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Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014 |
As may of us gear up for National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo, there could be a panicky feeling that we need to be as perfect and automatic geniuses, like Daniel Tammet in the 48 minutes of incredibleness below. Well, today I was thinking, how can I help? What can I possibly say at this last minute, to people venturing into unchartered territory? A lot will be drawing on something within their minds, from who knows where, and placing that inspiration in hasty word form, if not now then eventually, for people's entertainment. I was mowing the lawn this afternoon and that is one chore I like, because unless the mower is acting up, it gives you plenty of boring, monotonous time to think, and people NEVER bother a person mowing their lawn, or risk being landed with the job of "helping out in the garden". You all know what it's like at chore time, how people seem to evaporate to another universe, only to appear when someone inside the house shouts TEA TIME! and they know it'll be "Roast Lamb, vegies and gravy" tonight or some other scrumptious meal cooked with TLC. I digress when thinking of food, sorry. Something to say that might be helpful is, when you are writing, there is a tendency to fret and worry about your characters making mistakes or some of their actions being a stuff up. I mean, what story has characters in it who are less than perfect? Oh yeah? They all should, if you want your story believable. That's my thought on it anyway. So, what I'm saying is, don't fret if they aren't as perfect to plan. They will be all the more human if your descriptions and dialoge aren't squeaky clean and... What? Did you interupt my blog? YES! Have your character INTERUPT someone else. Have someone drop and smash something. Do you have a drunk? Does your protagonist sometimes swipe something from their best friends car console? Some phone change or a few dollar coins to sneak and have that bag of Dorito corn chips all by his / her selfish self. ( ![]() I know it's no good having an incident in your plot / story that has no meaning, is just there as gap filler. No. That's obviously not going to work. I'm not sure I'm putting this across clearly. It's just that, if you are stuck in your paragraphs, half way through a chapter and wringing your hands in despair, give in! Have the scene less than perfect if it fits into the story. Sometimes you might be surprised, if you just give in and not be so stubborn with how you think the story should go, then let that diversion happen. Let the young apprentice builder, whose pushing a grossly overloaded wheelbarrow across some foundation excavations, trip, let go of the wheelbarrow as he cartwheels over the survey pegs and concrete boxing, wheelbarrow tipping sideways and all the dirt / gravel / cinders whatever, go in a dirty big angry pile, right in the middle of everything. Yes, he's wrecked the trench, busted the brickies string off, knocked the boxing out of level, and now has the miserable and humiliating job of shovelling it all back in the "barra" while the other workmen laugh and chide him. You thought you'd just have him walk through, do the job, knock off at 5pm and go home, all nice and tidy. That's it. Tidy-ness. Perfectness. Is that really how a story will entertain? Don't think so! We can't all be as perfect as this young genius. But we can take advantage of imperfection! Yes, profit from the mistakes in your plot, unless they are insurmountable, then change. Just don't paint yourself into a corner. That's why it pays to at least have a rough plan / framework, chapters and headings so at least there's no deadends or traps. Meet Daniel Tammet. He knows the colour and shape of thinking. I'm thinking of using the colour and shape thing as an excuse for my erratic behaviour and lame novels. It's just the shapes and colours, that's why my stories aren't researched properly, are poorly thought out, no need for grammar and that stuff. Yes, it sounds legitimate. I think this young man, Daniel, knows more than he lets on. Did you notice that early in the video, he mentions sparks flying off? ![]() You see, he already knew of this blog, before I'd heart of him. Now that's spooky and somewhat... ...um..sparky? |