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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#802435 added January 7, 2014 at 10:59am
Restrictions: None
What am I wearing today and why.
What did you decide to wear today, and why? Week Three topic for Welcome to my Reality.

Today is damn cold. Excuse my language but - WOW. The wind chill is almost gracing us with -40 degrees Celsius. London, Ontario hit a record -42 degrees Celsius this morning. The temperature here was -26 earlier this morning. To top it off - school is canceled. Happy Dance!!! I may not get paid today but I also do not have to freeze off any important bits, either. That is a bonus.

Not just our School Board closed schools, but apparently all of Southern Ontario from Windsor to the other side of Toronto did as well.

So what am I wearing? Well, to start off, my pajama bottoms because they are cozy and soft. But on top, to feel like I am not decadently in my pajamas all day, I changed into one of my favourite long sweatshirts with the Pride and Prejudice cover design with the peacock and my new fancy scarf wound around my neck. A scarf inside, you say. Damn right. If my neck, hands or feet get cold I am done for. I will get a case of the chills that just won't go away. Unless I put a little Baileys in my coffee...but it is far too early for that.

It also helps if I stop running out to add to the blue bin at the end of the driveway - then I only add my boots and run for my life. It is cold out there, but we are lucky enough to live on a more sheltered street with a protected forest behind us. The trees back there are dancing something fierce and I am so glad I am not a forest animal or a bird today. Curious where they go on a day like this, but that is for another musing.

At present, I am wearing regular socks but I may change into my 'hot paws' later - they are so cozy and that, folks, is the name of the game today. Cozy, warm and hibernated.

My husband had to brave the roads this morning. He said it was slow and very slippery but at least he made it safely. There have been many accidents. One road close to mine - it runs out into the country - had cars sliding sideways and blocking the roadway. Other highways have been closed for blowing wind. I am thinking anyone in Elmira can not make it in to Waterloo this morning.

Crazy ass weather. But it is Canada after all. We should be back to more normal -6 by Thursday, they figure. After this cold, that will be quite acceptable.

Not sure if I will venture out for a walk later. If I go anywhere it will be to the mailbox and back. That will be enough.

So here's to keeping warm and enjoying a lovely day off to play as I wish. Reading and writing are top on my list of fun things to do.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/802435-What-am-I-wearing-today-and-why