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NaNoWriMo 2013 |
Chapter 17: Ethan and Alice Arrive at Amity's House Ethan checked his watch as he waited in the airport terminal at Blackwell, Oklahoma, for Alice's flight to land. He could not understand why he was so nervous, Alice was not first girl friend he had introduced to his mother, but she was the first to accept his proposal of marriage. Maybe, he thought as he approached the entrance gate, I'm nervous because my relationship with Alice is more serous then the others. Ethan paced up and down in front of the disembarking gate and checked his watch every three minutes. Someone touched his arm and he turned to see who it was, Nora smiled at him and pointed to a pair of seats close to the gate. "Ethan," she said, "why don't you sit down with me and relax. You pacing isn't going to make the plane arrive any sooner and it's making me nervous." "All right, Nora," he said, following his high school sweet heart to the nearest chair. "Who are you waiting on?" "My husband's younger sister, she's coming in from Texas today. And you?" "My future wife," she smiled. "She's coming from Texas as well." "In that case, we can sit together while we're waiting. I don't know about you, but I hate waiting by myself." "Your husband didn't come with you?" "No," she smiled, "He's on duty today." "Who'd you marry," he laughed. "I don't remember Mom writing anything about you getting married." "I married Calvin Norton, your sister's old bow. The reason your mother didn't write you is that Calvin and I elloped about three months ago." "Oh, I see. Didn't want any fanfair?" "Sort of," she laughed. "Calvin's first wife died a couple of years ago in a car accident with my first husband." "And the two of you feel in love and got married." "That's part of the story," she sighed. "Sara and Joe were in the same car when a drunk driver hit them and..." she paused considering how much she should tell Ethan. "Calvin and I think they were having an affair, but since we couldn't prove it. We had a double funeral and buried them in our family plots, which were right next to each other in the cemetery." "I see." his brow wrinkled. "I..." "Relax, Ethan, it's been two years. Calvin's kids like me and mine like him, in fact, I think the four of them conspired to get us married, but I can't prove it." At that moment, the arrival gates opened and passengers began to disembark. Two women, both about the same age, waved in their direction. Ethan and Nora waved back and then waited for them to approach. "Ethan," said Alice as she kissed him. "It's nice to see you." "It's only nice," Ethan winked at her. "You haven't seen me in two months and it's only nice." He gave her a passionate kiss, "There's someone I'd like you to meet." "Alice, this is Nora Norton, an old school friend." Then he turned to Nora and said, "This is my future wife Alice Jenkins." "It's nice to meet you, Nora," said Alice shaking her hand. "Likewise," said Nora. "This is my sister-in-law July Norton. July this is Ethan Shupe and..." "Alice and I met on the plane," July shook Ethan's hand. "It's nice to meet you Ethan." "Well, I guess I'd better get a Taxi," said Ethan. "Why," ask Nora. "You're going to your mother's aren't you?" "Yes, we are," said Ethan. "Then you can ride with July and me," she smiled. "Our house is right around the corner from Ms Amity's." "All right," Ethan said as the started towards the baggage claim area. "Alice about the..." "I have two kittens in my bag and July has one in her's." "You took them in your carry on luggage," Ethan glanced quickly around. "And you've given one away already." "Of course," Alice laughed. "July and I seem to have a great deal in common. You know, Ethan, she paints and writes poetry." "Just like you," he winked. "And just like you. While were here could you take a look at some of her paintings?" "Of course," he held her hand as they walked toward the baggage area. "I'll even as Daniella to take a look and see if she thinks a show would be a good idea." "What does Daniella do," ask Nora. "She's an art agent and arranges art show in Las Vegas." They stopped at the baggage area to wait for the July's and Alice's suitcases. "That sound like an interest line of work," said Nora as the passengers' bags began to come around on the caracell. July picked up a backpack, while Alice claimed a purple suitcase, which Ethan took as they walked toward the front of the airport. About ten minutes later they were waiting for Nora to return with the car. As they waited, Ethan took his cellphone from his pants pocket and checked his messages. "A message from Daniella," he said after turning the phone on. "You forgot to turn your phone after you disembarked," Alice smiled. "Of course," laughed Ethan, "Don't I always forget to do that after I get off a plane. "Aren't you going to listen to it," ask Alice. "I should," he said, "but we'll see Daniella in a few minutes and she can tell me whatever it is she want to tell me then. Nora stopped the car in front of the trio and opened the trunk. Ethan opened the front passenger door for