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NaNoWriMo 2013 |
Chapter 8: Daniella and Preston at his house November 1, 2013 Daniella Coffey set at her desk in the offices of Fansworth and Coffey going over the October books. She stared at the spreadsheet on the view screen, but she could not focus on the income statement. She knew the problem, the holidays were approach and it was time to begin shopping for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving was normally not a problem, but this years was different. This year she would meet Preston's mother and they would be discussing the upcoming wedding. Daniella had spoken to Maybell Fansworth on the phone and over Skp, but meeting someon in person was a different beast entirely. She wanted to make a good impression on Preston's mother, but she was not sure how to proceed. Maybell was 89 years old, only one year younger the Daniella's own mother. However, Maybell was not anything like Amity Coffey-Shupe, who has spent most of her life as a seamstress and dressmaker in Oklahoma. Maybell had lived on an Ohio farm, a farm she still lived on and worked with the help of one of her sons. Preston assured Daniella that his mother would like her, but Daniella was not sure. She would have to tell Maybell about her own conception and birth. She had not discussed it with Preston because, until recently, it did not seem important; however, Preston would be going back to Okalahoma with her for Christmas and if no one else brought it up Dolly Shupe-Cartwright would. It was not that Daniella was ashamed of the circumstance of her conception; it was just that the discussion had not come up. Ethan Shupe, Daniella's brother, was more interested in selling his art work and traveling then in family history. He knew about Daniella birth and the birth certificate that implied th circumstance of her birth even if it did not specifically name a man only the brand name of a whiskey. Ethan always thought that was amusing, at least he did when he was younger. His father, Larry Henry Shupe, had treated Daniella as if she were his own daughter, still she knew that Maybell Farnsworth might find it weird. "Dani," Preston's voice came over the intercome. "How are the books coming along?" "The books are fine and in balance," she smiled. "I've stayed on top of them all through October. The problem I'm having now is personal." She laughed nervously, "I can't seem to focus on the income statement." "Don't worry about that for now, with the holidays coming up I'm surprised anyone can focus on anything." He sighed, "I think you and I both need a lunch break." "Something happen," she checked the clock to make sure of the time. "It's only 11:00 am, you usually don't get hungry until I remind you you have to eat." "Yes, the tenants in my house have moved out suddenly. And Mrs. Rodriques, the next door neighbor, thinks I should check the house as soon as possible." "So we're taking a working lunch today, are we?" "Yes, I need you with me for moral support and to take pictures of any damages." "Should I bring a digital camera or will my cell phone be all right?" "The digital take better pictures then the cell phone." "I'll be ready in about five minutes." "In that case," he laughed, "I'll meet you in the parking lot in ten minutes and we'll take your care." Ten minutes later they drove out of the parking lot of Farnsworth and Coffey Art Consours and headed west on Tropicana Bouluvard. About forty five minutes later they drove into the driveway of Preston Farnsworth's home in nice suburb of Las Vegas. Getting out of the car, Preston walked around to the passanger side and opened the door for Daniella. She got out and the went up to the door. Hanging on the door was a green notice from NV Enengy indicating that the elecricty would be turned off in three days if #$375.00 was not paid. Unlocking the door, they entered the house. The place looked as if a tornado had blown through. There was furniture and clothing scattered through out the house and a pile of newspapers were stacked in the dining room. Turning on the video camera, Daniella began to record while Preston followed pointing out specific scenes he wanted recorded. After they finished taping in the dining, kitchen, and living rooms the proceded down the hall to the bedrooms. The master bedroom still had the bed, dresser, chest of draws and bedside stands. The master bath looked as if it had not been cleaned in a week. Preston shook his head as he left the room and walked across the hall to the closed door of another bedroom. When he opened the door, two small dogs yelped and