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NaNoWriMo 2013 |
Chapter 5: Amity Coffey-Shupe A Moment of Confusion: Entries in Amity's Memory Journal Sunday, November 3, 2013 Today Daniella called apparently she received a letter from Dolly or maybe a phone call, but I know that bitch of a sister-in-law had something to do with Daniella changing her holiday plans. Daniella is coming up on Thanksgiving this year instead of Christmas. I have to check to see what day Thanksgiving falls on. Is it on a Thursday? Is it on November 28 or 29? This puts a crimp in my Thanksgiving plans because Larry will be home from the business in Texas and we had planned to have the entire day to ourselves. I know that Dolly will be here if Dani and Ethan are here. I wonder if Ethan is going to come as well, I'll ask Larry when he calls tonight if Ethan is coming back with him. I hate the idea of fixing a twenty pound turkey because I can never make it like Mama used to do. I wonder if I ever told Dani and Ethan about their Grandma Nellie. Mom would have loved her grandchildren. She wouldn't have cared if Dani was born out of wedlock or anything like that . Daniella is coming on Thanksgiving Day, I have to remember that. I cannot let myself forget that she is coming for Thanksgiving because it would upset her if she knew how bad my memory had gotten lately. I'll also have to hide this journal from her because if she sees it laying open she might accidentally open it and find out about my memory. I know something is wrong, but I'm not senile like Dolly says. Dolly want to have me committed so she can steal Ethan inheritance from his Grandma Hattie. Hattie never treated me the way Dolly treats me. Hattie love Daniella as if she were her own daughter or her own granddaughter. Hattie was a wonderful mother-in-law. I hope I can be a good mother-in-law to Preston. I wonder what this Preston is like. Is Preston his name? Sometimes names confuse me and I forget them. This situation would not have happened if I had not forgotten the name of Dolly's new daughter-in-law. I still can't remember the girls name and you would think that something that simple would be remember. Of course, perhaps her name isn't simple. Maybe that is her name Ms Simple, but what was her first name. I think it began with a D, but it wasn't Dolly; at least I hope it wasn't Dolly. Of course, as stupid as Dolly's sons are it wouldn't surprise me if they married wiomen with their mother's name. I wish Larry would come home from wherever he went. I miss him so much. He is the only man I ever loved. I don't count Daniella's father because he was a one night stand and I can't remember his name. I do have to remember not to drink any whiskey because it does something to my senses. What was the name of the whiskey I was drinking the night or perhaps day Daniella was conceived? Why can't I remember it because I know it was an expensive brand name. Back then I always drink brand names. Larry taught me that brand names didn't matter that much. Too bad Dolly never learned that, but all she cares about is brand names. I wish Larry would come home, I miss him so much. I wonder if he could be angry about something. Did I do something to upset him? Is he really here in ... what is the name of this town is it Tonkawa or something else? Am I living in Blackwell? Have I moved back to my family farm? Why can't I remember the town I'm living in today? I should call the doctor and make an appointment. I would if I thought there was anything really wrong with me, but the memory problems will not get better because they are associated with that fall I had yesterday. Dolly was very nice about that, of course, the fall probably wasn't an accident. Since Dolly was present she probably pushed me. She prbably tried to kill me. When did the fall happen? Did I fall yesterday? Was Dolly even around yesterday? Maybe that was when she tried to steal Ethan's inheritance. I wish I could remember. If I go to the doctor he's only going to agree with Dolly and have me declared senile or insane. I'm neither, but this year the weather has gotten to me and my bones hurt. Maybe I should purchase a computer... is that what those machines are called that help you write. I saw one of them at the Senior Center yesterday and the looked interesting. Maybe I will ask Dani when she come into town on what.... did she say she was coming on Thanksgiving or Christmas. I know she usually comes on Christmas or New Years, but this year she changed her mind. Why did Dani change her mind about coming this year? I have to remember she is coming on Thanksgiving and have the turkey prepared. I don't want to have Dani or Ethan (if he comes as well) do anything except enjoy themselves. I think I had better call Larry and ask him if he's coming home on Thanksgiving because his children will be here and he needs to be here as well. I don't think I could handle having Dolly around without Larry being here. What did I do with that number he gave me. I know I should have put it in this Memory diary, but I didn't. I put it somewhere to hide it from Dolly. That woman is always snooping in my house. I don't know where she got the key, but I'm going to demand she return it the next time I see her. I