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Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below. |
The Sunday Review! The November 3, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" ![]() Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why. (Special Events: How was your Halloween? ![]() How was my week? All things considered, my week was all right. I finished the huge chunk of chocolate candy I had in the refrigerator. I had planned to use in in some sort of desert, but since I couldn't remember what desert I decided I would eat it for breakfast with my coffee and it took me two days to eat it. I had to manually reboot my cable modem for a second time in October and if I have to do it more then twice in November I'll have to call my internet provider to determine if there is a problem or if it's just cyberspace monsters playing tricks. I have written 3,606 words on "Midnight in Suburbia" ![]() How was my Halloween? My Halloween was good. I found my witches hat and wore it all day Halloween. I turned out the porch light so I wouldn't have any trick or treaters coming to the door. I didn't have any candy or treats to give them and even if I did have it I would still have turned the porch light out because I didn't want to deal with them this year. What is my favorite blog entry and why? This week I know what my favorite blog entry is and I can tell you why, but next week may be a different story. My favorite entry was composed by brothernature and it is "Invalid Entry" ![]() Created in October