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Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014 |
With all this National Novel Writing Month work, you know, the sweat really pouring out of our foreheads, puffing and grunting as we excert full force into pushing those keyboard QUERTY'S in thousands of times, well, the good old Blog is running a bit low, feeling the pinch. So, I have to use the spare fuel tank, the notes in my trusty iPhone. While on the subject of Only in Tasmania, I came across a list of local words that are "different". Not everyone says them here, so they must be a tribal, regional trend. Perhaps some have unwittingly been passed down through family tradition. That's a big thing here in Tasmania, family tradition. Sometimes it's even too much of a tradition. BUT, we won't go there. So, here they are. The Tasmanian words! Photo Albun (Album) Electriclux vacuum cleaner (Electrolux) Mifton (Smithton) Demport (Devonport) Solunoid (Solenoid) Semiches (Sandwiches) Miyun (Million) Rumin (Mischeivous person) Waster (Wasteful person) Torenteeal (Torential) Two Headers (Two headed Tasmanians / Inbred Tasmanians - No insult to Abby and Britanny intended here) Inceston (Launceston - a town) As I hear further local dialectual dialogue delivered from people's lips, I'll record them, as they say in the movie Hot Fuzz, all for the greater good. Now, back to slaving away at this arduous chore of writing. Phew! Better get my tennis headband out from the washing basket. Sparky |