don't care how big a fuss I make or what the neighbors think. Dolly has no right to have a key to my house. The only reason she wants one or has one is to steal Ethan's inheritance. Monday, November 4, 2013 I tried to call Larry again today, but the number had been disconnected. At least I think the number was disconnected because the operator came on and said their was no such number or was it no such area code. I ask if she could find the number for me, but she continued to repeat the information, it was as if she did not hear me. I don't know her name or I would report her to the telephone company. I don't know how to get in contact with Larry now. The number in Texas was the only one he gave me before taking Dolly's pets to the vet there. I don't know why she wanted him to take those four horrid animals to Texas for their shots. Perhaps she has piss off every vet in Oklahoma with her snobbish and dangerous animals. Perhaps I should call Rodger, maybe he knows where Larry is today. I have to get hold of him because he has to be back home before Dani and Ethan arrive for Thanksgiving. At least, I think Ethan is coming this year on Thanksgiving. Did I ask Dani if he was coming when I talked to her last week? Did I talk to Dani last week or yesterday? I can't seem to remember anything any more. I'll have to find Rodger's number Colorado Springs, perhaps he know the number in Texas. Did Larry say he would be back on November 28 or December 28? I know he told me before he left on Sunday or was it last Monday he left. I wish my memory were better; it has to get better before Dani and Ethan come or they will think I'm getting senile I can't be getting senile because that's an old person's disease and I'm not old. I will be 53 my next birthday, which is only a few months away. I don't know what to do about my memory. Perhaps it is the stress of having Larry gone and my having to deal with his sister by myself. Dolly just drives me up a wall, she does things to deliberately piss me off. She steals my best silver. She attempts to seal Ethan's inheritance. Why that worthless son of her's even killed my cat. I don't understand how she could raise such inconsiderate and crewel children. I know Hattie didn't raise her that way, perhaps there was a mix up in the hospital when Dolly was born and Hattie's real daughter was given to a band of thieves and Hattie got the worthless, no good, creature that she thought was her daughter. I'll have to discuss that with Hattie when I visit her at the hospital on Wednesday. In the mean time, I still have to find Larry's number in Texas. The next time he goes, he's taking me with him. Wednesday, November 6, 2013 I called Rodger and he was glad to hear from me at first, but when I ask where I could reach Larry in Texas, he got all flustered. He ask me what year I thought it was, well I could tell him what year it was because I have a calendar by the phone and I had my book... What did I call this book, Oh yeah, My Memory Book open. I told him it was 2013; he seem relieved when I gave him the year. Maybe he didn't know what year it was himself. I told him that I used to have a sit of spoons for 36 people and now I only have enough for four. He said maybe they accidentally got into the trash and were thrown away. I got angry with him because I'm much more careful then that with my silver, with Ethan's inheritance. I told him I knew for a fact that Dolly was taking the silver. I said I knew she had a key to the house and was coming in when I went to the store. Anyway, he said he had to look for Larry's number because he didn't have it in his contact list. He said he'd call me back. I him to just call Larry and tell him that the kids were coming on Thanksgiving instead of Christmas. He said he thought he ought to come down then as well. I also ask him if he could do some her taking my spoons and now she's started taking the forks and knives. He was polite and said he'd ask her about them when he arrived on Thanksgiving eve. He said he'd even bring one of his sons to help, but I don't know why I need help. I'm not moving, I'm not giving Dolly t he satisfaction of driving me out of my home just so she can have the antique silver set that belonged to Hattie. I still need to get in contact with Larry, but that will have to wait until tomorrow or the next day. I'm having a house full of people on Thanksgiving and I need to plan for the meal. I said good bye to him and hung up. I will just have to hide the rest of the silver because I think Dolly is coming into the house when I'm gone. I would stay home, but I can't do grocery shopping at home. I have to go to the store and I hate going to that new market on the corner. The shop keeper never has what I want, when I want it. I guess I'll have to drive the care uptown and go to the supermarket. Perhaps I can get Gloria Swanson or is it Gloria Smith; I can't seem to remember her new married name. She used to be a Jones until she married last month. What is her married name? Oh well, maybe she will take me to the supermarket to purchase a 20 lb. turkey. That should be large enough to feed the family. I also need cranberries and something to make oyster dressing with. I wonder where I can get some pumpkin pies. |