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Rated: 13+ · Book · Music · #1964095
The musical from 'Timmy'.
#798650 added November 24, 2013 at 6:42pm
Restrictions: None
Orphans on Broadway Part Three
Scene five: The city streets.

(lights on stage left, center, right. All lights dim.)

Back drop of buildings in foreground, back drop of single building, (fore stage right and left.) Prop street posts dimly light the stage, (right, left, and center.) Extras occasionally walk from stage right to left and visa - versa.

(once safely away.)
Piece of cake, girls. But now, the real challenge begins.

What do you mean?

Scheme is expecting a larger load, we'll all have to work twice as hard to get it.

I can steal just as well as you boys.

Now that I would like to see.

(shakes his head.)
I think you are about to eat your words, Jack.

Anna whispers something into Penny's ear. She smiles and gives her a nod before taking off her hat and running off down the street, screaming.

Hey! What's up!?!

Don't just stand there, go after her!

Catching on quickly, the boys run after Penny with Anna and the boys close behind. Penny continues to scream as she runs down the dark street with Anna and the boys close behind her.
(children run in two circles around the stage, behind back drops of single buildings.)
Then, a tall young gentleman in a clean, well pressed suit steps in (center back stage.) and stands between Penny and the boys, along with Anna, who stop in their tracks.

Don't you boys have anything better to do than pick on a little girl?

(watching Penny standing behind the man.)
What business is it of yours?

Ace, in the rear, recognizes the man. He rushes forward and knocks Allen to the ground with a stong hit with his shoulder.

(sounding angry.)
I am making it my business.

Ace! I've been looking all over for you! Where have you been!

I was just visiting the old neighborhood, dad. I caught these guys chasing after this girl and ran after them to help her.

Well, next time, leave a note.
(he turns to the other boys.)
As for you, gentlemen, just because times are harsh, it doesn't mean we all have to turn into wild animals, why when I was your age...

As the man lectures the boys, Penny reaches into his pocket, pulls out his wallet and takes a number of bills before putting it back, unnoticed. Jack, watching this, bites his tongue to keep himself from laughing as Penny stashes the money in her pocket.

(finishing his lecture.)
...And if I ever catch you boys ganging up on this girl again, I will personally throw you to the police! Do I make myself clear?

(backing away.)

He gives Penny and Ace a dirty look for effect, then runs off (stage right.) with Anna and the boys following.

(lights off fore stage; lights dim, left, right, and center stage.)
(spot light on Penny and man on center thrust stage.)

(after the boys are out of sight.)
What's your name, my dear?

I'm Penny, sir.

(he looks at her closely but soon sighs and shakes his head.)
Tell me, Penny, why were they after you?

I caught them stealing from you earlier today and I took the money back from them.
(She pulls out the bills and holds them out to him.)
I was trying to return it when they caught up with me.

The man looks at her, surprised then pulls out his wallet and checks its contents.

Well, they almost took me to the cleaners, didn't they?
(he takes the bills from Penny and rubs her hair with his hand.)
Thank you, my dear. Honesty and bravery like yours is very rare indeed. You know, I used to have a daughter like you, but she was kidnapped a long time ago. I still walk along these streets, hoping that someday I would bump into her somehow.
(He sighs again and gives the bills back to her.)
You keep the money, Penny. I can afford it.

Thank you, sir. I'll pay you back, someday.

The name is Thomas Young, my dear. If those boys ever bother you again, however, you just tell the police to give me a call.
(he turns to Ace.)
As for you, young man, I expect to see you home in time for lunch tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?

Yes, sir.

The man nods, satisfied, and turns to Penny.

(with a smile.)
Don't worry about the money, my dear. Just hurry along home.

Penny smiles at the man and runs off, (stage left.) as Ace and the man, Thomas Young exit together. (stage right.)

(lights off, center, left and right stage.)

(short pause.)

(lights on center stage- on dim right and left stage.)
(back drops change to the rear of single, bleak buildings.)

Enter Penny (stage left) and Ace (stage right) both meet Anna and the orphan boys who are waiting for them in an alley.

I've got to admit, kid. I am impressed.

Try to warn us next time you decide to play a hero, Ace.

I couldn't let my dad think I had returned to stealing from people on the streets, he'd ground me.

Allen and the orphan boys laugh.

How much did you rack from Ace's old man?

(looking at the bills.)
I dunno, I never learned how to count this high.

(taking the money.)
Let me see.
(He counts the money and lets out a low whistle.)
There's over a hundred dollars cash here!

I told you we can pull our own weight.

Well, you've certainly pulled your own weight tonight. This is more than any one of us brings in on an average.