July, then he opened the back passenger door for Alice. After closing the doors, he picked up Alice's bag and July's backpack, put them in the trunk of the car, and went to the backdoor on the driver's side. He got in, closed the door, and fastened his seat belt. "I guess we're ready to go," he said to Nora. They drove out of the airport, but instead of taking a freeway to the main part of Blackwell, Nora took one of the side roads which took them through beautiful residential neighborhoods. "I thought," she said, "you might like to see some of the city." "Don't let her tell you that," said July. "Nora doesn't like to drive on the freeway. She hasn't taken that route to any place in the last two years." "We enjoy the senice route," said Ethan and Alice together. "Well, that's what you get when you ride with Nora," July laughed. Ethan looked around, noticing some recognizable landmarks, but many of the houses were new and probably built within the last ten years or so. He thought back to the last time he was in Blackwell, he could not believe he had not visited his mother in eleven years. He had written her and talked to her on the phone, but he had not be back to Blackwell since 2002. After about thirty minutes, they turned onto a side street and five minutes later they stopped in front of Amity's house behind a fire engine. As Ethan and Nora got out of the car Calvin walked out of the house shaking his head. When he saw them he hurried over to them, kissed his wife and shook Ethan's hand. "What happened?" "Didn't Daniella call you," Calvin ask. "Yes," he glanced nervously around. "But I haven't listened to the message yet." "There was a kitchen fire," Calvin frowned. "Ethan, it seems your mother left a turkey cooking in the oven while she went to the store. I don't think the house is livable, at least not the front part." "I see," said Ethan. "I guess I better listen to Daniella's message and then call Mom's insurance agent." "Ms Amity's insurance agent is here," said Calvin. "She's in the house now with the appraiser. Apparently, they were doing some work in the neighborhood when the saw the smoke, so they came over here before going back to the office." "Well, I guess that's good," he removed his phone from his slacks pocket and listened to the message. "It seems Daniella and Mom are at Aunt Emily's. I'll call a cab." "Don't be silly," said Nora. "I'll take you there." Then she turned to her husband, "Will you be eating at the station or coming home tonight?" "I'll be at the station," he frowned. "Clay called in sick again." "Then I'll see you in the morning," she kissed him. Nora and Ethan got back into the care. "Ethan," said Nora as they turned the corner going to Emily's house. "Your mother has been doing some rather strange things since September." "Daniella said she was afraid Mom was have a reaction to some of her medication." "Ethan," Nora frowned not quite sure how to approach the subject. "I'd say it was lack of medication." "What do you mean, Nora?" "l can't say a lot, because I work for Ms Amity's doctor, but..." she sighed. "She missed her last appointment." "I'll have Daniella check it out, Nora." He said as they stopped in front of Emily's house. "Good," said Nora opening the trunk as Ethan got out of the car. He went around the car, took Alice's bag out of the trunk, and then opened the door for her. "I presume," said Alice as she got out of the car, "you have a good reason for not having any baggage." "Yes," he laughed. "I arrived last night and I left my stuff at a motel. I'll barrow Emily's or Mom's car to pick it up later." "Why didn't you stay at your mother's," ask Alice. "Because when I arrived it was after 8:00 pm and I didn't want to wake her." "See you'll later," said Nora as she started the car. Taking Alice by the hand, Ethan picked up the suitcase and the walked up Emily's door. Before they could ring the bell, Amity opened the door. "Oh," she said, "I was just going back home,..." Amity frowned. "Ethan, what are you doing here? I didn't expect you until Thanksgiving." "Mom," said Ethan opening the screen door. "Why don't we go find Aunt Emily before you go anywhere?" "All right," Amity said, "but then I'm going back home." She noticed Alice, "Who is this?" "Mom," followed by Alice, Ethan went into the house. "This is Alice, my..." "Are you and Ethan married?" "Not yet, Mrs. Stupe," said Alice. "Probably in January." "Well, it's about time," she grinned. "I've been praying for someone to marry eve since he and Nora broke up." She hugged Alice, "Let's go into the kitchen and I'll fix you something to eat." She turned and started toward the dining room and then stopped. "What's the matter, Mom," ask Ethan. "I seem to be lost in my own house?" "We're in Aunt Emily's house, Mom," Ethan frowned. "Oh," Amity laughed nervously. "Well then I'm not lost." At that moment, Emily and Daniella came out of the kitchen. "What's up," said Daniella. "Nothing," Amity replied. "I was just going to go home, but Ethan and... Uh..." "Alice," Ethan whispered to his mother. "Oh, yes," Amity smiled, "Ethan and Alice have arrived." |