, has been very supportive though even after I told him what I was. He did not even care a slight about what I was, he still love me. It’s almost like we were meant to be, we were soul mates. I paused and put my pen down. I’ve never believed in soul mates but maybe Carter and I are soul mates, the way my pain eased when he’s with me and even the effect of a powerful spell can weaken proves there’s more than just love between Carter and me. I don’t really know what to think, all I know is that things just fit together like we’re one when we’re together. On the other hand, I keep getting this suspicion that we’re going to be apart very soon and that is not going to be good. You see, A knock on the door interrupted my thought. I quickly stuffed the box and my journal back into the bag and walked down the hall to the front door. My heart pounded with every step I take. I carefully peeked through the peephole before my heart calmed. It was my sister Bell on the other side of the door. I unlocked the door and opened just a slight. “What are you doing here?” “Can I come in?” “Are you alone?” She nodded. I opened the door a slight more, wide enough for her to squeeze in. “How did you find me, I thought my shield was supposed to keep away supernatural outsiders like you.” “I came here once with you, remember? Besides, the protection spell you’ve placed on the property is wearing off. Anyone can walk through.” She said as she followed me to the living room. “Well, that’s because I’m weak, I’ve been maxing out my powers the last few days. I’m not as strong as when I’m with the others. Speaking of which, have they notice anything yet? Are they sending you to come to kill me for exposing our secret?” Bell shook her head as she sat down on the couch, “Lil, why do you not trust me? I would never kill you even if you exposed our secret. You know it’s not in my position to do that.” “Of course, it’s Mary Jane’s job to kill the traitor. So what are you doing here then?” “I’ve come to check on you. Father seemed pretty confident that his spell worked because he said, if you’re with Carter right now, you would have been dead. That’s how powerful the spell he casted on you was. Obviously, you’re not and you’ve been living with Carter. How did you do it, break the spell, I mean?” I sighed, “No, I didn’t break the spell. The pain is still there every time I’m with Carter but every time he puts his arms around me, it’s like something magical happens. The pain would suddenly dull out or just fade away. I don’t know why. I can’t even explain it right now.” Bell bobbed her head up and down. “Have you had any premonitions since you left?” I nodded, “Just two nights ago. It was horrifying but after that one, I haven’t had anymore. It’s strange, isn’t it? Usually, when I have a vision, they would keep repeating until whatever happens but now no, it’s like I’m slowing losing my powers.” Just as I said it out loud, my eyes grew wide, “I’m losing my powers. How am I losing my powers? How is this possible?” “You’re not losing your powers.” She put her hand on my knee, “Go get a candle and we’ll see.” I obeyed and went to the kitchen drawer to find a candle. A few minutes later, I brought back a tall white candle and placed it on the table in front of Bell. “Now, light this candle. It’s an easy test to find out whether you’re losing your powers.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and concentrated. Light this flame, I called in my mind. I opened my eyes and the white candle in front of me was flameless. I leaned back on the couch and covered my eyes with my hands, “It’s useless, I’ve lost my power.” Bell shook her head, “No, I don’t think you lost your power. I think you might have maxed out your power and has not have time to regenerate yet. Here,” She held out her hand, “I’ll lend you some power at least to get through the week. No one, not even Mary Jane can take all of your power at once. The most important thing for you to do is stay low and not use your power or Mary Jane would be banging on your door.” When I took her hand, it was like a hole inside of me and it’s filling quickly with light. Then I wrapped my arms around my sister, “I will. You need to take care too.” We talked for a while longer about the recent events I missed and Belle said, “I better go, Father should be expecting me by now. I told him I was going to the grocer.” That’s why she was carrying a bag of food. I nodded, “Well, thanks for coming and thanks for you know the power.” She gave a stiff nod before walking out the door and disappeared round the corner. |