Penny puts her hat back on, hiding her long hair as Allen places the money in his slacks pocket then turns to the boys.

Okay, guys, we have work to do.
(turns to Anna and Penny.)
You two go ahead and hang your posters. But stay close so we can keep an eye on you.
Just then, the bark of a dog is heard and Anna darts aside as a large, shaggy dog enters the scene (stage left.) and jumps up on Allen, knocking him to the ground.

Hey, boy! Where have you been hiding?

You know this dog?

Of course, he's rags. He is the boys' pick pocket dog.

(following the boys as they ran out of the alley.)
Pick pocket dog?

Of course.

Anna and Penny hang their posters, listening as the boys begin their night of thievery with the aid of their dog, again singing to make the night go by more smoothly.

( RAGS )

Rags, Rags, our muttly old thief!
Can find loot in any alley, find loot in any street.
Rags, Rags, faster than any cop ever known!
Eat your heart out Al Capone!

When he's out on the prowl, you better watch your back!
He'll knock you right over, take your wallet as a snack!
You better run if he comes back for more!
That dog will rob you poor!

The dog catcher can't nab him, he's too quick on his feet.
The cops can't touch him, he don't know defeat.
If we're in a jam he's always right there!
Those who mess with us better beware!

Near the end of the boys' raid, they catch up to Annaa and Penny who are hanging up the last few of their posters.

(holding a sack over his shoulder.)
Day light's on the way, it's time to call it quits.

We're all set.
(turns to Penny.)
Let's go, kid. We have to get back to the orphanage before we are missed and Miss Annabelle has a cow.
Penny does not respond. She merely stares at an old, faded poster, hanging on a wall.

(walking up to her.)
Didn't you hear me Penny? We have to...

She looks at the poster and lets out a gasp, holds a hand to her mouth to steady herself.

What's up?

Allen and the boys each walk up and look at the poster with equal surprise.

It's a missing persons poster.
(dramatic pause.)
It's got Penny's face and name on it!

Penny Young, last seen at a party at the Young mansion December the 12th, nineteen hundred and thirty one, was wearing a short white dress and white shoes. A rearward of twenty five thousand dollars is offered by the girl's father, Thomas Young.

He gasps and turns to look at Penny.

ACE: (cont.)
I have a little sister?

Do you have any idea who Thomas Young is, Penny?

He's Ace's father, the man I stole the money from.

Penny, he's the richest man this side of the globe!

(he turns to Ace.)
You would get adopted by a millionaire!

Wow, Penny! Not only are you not an orphan, you are the heir to an outrageous fortune!

(in tearful awe.)
I have a last name.

This is perfect!

What's the deal, Allen?

Penny and Ace are the children of the richest man in the country! He could very easily bring attention to the orphanage and we can finally get even with that no one low life Scheme!

Anna rips the poster off of the light post, carefully folds it up, and places it into her pants pocket.

Miss Annabelle is going to get a real ear full over this!

Will she let me go home?

If she doesn't you let us know and we'll take you there ourselves.

I didn't know you had a soft spot, Jack.

Yeah, well, don't spread it around. I have a reputation to maintain.

Let's get back to the orphanage, I for one don't want to be caught out here with all this loot when the cops start their shift.

The children leave the scene, (stage left.)
(lights off left, right, and center stage.)
(short intermission.)

Scene Six: The girl's dorm/Miss Annabelle's office.

(lights on, stage right, center, left.)
(Allen, Anna, and Penny hurry onto the scene, from fore stage left, and stop, up stage left.)

This is as far as I can take you. We'll talk again later.

How are you going to explain our absence?

Don't worry about me, The boys and I can deal with Scheme.

Okay, Allen. Good luck.

And to you, Anna.

Allen leaves the scene, (stage left.) Anna escorts Penny into the girls dorm, (left to right stage- lights off as they move.) Anna ignores questions and comments of the other orphan girls.
(girls leave scene in darkness- right and left stage.)
(lights on center stage- Miss Annabelle's office.)
(on moveable platform.)

Miss Annabelle's office is small and simple. A small desk with a comfortable chair behind it and two small chairs in the front for visitors. There is a small file cabinet off to the side with papers hanging out of it and a bulletin board hanging on one wall with a large number of notes stuck to it. She moves to open the door, (stage right) but the two pause upon hearing Miss Annabelle crying inside. Anna opens the door ajar.
Audience sees Miss Annabelle standing by her desk, holding a picture in her hands.

(sadly looking at picture.)
Oh, Anna, why did you have to run away?

Anna and Penny listen as Miss Annabelle sings to herself.


I never meant to hurt you; your father left the day you were born.
I was young, I was scared
I didn't know what to do
I changed your name; made you an orphan; my heart was torn!