wagged their tails. The dogs sniffed around his ankles and then jumped onto the bed. Laying on one of the nightstands was two lishes, but it was obvious from the mess in the room that the dogs had not been walked that day. "I guess I better check the back yard before letting these two out," Preston said as he left the room. One of the dogs followed him, while the other walked to the closet door and began whining. With the camerar still running, Daniella opened the closet door. There, curled up in a small basket, were three puppies. The mother dog went into the closet and began nursing them, while Daniella continued to video tape the scene. Then she left the bedroom, making sure that both the closet and the bedroom door were left open. Walking quickly down the hall to the dining room, she opened the sliding glass doors and stepped onto the patio. "Any problems in the backyard," she called as Preston, followed by the male dog walked around the fence checking it for loose boards or holes. "No damage to the fence, but from the looks of the yard no one has bothered mowing the grass back here in months." Picking up the dog, he went back to the enclosed patio. "Do we take these two to the Animal Shelter or..." "There are five dogs this fella and his lady have tree puppies in the closet." "Do the puppies look healhty?" "I didn't get a chance to check them out because there mother wanted to feed them, but since the parents look well fed I think the puppies should be all right. Shall I call the pound?" "No, at least not until I talk to my lawyer about the formor tenants." "Are we leaving the dogs here or taking them with us." "If I leave them here you will be coming back at all hours of the night checking on them." They went into the house, at that moment the doorbell ring. Turning off the video camera, Daniella went to the door while Preston hurried down the hall to look at the puppies. "Ms Coffey," said Mrs. Rodrequis. "How is the place? Did the Jones' do any damage?" "The left it a mess, but I didn't see any noticeable damage?" "I see the left the dogs," said Mrs. Rodrequis reaching down to pet the dog standing beside Daniella. "Did Missy have her puppies yet. "She had three puppies." "Good afternoon, Mrs. Rodrequis," Preston came into the foyer carrying the three puppies, with their mother running behind him. "When was the last time you saw Mrs. Jones." "I saw her yesterday when she was walking Joey here," she picked up the male dog. "She didn't say much of anything. Then early this morning, I saw Mr. Jones putting the kids in the car. I ask him where his wife was and he mumbled something about her going to her mother's last night." "What made you think they skipped town?" "One of the kids called me a few minutes before I phoned you, Mr. Farnsworth," she put Joey down and petting Missy on the head, "I think it was Ruth, anyway, she ask me to take care of the dogs because they weren't coming back. I gather you didn't know about the dogs?" "No, but they seem to be well fed." "Ruth, the ten year old, took good care of the dogs. She adored them," Mrs Rodrequis frown, "Are you taking them to The Pound?" "I don't know, I have to talk to my lawyer about the dogs." He glanced quickly at Daniella, "I doubt the Ms Coffey her is going to let me do that." He laughed, "She;s fond of animals and usually finds good homes for strays, so..." "I'll find good homes for these five," Daniella set the video camera on a stand and took the puppies from Preston. "As soon as I've had them spayed and nuetred." "Mrs. Rodrequis, the Joenes' lease was up at the end of November. Since they've left, I need to get this place cleaned up before Thanksgiving. I know your husband does landscaping, do you know anyone who can clean this house up in that short a time?" "I have a maid service, Mr. Fansworth, what do you want done with the furniture they left?" "Leave what's salvagable in the house for now. If you need me to rent a dumpster, let me know.... Oh about your rates." "Here's my card and my husband's card," she removed two business card from her apron pocked and handed it to him. "Do you want my husband to do the yard?" "Yes," he smiled when he looked a the prices on the cards. "These are very competative rates." "Then we have the jobs, Mr. Farnsworth." "Yes, Mrs. Rodrequis," he removed the house key from the pocket of his slacks and handed it to her. "Here's the key." "Are you going to have the locks rekeyed, Mr. Farnsworth." "That would be a good idea. I'll have it done this week and make sure you have a key, Mrs. Rodrequis." "Good," she smiled. "I'll start cleaning the house in the morning." |