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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life. |
Describe a normal day in your life. Week four prompt for Welcome to My Reality. This is the prompt for today's blog. A normal day. What is normal exactly. I have always believed there is no such thing as normal. There is an approximation, but never a normal, normal. That being said, I will try to give some semblance of what 'normal' can be in my little corner of the world. My day begins early. My alarm drags me from a delicious sleep around ten after six in the morning. I doze in and out for a least another half hour before I make myself get up and face the day. My morning routine guides me along. I am a creature of habit and find routines extremely helpful when I am only half awake. I have taken to washing and moisturizing my face after I have done my morning weigh in. This is only been added to my routine in the last few days. The dry weather is wrecking habit on my skin and I need to do something about it. If I am seriously on the ball, I will have picked out my clothes and laid them out over the banister the night before. I do not always manage this, but find it is invaluable when my husband is on nights - because he is sleeping when I am getting ready. If I haven't done this, I have to go in and ever so quickly and quietly, find things to wear in the dark - although I have gotten very good at finding things by feel. Once dressed, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen where I down a huge glass of water - 850 ml. This is the start of my two litre water day. I make my lunch and fix my breakfast. If I have worked it out just right, I can have about half an hour to read or visit Writing.com before I have to leave for work. I love the mornings for this, but lately I have had to fight the urge to go back to sleep. I am currently working at a school that is anywhere from 25 to 40 minutes away depending on the traffic and weather conditions. My duty is first thing in the morning, walking the bus zone. I do this every morning. I greet parents and students as they make their way to school. I love this part of the duty. The part I don't like, is chasing parents who insist on dropping off their children in the bus zone. The rudeness of people amazes me. I worry somebody may get hit. It is crazy. Especially when you consider many of these kids live just around the block. But I will let that topic go for now.... My students, a lovely little bunch of students with medically fragile issues, arrive at school before nine or just after depending on how the buses are running. There are only six in my class. We do a lot of sensory kinds of things. It really makes you look at the world and appreciate the little things - the sights, smells, tastes, textures and sounds. We incorporate all of them into everything we do. Again the day follows a routine that keeps me and my staff and students on track. Some days we need this more than others. Flexibility is the name of game as well depending on what is going on in the class. I am going to skip over most of the day at this point. My students leave for home around two and all of them are gone by 2:30 pm. I do all that lovely paperwork and organize for the next day before I head home. Sometimes I stay late, particularly if my husband is on nights. But if he is on days, I try to finish up pretty quickly and aim to get home by 5 or so - around the same time that my husband gets home. I take things home with me but don't always make time to do them. Making dinner is my responsibility and once that is done I am toast. This is where normal falls apart. There are things I have to do, but there are also things I want to do. Depending on how I am feeling I play it by ear. Tonight required a nap before I could get anything else done. I think I slept for an hour, then got up to make a coffee and settle in to check my favourite sites - Writing.com being the first, then 750words.com to do my 750 words - essentially 'morning' pages that are rarely done in the morning if I am working. I find I can get lost in this for a few hours. Before I go to bed I need to do a few things to get my house in order. Bed should be earlier than it usually is, but after my nap I can often go a bit longer. I am amazed that it is often after midnight before I crash into bed and I always wish I had gone to bed earlier because morning always comes too soon. |