Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below. |
The July 18, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" is Gun control: What side are you on? Are you even on a side? State your position. I think everyone who purchases a gun of any type should go through a through background check. A background check will help keep the guns out of the hands of some crazies, but it will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals or all crazies. I doubt there is a way to keep guns out of the hands of everyone who should not have them. This prompt has brought back memories of my childhood. I am thinking about a Christmas morning, when my siblings and I woke up to open Christmas presents. We went into the living room and waited for Mom or Grandma and Grandpa (depending on where we had stayed Christmas Eve) to come into the room so that Mom or Grandpa could hand us presents to open. On this Christmas, Santa had brought my brothers the six shooters and toy holsters they requested in their letters, while my sister and I got dolls of some type. It was a common practice back then to give boys toy guns as Christmas or birthday presents. The younger boys got toy six shooters, cowboy guns, or water guns, while the older boys got be-be guns (all right, be-be guns do not fall in the toy category, but I am writing about the mind set of the nineteen forties and fifties). At that time it was considered a part of growing up for boys to get a toy guns and for girls to get toy dolls. Owning a dangerous weapon requires a responsible adult: How many adults today are that responsible? Thought of the Day: “They must accept responsibility, recognizing that responsibility is not the same as culpability.” - Stephen King, Guns |