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All the contest entries in one place! Maybe they won't be so late now, haha. |
Witch! Angelia gazed sadly at her clenched hands. She had a choice to make, get help form the magic mirror, or face death in the morning. People thought her a witch, but she was just a girl down on her luck. She knew people were jealous of her looks, and even more jealous of her sharp mind, but to accuse her of witchery was simply cruel. If she did go to the hidden mirror, wouldn’t that just prove what they claimed? That she was, indeed, a witch? Angelia had chanced upon the magic mirror when she was strolling through the forest. She was been searching for berries, but when she found a mirror laying on the ground. she couldn’t help but pick it up. The beautiful wooden rim flowed around the mirror. The mirror had a surprising weight to it, and it was rather large. How curious it was, for a mirror to be lying about a forest! But the strangest thing was that instead of reflecting her image, the surface swirled in clouds of grey mist. She had leaned it against a tree to look at it better. Angelia was very surprised when it started talking. “I am the Magic Mirror, ask me a wish, and I shall grant it.” The vice was deep and low. Angelia had heard folk talk of bad witchcraft. She knew anything given away for free must be bad. “My, a Magic Mirror.” She had run her hand down the side. “Tis very strange, but I could not possibly take a wish from you, one being as lowly as myself.” “Nonsense child, make a wish, and I will grant it.” The mirror insisted Angelia had pretended to think. “No, I cannot think of anything. Perhaps I can come back once I have thought of something?” “Yesss, that is a good idea, think of my gift while you are away. I will be here.” The mirror sighed. Angelia had gone back home, full of the tale of what had happened. She told her parents and friends. They had laughed at her, thinking her the fool. Angry, she told everyone that as soon as she thought of a good wish, it would conjure before her, and they would be sorry! People were superstitious, and the threat of any sort of magic made them grumpy. Angelia didn’t see the warning in people’s eyes and continued to brag and threaten. Now she was accused witch. The trials to figure out if one was a witch or not killed the target easier than being a real witch. Angelia decided. She snuck out of the house and into the forest. She searched until she found the mirror once more. “Mirror, I wish you to take me away.” “Of course child, if that is your wish.” The mirror whispered. “It is, it is! They will kill me in the morn!” “Very well, but remember, when I call upon you, you must do me a favor. Do you understand? “Yes, I understand.” The mirror swirled faster and faster, and Angelia slowly disappeared from sight. This is extra for Angela! Angelia felt the oddest tingling sensation as her world as she knew began to fade away. Her view became fuzzier and fuzzier. Her body felt compressed, as if a huge weight pressed down on her. She fought for breath, trying to push or scream, for someone, anyone to help. The weight only got heavier however, and the pain overthrew her. She screamed, howling worthlessly to the air. Angelia blinked, letting the world come into focus. She raised her hand above her face, shading her eyes from the light. She slowly sat up, taking in the sandy area around her. She felt cloaked by the suffocating heat. As her eyes adjusted, she surveyed the land. She could see nothing for miles. Nothing but empty dessert sand. The sun beat down on her, despite that she gave her wish to the mirror at the beginning of night. She slowly stood, realizing how alone she really was. “Helooo!!!” she cupped her hand around her mouth. The dessert wind only blew some sand toward her face. Angelia quickly lowered her eyes. The last thing she needed was sand in her eyes. The wind slowly pushed her hair away from her face and tugged at her dress as well. Angelia spun in a circle, desperately hoping for anybody. “Magic Mirror?” she whispered. She had no idea what to do. True, she was free from the harm of the villagers, but what good was that if the elements could kill her? Angelia decided to walk with the wind. It wasn’t as if she could sit around waiting for someone to chance upon her. So she started to walk. Climb really, the sand dunes were incredibly difficult to scale, and she was worn down quickly. The thick black dress she wore clung to her body with all the moisture she was losing. Her shoulders quickly became sunburned, as well as her face. Sand got everywhere, grinding against her skin like sandpaper. Angelia wondered idly if she was going in circles, for the sand dune she was climbing seemed oddly familiar. She curses the Mirror for its trickery. She crested the dune and rested for a moment. She looked into the distance and narrowed her eyes. Was that a speck? She covered her eyes from the sun and gazed harder. The speck became a dot. Angelia realized that this was her only chance. She stayed on the top of the dune watching the dot become closer and closer. The dot became more defined and she realized it was a sled of some sort, riding the sand! Angelia waved her hands frantically to get the attention of the driver. She saw a hand raise in the air and the sled changed course, towards her! She ran down the sand and waited for the sled to come to her. The sled was pulled by a creature Angelia had never before seen. It was as tall as a horse, but a bright yellow. It had scales like a lizard, and orange spines down its back. The creature snorted as it skidded to a stop. The driver hopped of, slapping the beast on the rump. “It is a fine animal; it will make me plenty of money once it is tamed.” The driver pulled of his white mask, taking in the sight of the burned girl. “And how may I help you? You look like you’ve seen a rough time.” Before she could stop herself, Angelia blurted out her story. “You see, I found this magic mirror, and he granted me a wish, but I wouldn’t take it, and when I told my family, they called me a witch so I went back to the mirror to take me away, and it was incredibly painful, but I woke up here and it’s so hot and I’ve been walking for hours. I never thought I would see another human being again! And my skin is really on fire!” Angelia stopped and felt a huge amount of embarrassment. What was she thinking telling a complete stranger all this? The driver took it all in. The girl obviously was heat raddled. It happened to the best. He looked at her clothes. They seemed heavy and black- what a bad color. It was a wonder she wasn’t already dead. “Look girl,” he said kindly, “You said witch right?” Angelia fearfully nodded. “Alright, it’s a bit out of my way, but I’ll take you to them. They always take care of their own. I owe a visit to them anyway. They always have sweets lying around.” The driver rummaged in his sled. “I’m Jvark, by the way. Put these on, they will be big for you, but your kind magicked them for me.” He handed her the clothes. He turned away expectantly and busied himself with his beast. Angelia quickly changed into the smooth white garments. She had never worn clothing like this before, with long legs and hooded shirt. “I’m done.” She called to the Jvark. “Alrighty, just hop right in to my sled and we will be on our way. He offered a hand to her. Angelia took it; she didn’t really have a choice if she wanted to live. She settled in the sled. Jvark began to cover her with a thick covering. “Wait wait! What are you doing?” She didn’t want to be suffocated. “Don’t worry; it is to protect you, my dragon kicks up quite a bit of sand when he runs. You don’t want it flowing in your face.” He covered her. Jvark went to the sled and hopped on. “Yah!” and away they went |