Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below. |
The July 19, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" is Take something you are frustrated with: The toilet seat left up again? The folks who seem to hold family reunions in the middle of the aisle at Wal-Mart? Whatever it is, take the incident and write a humorous revenge piece. What are the ridiculous lengths you would go to? You do not know me, you have never met me, but your actions frustrates my drive through Las Vegas on a rainy day. You do not know, you do not care how your careless actions affect this city's residents and tourist during the monsoon season. You do not realize how your littering endangers the lives of those of us who have to drive streets flooded streets because your sixteen ounce drink cup is stopping up the "curbside storm drains"1 that divert rainwater into the sewer system that prevent our streets flooding. I am tired of having to to turn my car around so that I won't drown2 because your carelessly tossed fast food bag is clogging the storm drains. Beware my wrath as you would fear the ire of a hundred year flood. I would make the person caught tossing fast food bags and cup into the street perform community service. The community service would require the person to dress in a huge replica fast food bag and push a trash can painted to look like a drink cup. That person would walk from storm drain to storm drain and at each drain his or her would get down on his or her hands and knees to clean out the drain. The person would have to proclaim to everyone passing by "I was caught blocking up the storm drains with my lunch litter. I want to apologize to you for endangering your life because of my careless, thoughtless, and selfish actions." Thought of the Day: "The trash and litter of nature disappears into the ground with the passing of each year, but man’s litter has more permanence." - John Steinbeck Footnotes |