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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/790715-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#790715 added September 5, 2013 at 11:22pm
Restrictions: None
I better get in here and write this before it gets too late. Today went a lot better than the last few.

Weekends are just rough. Not only are they longer shifts, as a rule, but they are busier days as well. Also, since I usually open and Rhonda closes, there is little sleep. This last weekend was a little better, since we both had Sunday off.

Sunday was an enjoyable day, but a lot of things going on, so we didn't get a lot of rest. Then, on Monday, just about the time I thought I was done with work and ready to come home and take a power nap before doing my work from home stuff, I find out I'm needed to fill another shift. It ended up being 7:00 o'clock in the evening when I finally got back home. I left at a little after 4:00 o'clock that morning.

That had me pretty tired, and I could have gone straight to bed, but I wanted to get a few things done, and I wanted to get in here and write a little. I've set a goal to write every day and have done a great job of keeping to my goal, with only a couple of exceptions. So, it got late before I got to bed.

The next morning I was up at 3:15 in the morning, again. Another long day at work, and then I had to stick around and assist the next guard for a while before getting to come home. I did get a little more sleep, about six hours. By now, I'm ready for a day off, and Wednesday was just that. I got up at the same time, with Rhonda who was filling my shift so I could have this day off. After she left, I went back to bed and slept until 9:00, then got up and got to work. I had to come up with a workable schedule, include some training for a new person, and get it copied and posted.

After, I had to meet with the new person and fill out hire paperwork, then send some faxes and talk to the guards about the next schedule. I finally got back home around mid-afternoon. But, I had to run some uniforms to the new person so he could start training, and I had to give another person a ride after their shift. So, early evening I went back into town to take care of things.

Only I forgot the cloths. I talked to the closing guard, went over the schedule, then gave the other guard a ride home. Then I ran back home and got the clothing, then took off to deliver the items after calling and letting him know I would be late. It was quite a drive, and later than I had anticipated by the time I got there. Then, it was another hour to get back home. Another late night, I finally got to bed around about 12:45 this morning.

It was a good day off, just busy. I had to get these things done, and they should get me more time off soon, so it's a fair trade. It was a pretty nice day, and a beautiful night, and I enjoyed myself even though I had much work to finish up.

Rhonda met me after work, while I finished up the paperwork, then we had a nice lunch before  faxed everything to the corporate office. We enjoyed the afternoon, and we enjoyed a nice drive in the evening when I took the clothing over to the new hire. We had a drink and watched a little Netflix after we got home, to unwind. I just didn't get much time for sleeping.

Also, with it being such a busy week, I haven't gotten much time for WdC, and the birthday bash. That's how the summer has been, too. Just no time to do the things we enjoy, work, more work, then overtime. It will be nice when things settle into place and we can enjoy some time off.

Today, back to work at 5:00 this morning, so up at 3:30. Yeah, I slept a little later than normal, 15 minutes more. the way my schedule has been this summer, fifteen minutes is a gift. I got home around noon, spent a little time enjoying a cup of coffee and talking to Rhonda, then she tucked me into bed. After a nice tucking, she did a little housework while I took a nap.

I thought I would sleep a couple hours, maybe even three. I also thought I would wake up before she left for work this afternoon. I thought wrong. I did wake up a couple times to run to the bathroom; that's what coffee does. I woke up once with a major cramp in my calf, which is still sore, but I went right back to sleep each time. In fact, I can't say I even woke fully.

I also remember Rhonda talking to me and kissing me before she left, but it's fuzzy and dreamlike. I can't say I slept through it, but I didn't really wake up, either. Kind of like being in a trance or doped. After, I slipped back into a deep sleep with no more partial wake-ups. I didn't wake until a little after 6:00 this evening.

I feel a lot better, I had a light supper, and I got my work report done and sent. Then it was a little looking around in Facebook and myfitnesspal before logging in here for a while. Now, it's about time for Rhonda to get done work and call before she comes home. You'd think I'd be up late and unable to sleep, after my all afternoon nap, but you would be wrong. I'm already feeling tired and ready to go back to bed.

By the time Rhonda gets home, we talk and relax a little, I'll be set for snuggling up to her and drifting back into the deep sleep. Tomorrow it's back up at 3:15, the same on Saturday. Hopefully I don't get quite so behind on my sleep this weekend. If everything works according to the schedule, by the week after, I may even get a few days off to try and get caught up on my sleep. I think I could take a whole week, sleeping in to do just that.

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