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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/796104-This-ones-about-changingseasons
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#796104 added October 29, 2013 at 7:42am
Restrictions: None
This one's about changing...seasons.
30DBC PROMPT: "Invalid Item

Oh hey...you're still here. And I'm here. Let's just...yeah. And let's just pretend that we didn't...but you did? Already? Alright then. We did.

We'll live with the consequences then.

I apologize in (what's the opposite of "advance"?) for any texts, emails, comments, messages, or Facebook musings I may have made that were offensive or seemingly out of character yesterday. Exhaustion became of me. Energy, I have little of. And when I sit to gather thoughts, I become tired. And when one or the other hits me, well, all bets are off, and I say things because I think I'm funny, but I'd appreciate a well-placed STFU rather than, ahhh, ummm, alternatives.

And tired is something I reached new levels of this weekend. You often don't know what you're into until you reach it. Some people save themselves for such an occasion, that may or may not happen. I used to balls-out everything I did because I could. Now? Not so much.

I spent last weekend in Connecticut again, and it wasn't a vacation by any means. We've been cleaning up/out my uncle's house, getting ready to sell it. I didn't anticipate being able to contribute much to the frenzy, but I kinda did, actually. Although my social skills took a hit when all was said and done by Saturday night. I felt pretty catatonic by the time we all convened for dinner. I'll, uhhh, try to work on that. *Wink*

As opposed to the last time I was in CT, I saw some rather humorous things this time around. One was a shopping cart full of groceries at Geissler's (http://www.geisslers.com/), just rolling through the parking lot by itself without a human in sight claiming ownership. Turns out he left his goods to go back in and play the lotto or something. There was the quote-unquote pizza place we stopped at, which was being manned by gentlemen who clearly spoke English as a second language, and their first wasn't Italian. Hint: when you go into a pizza parlor and it doesn't smell like pizza, GTFO. I wish I could think of some of the funnier stuff I came across this weekend, but I can't. Maybe another time. I know I tried to make sure I laughed a little more this go-'round, and I must've, 'cuz I've been invited back again this coming weekend.

BCF PROMPT: "For many of us the seasons are changing, bouncing unpredictably between cold and warm. Are you glad to be moving into a new season, or wishing for one more week of the old?"

There's a particular beauty in driving between NY and Connecticut this time of year. You see the leaves changing, creating a colorful landscape that not even a summertime sun can match. It's rather gorgeous. Until you've seen the same scenery for 2-3 hours, and there's 20 minutes left in the trip but you're hell-bent on not stopping again even though you've had to pee since the Mass Pike let you off near NY, and you haven't been able to shake the not-quite-minivan, not-quite-car with the Vermont plates for around 200 miles. Oh sure, by then fuck-all could happen. Especially when you're not a good traveler. And I'm not, nor do I claim that to be a strong suit. But that's for another time, I suppose.

Ah, as we were, yes? Cold/warm. What a non-conundrum *Rolleyes*. Warm, please. One more week, and I promise I'll deal with the winter cold at its worst! So I say. But I won't. No. Not at all. Eff that and a bag of chips. You don't wanna see this cat when it gets cold. I don't "bundle up" because I feel constricted, so I'm often poorly equipped for elements...and besides, when you're only going a few minutes away, what's the need? Unless it's an extreme circumstance. And if that's the case, stay the fuck inside!!

But no, society makes us come outside occasionally, and prefers that we wear pants on top of it. The nerve! Anyway, I'll always be a hold-out, wearing shorts not only for comfort structurally, or the rebellious reasoning that "It can't snow if I'm not dressed accordingly". Ten below zero out? Don't go out barefoot. Wind chill is minus 35? Cover your face with anything looking like a scarf...something nicely knitted, a bedsheet, a small child....anything. Just don't be stupid and spend lots of money on something you're only gonna use half the year. That's money you can spend on the other half, covering maybe half your legs, when it's nice out!

Nobody pays attention to you from the waist-down unless you're freezing anyway (or stocked with a Pepsi can). And if you're in a climate-controlled environment, my floral-print orange shorts won't offend anyone. Unless I'm wearing a contrasting jacket.

Shorts? Jacket....now I'm confusing myself, metaphors, and everything in-between. Summer...yes. Winter: no. Spring? Ok. Autumn: no summer, don't leave me! I'm so off-base, I forgot where I started from. Oh yes...pants! No, I'm not wearing any.


And then, this:

Live a little, be a gypsy, get around.


*Baseball* Fools! The Mets haven't played this late into October since I was old enough to be thrown outta bars for hittin' on your sister and still get my ass outta bed the next morning to make a day of it, only to do it again. Nowadays, I'd at least make her a warm breakfast, and let's just keep that between us, kthanks.*Wink*

*Ghost* Halloween on this, needy 'weener's:

This is how I feel about costumes.

*Penbl* I either blog or listen to hockey. No two ways about it tonight, in a pair of shorts you wish you owned. They're shiny. You're cute. Me too! Awwwww!

*Bullet* *Check1* The Thomas Vanek trade. We knew it was coming. But how great is the return? Moulson? Firsty? Secondy? Suck it. I'm all for blowing up the franchise. And wanting returns. And the future...wah wah wah...show me a freaking competitive team worth wondering why I can watch NBCsports.com for football and not Sabres games.

*No* There's things I don't do or say for reasons. Reasons suck, but respect prevails.

And with that, I'm better off catching up on some "Hi, I'm out!" sleep, kickin' holes in proverbial speakers, pullin' plugs, and jettin'. Peace to Lou Reed, you, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

Yes you can.

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