You deserve better...
You deserve far more than I can ever make true.
I want to give you the sun
I want to give you the moon
Only a better home is all I can offer you.

Being away from you tore me apart
I was there for the laughter!
I was there for the tears!
I watched you learn and grow!
You were always close to my heart.

You deserve better
You deserve far more than I can ever give
Someday you will know who I am
Somehow you will know the truth
On that day I only beg you to forgive!
You deserve better.

Now crying herself, Anna quietly enters the office, (center stage) with Penny following.

(in tears.)

(turning to Anna.)

The two run to each other and embrace in a long hug as they both cry out their relief.

Why didn't you tell me?

Oh, Anna. I knew I would never have been able to give you the loving care you needed when you were born. And, at that time, the city really frowned upon the idea of single mothers being in charge of a large group of children. So when Mr. Scheme told me that he wanted nothing to do with you, I...

(pushing herself away.)
Mr. Scheme!?! That no good lying thief is my father!?!

Yes. The same person I suspect is stealing all of the money we've made from selling the clothes you girls made. But how do you know about him?

I've been talking to the boys in the other wing. You fell in love with him!?!

Yes, I did. But that was a long time ago. I was a lot younger and easily fooled. After you were born, I saw the true side of Scheme and found myself all alone with a hard decision to make. I didn't want to give you up but at the same time, I knew I couldn't afford to raise you.

So you made me an orphan.

Do you think I wanted to do that?

You tell me, mom.

I was afraid the welfare department would take away my job if they found out I had a child, so I wrote you in as Anna Jane, an unknown orphan left upon my doorstep. That way, the welfare system would pay for your care and I could stay in a position where I could guide you and watch you grow. My only hope was that you would be adopted into a better home.

You wanted to get rid of me!?!

Oh. no! Heavens no! I just wanted you to have the very best.

I don't want the best, mom. I want a family. But why doesn't anyone come here?

It's bad out there, Anna. No one can really afford to adopt a child, especially when most everyone is just barely managing to support themselves. Oh, Anna could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?

(after a pause.)
I guess so... In time.

The two hug again, sobbing. Annabelle begins to rock Anna back and forth as she had always wanted to until Penny tugs on Anna's sleeve.

Anna, the poster.

Oh! (pulls out the poster.) Penny and I found this while we were in the streets.

(returning to herself.)
So, you and Penny sneaked out despite my warnings....

Just look at it, mom!

She holds up the poster so Miss Annabelle can read it. She grabs the poster from Anna's hand and looks it over. After a moment, Miss Annabelle slowly lowers the poster with a heavy look of astonishment on her face.

So.... the couple who died in the car crash weren't Penny's parents after all. (short pause.) They were her kidnapers.

She looks at Penny, then turns to Anna, thinking. Finally, she places the poster down onto the desk and grabs her jacket.

We'll discuss your sneaking out of the orphanage later. Right now, I think it is past time for Penny here to be reunited with her parents.

You mean I'm going home?

Yes, Penny. You are going home.

Then hushed voices are heard outside the office, (shadows of left and right stage.) Annabelle turns to see some of the other orphans beginning to peek inside door, (stage left.) She turns to Anna and Penny, who look at each other, then wink at her. Annabelle smiles at them, grateful, then quickly moves back into her usual character.
(lights out center stage. platform moved backstage.)
(lights on right, center, and left stage.)
(girls' dorm- girls standing outside office, center stage.)
(enter Miss Annabelle, Anna, and Penny- stage left.)

(escorting Anna and Penny to center stage.)
'And if I ever catch you two sneakin' out of the building again, you'll both be fanning your back sides for a month!

The orphan girls step aside, (left and right stage.) as they reach center stage.

You'll never guess what!

Well, what?

I found my real parents! I'm going home!

The orphans cheer as Annabelle escorts the two toward the front door.

But why are you tagging along, Anna?

I'm dragging her along so I can keep an eye on her.
(turns to Peg.)
I'm placing you in charge until I get back. Don't mess up or all of your back sides will be in the fire.
(turns to Anna, and Penny.)
Let's go, you two!

Annabelle, Anna, and Penny leave the scene, (stage right.) The other orphans watch them leave as they all wish Penny the best.

( THEY WILL COME- reprise )

Penny found her folks, you see.
Learned they were down the road from across the street.
She has a home,
A home that was always her own.

The world ain't what it used to be,
Children get lost too easily.
Penny's not an orphan,
She's not an orphan at all.

We always dream of adoption day,
When folks come to take us away.
Penny's dreams have finally come true.

I never asked for fortune or fame,
I just wanted a last name.

Penny has a last name!


End of Act One.
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