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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/784400-This-ones-about-raindrops-and-hot-ham-water
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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#784400 added June 7, 2013 at 4:37pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about raindrops and hot ham water.
30DBC PROMPT: "For 'Funny Friday', tell us a funny or heart-warming story that came out of inclement weather."

Hey y'all. First I gotta say thanks to WyrdNaos Trippin' on Yello Author Icon for helping me get you today's prompt in a timely fashion. Give Dani a hand for all the hard work going on around here in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window.! *Starstruck*

Now, second, really, my dislike of coming up with prompts is somewhat legendary, and runs a close second to my complaining regarding prompts I don't like. Hell, most of the time I don't even like the prompts I come up with. I'm probably found sitting out on days when I have to come up with one, and at roughly a 90% clip.

But today, why not? I'll jump in.

It was probably six or seven, maybe even eight years ago now. I was still living at 542, dating the only ex I will ever refer to as being "the crazy ex" (because she was legitimately bat-shit crazy). But that's for another chapter in my life to get into. Her, myself, my sis and my brothaman DMFM were chillin', havin' a few beers and just hangin' out.

It was summer, and it was hot...damn hot, and humid. Temps ran around the mid-90's for over a week, and normally when it's so humid, it rains. Suddenly, after the rain, everything feels about 20% cooler in Buffalo...at least for a few minutes.

But it hadn't rained. I think they were officially calling it a "drought", which is damn near unheard of in an area known for its snowfall. By then, I'd learned how to manage the heat inside 542. I knew where to place the fans, and the best times to keep the front and back windows open to circulate the cooler night air better...the sun rises in the front of the house and sets in the back. I'm no meteorologist, but I got the windows to work in my favor so we could at least be comfortable.

Even still, when it's so hot at night and you've got four people in a room who are of varying shapes and sizes, with different levels of heat tolerance, entertainment is secondary to comfort.

But we got lucky. As we were sitting around and conversation stalled, we noticed a familiar rattle along the side of the house. A rainstorm! And I don't even think the weathermen were calling for rain (man, I want a job where I can be wrong half the time and still be beloved by the community!). We just kinda erupted from the dining room table chairs we were sitting in, and bolted outside.

And what a storm it was! It was raining hard enough that it seemed like the rain was bouncing back up off the sidewalks. Everything was a giant puddle. We ran up to the front of the house, and we, for lack of a better term, played. We danced and jumped and splashed; it was like we'd never seen rain before. We were out there quite awhile, frolicking like mad little kids. We were beyond soaked, from head to toe.

I was just happy I lived there and didn't have far to go once we got back inside. I got everyone towels and cobbled together a few changes of clothes...my sis didn't have far to go, but DMFM did, and he's a lot taller than I am, so I had to work to find something he'd be comfortable in. The crazy ex was fine; she had clothes she'd left at my house. It was hard finding stuff for my sis though. Like I said, we all came in different shapes and sizes.

But we had an absolute blast, playing in the rain like kids. I still have a picture somewhere of my and the crazy ex...of all the pictures of us together, it was my favorite. We look like we just came out of the rain...you can see the love in our eyes and almost feel the fun we had by looking at our soaked hair. And for someone like me who can't stand talking about or dealing with weather, it was a beautiful night.

BCF PROMPT: The image:

** Image ID #1937164 Unavailable **

And: For which famous personality (president, celebrity, famous writer, etc.) would you cook/buy dinner for?

Hmmm. First, the image. It's a car. Or some kind of vehicle. I'm goin' with sports car. Spun in a circle. All that's missing is the tree or road sign it should be wrapped around. *Laugh*

But dinner...ok, I know this much. I'll cook rather than go out. I prefer private settings, and if I'm with somebody famous, I'd rather not be and I'm sure they'd appreciate not getting mobbed or otherwise disrupted. We'd probably agree beforehand on a meal, they'd offer to help, and I'd politely decline. I find I'm a much better chef when doing most of the work myself.

Now, who would be so special that I would actually offer to make them meal? Men are out. It'd have to be a woman. If only for the sake that maybe after dinner I could ply the romanticism of myself against her. Sorry fellas.

But it wouldn't be someone super-famous or popular. No politicians; no need to wind contesting viewpoints over a nice meal. And since the ideal woman hasn't found me yet, nor would she probably find me as interesting as I find myself to be occasionally, I'm going with a fictional character. Lindsay Bluth.

She's the sister on Arrested Development. Sure, she's kinda not bright, and she's married, and has a kid, but she's also beautiful. Very beautiful. And I don't have to worry that in real life, she's the lesbian partner of Ellen DeGeneres...I'm cooking for a made-up person! I don't even have to worry about feelings! Or worrying that she won't like me enough to serve me dessert.

Wow. I really need to get a life. *Rolleyes*


*Umbrella* It's been a rainy couple of days...and this might be the worst video I've ever seen, or at least the worst video to a beautiful song. Nobody needs some tool on a motorcycle lip-syncing another dude's song. It's just awful, but it's better I suppose than staring at the album cover for three minutes. *Umbrella*


*Drbag* PT sucked...what else is new? No more progress there.

I really have nothin' else to add...it's been a quiet few days. Hope the weekend is better. Peace, you gotta stew goin', and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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