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NaNoWriMo 2013 |
Chapter 28: Sunday Evening, December 1, 2013 Case of The Missing Teeth "How'd it go," ask Ethan who was waiting in the foyer for Daniella when she returned to Emily's home. "Fine," Daniella smiled. "I wrote the report and then checked on Aunt Dolly." "I guess she's pissed?" "She didn't seem too upset to me," Daniella laughed as she went into the living room. "When I saw her she was talking to one of the hookers who shared her cell. In fact, Dolly didn't even notice I was there." Sitting down on the couch she leaned back and closed her eyes. "Why'd you check on her," Ethan sit down on the couch beside her. "Because she refused to speak to George and he wanted to know how she was doing?" "So, she pissed at George." "Yes," Daniella laughed, "but I think she'll get over it when he bails her out on Monday." She rubbed her temples with both hands, "Ethan, do you mind staying at Mom's tonight?" "Not at all, Sis. I imagine you'd like to sleep in a real bed." "That and a hot shower," she sighed. Opening her eyes, Daniella reached for the television remote, but before she could turn on the evening news Amity came stomping into the living room. "Daniella, Ethan," she shouted. "Someone stole my teeth." Ethan look at Daniella and both of them got up off the couch. "Mom," Daniella smiled, "Did you take your teeth out to wash them? Perhaps they're..." "Don't be silly, Daniella," Amity growled. "Why would I take my teeth out to brush them. I laid down for a nap and when I got up my teeth were gone." She sit down on the couch and began to cry, "Who would steal an old woman's teeth right out of her mouth." "Ethan," said Daniella attempting not to laugh, "why don't you sit with Mom and I'll go look for her teeth." She bit her lip as she hurried from the room. Once she got into the hall leading to her mother's room she began to laugh. "What's so funny," ask Alice coming out of the bathroom. "Mom thinks someone stole her false teeth," Daniella said breathlessly, "I'm going to see if I can find them." She could not say anything for laughing, "Alice, could you go into the living room and help Ethan." "Of course," said Alice. In the bedroom, Daniella looked on both nightstands and then went into the bathroom. There she saw a blue round Tupperware contains, so she removed the lid and found the teeth resting in water. Rinsing the teeth under the facet, she carried them back into the living room and gave them to her mother. "Where'd you find them," as Amity as she put them in her mother. "They were in the bathroom by the sink," she sit down and hugged her mother. "Apparently, you put them in some soaking solution and..." she paused looking for the right words. "And I forgot about them!" Amity begin to cry, "I just don't understand what's happen to me." She put her head on Daniella's should and continued to cry. "It's all right, Mom," said Daniella. "You have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow and we'll ask her then." "Her?" Amity looked confused, "My doctor is Doctor James Kirckwood and he is a man!" "James Kirckwood," Ethan looked perplexed. "I thought he retired years ago." "Are you calling your mother a liar," Amity shouted. "I know who my doctor is!" "Mama," Daniella sighed. "What Ethan meant is that Dr. Kickwood is on vacation and Doctor Maria Jones is taking care of his practice." "Daniella," said Alice putting her arm around Amity. "You go get some rest and I'll take care of Mama Amity." She moved Amity's head to her shoulder, "Ethan, please go to your mother's house and I'll see you tomorrow." "Sure, but..." "Ethan," said Daniella as she got up off the couch. "Why don't you come with me?" She lead the way to the hall. "Whatever you do, don't disagree with Mom and don't say anything to make her angry." "All right," he said going into the bedroom she shared with Alice. "I'll get my things and go to Mom's. Just let me know what the doctor says tomorrow." "I will." Daniella continued on to the other bedroom, where she opened her suitcase, removed a pink nightgown, and got ready for bed. Turning back the covers, laid down, and went right to sleep. Emily came into the room a few minutes later and put another blanket over Daniella. Then going into the living room she sit down next to Alice and Amity. "Well," she said. "What do you ladies want to do tonight?" "I'd