I have posted my response to MHWA Mental Health Challenge and other items to this journal. |
On October 31, 2013 I'll be 11 years old. For the second time in my life, I'm approaching my teenage years. I wasn't crazy about being a teenager the first time, maybe this time it be less stressful and more fun. After all they say that everything is better the second time around. On October 31, 2002 I joined stories.com, as writing.com was called then. I have become addicted to this website. If I go a day without logging in, I get anxious and restless. I cannot go to sleep at night without logging into writing.com. If I have a choice between washing dishes and logging into this website, the dishes will sit in the sink or the dishwasher waiting for my attention. October 31, 2013 is my account birthday. I am looking forward to another ll or 22 years writing and reviewing. If I had my wish, I would want to live to be 156 years old so that I could celebrate my 100th account birthday. On Halloween night when the full moon is bright I dance with delight. I just checked the phases of the moon and found out that the next full moon will occur on Friday, October 18 at 23:38 GMT, which is 4:37 pm Pacific Daylight Time. I won't be able to dance under the full moon the to celebrate my birthday. On the 31st the moon will be a thin crescent, I guess I could dance under the crescent moon. I don't know why I think there should be a full moon on Halloween night, maybe it's because I think Halloween is scarier when the moon is full. Maybe its because a full moon cast shadow and I can imagine anything lurking in the shadows. Maybe it because the horror movies I enjoyed, as a child, all had scary scenes occurring during a full moon. Full moons are scary and the beast are hairy the night is eerie. How do I intend to celebrate my second 11th birthday? By logging onto writing.com, of course. That's how I'm planning on celebrating it, unless fate, life, or something else interferes and causes me to stumble over my own shadow. On the night of Halloween, when everybody wants to scream, when spiders crawl in your hair, and you shiver in autumns cold air. I'm working on a Halloween poem, but that's as far as I have gotten. Maybe I will have it finish by Halloween Night. |