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A third attempt at this blogging business. |
30DBC PROMPT: "Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why." Good afternoon everyone! It's Sunday, which means it's time for the Sunday Review portion of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ![]() ![]() The "Creation Saturday" prompts were all pretty impressive, and especially creative, regardless of everyone's various opinions and/or stances on the topic of "How The Universe Was Created". The beauty of the prompt was in the idea that it could be as fictional as you wanted it to be, and therefore there really couldn't be any "wrong" answers. I think sunnystarr with "January 4th Prompt" ![]() ![]() Lyn's a Witchy Woman ![]() ![]() ![]() And then there have been overall strong efforts by all of the newcomers in the 30DBC, especially from pinkbarbie and Jeff ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, even though we're still in the first week of 2014, we've passed the first weekly recap in the 30DBC...congrats to those who've made it this far, and hopefully we have a successful run in this coming week! BCF PROMPT: It's Sunday in The Circle, which means it's promptless operating for a day. Which is fine, although I typically don't do much on Sundays and have even less to say about it. I did manage to make a nearly uneventful trip to CVS, which I probably wouldn't have done but I had to grab some groceries 'cuz I was down to the bare essentials and didn't feel like going much farther than across the street in weather that was supposedly considered to be feared (I should've leaned awhile ago not to confuse my Facebook newsfeed with what it's actually doing outside in my neighborhood...I think some of the snow out this way started melting a little this afternoon, when it's sounding like a "run to the store for milk, bread, and panic" kind of experience everywhere else in the world). I say "nearly uneventful" because the trip did pass without incident, but a couple times a year CVS gives you a coupon based on your spending the previous quarter, which is free money. Since I'm there pretty often, I got a coupon for $11. That's pretty sweet...it's probably the only store loyalty card program that actually feels like you're saving some money and being rewarded in a minimally confusing and fairly easy to understand fashion. Of course, I did manage to screw up trying to get my "Save $4 On A $20 Purchase" coupon sent over from my email to my card, and it never printed from their giant coupon machine in-store that spits out approximately three feet of coupons per consumer per week, and having worked in retail before, I know the cashier really doesn't want to hear the sob story about the coupon you didn't bring, and can't do much in the way of helping you out. In perhaps my greatest showing of patience all week, I didn't pursue the matter after stating my case. If you know me, that's a pretty big step, even if I of all people should know better. Oh well...stay warm and enjoy what's left of the weekend, y'all. MUSICAL BREAK!! I'm really not feeling all that motivated or creative today, but I'm looking forward to this coming week's set of prompts. THE DAILY BOX SCORE: 3/4ths: Three of the four Wild Card Playoff games in the NFL are in the books, and they've certainly been entertaining for fans of the winning teams...but I don't think any of the eight teams that will have played by the end of tonight will be in the Super Bowl. Just my opinion though. And that's about enough out of me for one day, I believe. On to catching up on yesterday's evening entries (my time, not yours) and today's...hopefully I can fit them all in before the afternoon NFC game starts. Peace, that's your week in review, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! |