like something to eat," said Amity. "Then I'd like to go to my own house and sleep in my own bed." "Sure thing Mama Amity," said Alice. "Why don't you let me fix you a turkey sandwich with some sweet potatoes and creamed corn." "I'd love that," Amity smile, picked up the T.V. remote and turned on the television. "Could you use some help, Alice," ask Emily. "Aunt Emily," Alice smile as she got up off the couch. "Why don't you stay here with Amity and..." Alice though a few minutes and then continued. "And keep her company while I fix us something to eat." Alice stopped at the front door and made sure it was locked before continuing to the kitchen. Out side, Ethan stood in the snow, before getting into his mother's car and backing out of the driveway. Driving slowly, he made his way to Amity house and parked the car in the driveway. Going to the front door, he tried the handle to the security screen door and found it unlocked. So he opened the door and went in. "Hello," he called from the foyer. "I'm in the kitchen," said Ralph. "Come in and take a look at what I found in the dishwasher." "What'd Mom hide in there," Ethan hurried into the kitchen. "I think it was supposed to be a ham, but I can't tell for sure." Stepping back, he held the flashlight so that Ethan could see what was in the dishwasher. "That's an interesting smell," he wrinkled his nose. "How long do you think it's been in there?" "I'm guessing before the fire," Ralph said as he put on a pair of disposable gloves. "I think the reason we didn't smell it before now was the smoke concealed the stench." "I wonder how come Mom didn't smell it?" "Ethan, Aunt Amity is 90 years old and smell is one of the senses that departs with age," he sighed. "Besides she may have gotten used to the stench." He removed the ham from the dishwasher and put it in a plastic garbage bag. Then he removed the gloves, threw them into the bag, and closed it. "I'll take this out to the trash and you go into the living room and make use something hot to drink." Dragging the garbage bag through the dining room, he took out the front door and put it in a huge plastic trashcan in the garage. Then he returned to the living room, where he Ethan handed him a cup of hot lemon tea. "I suppose," he said. "If I'm going to stay here, I'll have to eat carryout or delivery until the kitchen is fixed." "Can't take cooking in a fireplace," laughed Ralph. "No," Ethan smiled. "I can't stand my own cooking." "Alice has you spoiled." "Both Alice and Daniella have me spoiled." He sighed, "I usually microwave if I have to cook for myself." "What would you like me to bring you for breakfast in the morning," he finished his tea. "Anything except turkey," he walked Ralph to the door and locked the security screen behind him. Then standing at the door, he watched until Ralph backed out of the driveway. Going back into the living room, Ethan banked the fire and then laid down on the couch to go to sleep. Just as he was drifting off, his phone ring. "Hello, Ethan Shupe speaking.... Hi, Alice." "How about lunch tomorrow instead of breakfast." "I'd like your spicy turkey and cranberry sandwich, but I don't want to eat it by myself." "Yes, hot coffee would be good, but you would be..." "Sure, Sweet Heart, see you tomorrow for lunch." He closed his phone, placed it on the coffee table and tried to go back to sleep. Taking a deep breath, he picked up the flashlight from the coffee table and went into the kitchen. Looking under the sink he found a can of pine scented air freshener, which he sprayed in the dishwasher before closing it. Then he sprayed the kitchen and the dining room before taking the air freshener back into the living room and putting it beside the flashlight on the coffee table. "That's better," he said laying down on the couch. "Now I can sleep." Just when he dozed off, the phone ring again. "Hello," he grumbled. "Oh, it's you Daniella, what's the problem." "Yes, I'll call someone to have the window fixed in my bedroom tomorrow. Is there anything else you want me to do?" "Yes, Daniella," he rolled his eyes. "I'll stay here until the kitchen is done and I'll pack up everything for shipment to Vegas." "Is that all," he sighed. "Good, then maybe I can get some sleep before Ralph comes with my breakfast in the morning. Goodnight, Sis." He closed the phone, put it on vibrate, and placed it back on the coffee table. |