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A third attempt at this blogging business. |
30DBC PROMPT: "How was the universe created? Write your OWN creation myth." What's up y'all? It's the first "Creation Saturday" of this month's "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ![]() There are all different kinds of tales about how the universe was actually created, and your personal belief system assigns one to you at a young age. Because I don't follow any particular brand of religious teachings, that makes it a little easier to understand whatever scientific impact played a role in carving a spot in the galaxy where we could put some oceans and trees and people who walk upright with opposable thumbs and opinions. The reality is we really don't know how we all came to be, because it's heresy. Someone listened to some great readings about how they perceived the conception of the planet, and then told three friends, who then told three friends, and that's how The Big Bang Theory (the real theory, and not the tv show) went from being about explosions and asteroids to God opening up a box of Betty Crocker Earth-flavored cake mix and frosting it with atmosphere, taking six days to bake one giant dessert to live and breed on. Um, good job on that one, God. High five. Well, forget about what you were taught in bible study and youth camp. Here's the real deal. Your boy Bob Ross knew the truth about our existence in the greatest universe known to man, and you know who I'm talking about. He's the artist who has created the world in his own vision, with happy little trees and mountains and streams and oil paint. He probably didn't create Wikipedia, but if he did it would look nothing like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Ross. If you were travelling down somewhere over by the Massachusetts Turnpike and someone stuck one of his paintings of scenery against the passenger window, you probably wouldn't know the difference (although I believe obstructing windows is a violation of some motor vehicle laws). His work is that legendary. And if I ever get to host my own tv show about the ways the world was created, next time I'll tell you about how painter Thomas Kinkade created all of the holidays, starting with Christmas. http://www.thomaskinkadeonline.com/?gclid=CITUoYr15LsCFYlAMgod_SsA7Q. BCF PROMPT: "All of us have different interests. Share some interesting trivia details about your passion. Sporting, cooking, gardening, writing, etc. Fans, here is your chance to show us what you know about your interests! Have fun with this. ![]() I'm gonna come right out and say it: I have no idea what I'm truly (by definition) passionate about these days. I could take the easy out here and say "writing", because I honestly enjoy it more than almost anything, but this is a frickin' writing website and I think most of us on WDC lean that way, which I think the universe has designed for me to push against that. But I think going into detail about that is either an entry for another day, or something I need to discuss with my therapist. I enjoy stuff like cooking, but am I passionate about it, say, the way Elle ![]() ![]() ![]() I like naps. A good midday snooze, where you wake up and the night has yet to come. I can pull my hat over my face to simulate the darkness, and catch two or three hours of time where I know I can't be bothered (unless something extreme were to occur, but that hasn't happened yet). I used to have the worst time with naps...I'd be about 3/4ths asleep and dreaming, but hearing imaginary noises like people were pounding on my door as the dreams turned to nightmares, like I was covered in ants. The craziest things. I had to learn how to plow through that midafternoon exhaustion because naptime was a mental wreck, no matter how comfortable I got. So yeah, I learned now how to take a good, solid nap (and still sleep at night, although I'm reluctantly hesitant to admit I may be hooked on Ambien in that regard). Too bad the NFL playoffs start today; a small reminder of how bad Buffalo football is during the coldest winter months, and yet a sound reason to avoid a lazy Saturday naptime experience. MUSICAL BREAK!! Crunching metal and horns? Ok. It helps that I enjoy this band. Why can't we just simply be? THE DAILY BOX SCORE: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ok, I need to get out of here and catch up on the rest of yesterday's "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ![]() |