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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1926918
Forced telepathy could be good, but for what?
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#783330 added May 24, 2013 at 10:12am
Restrictions: None
The Beginning of thoughts.
Chapter one

Brandon and Rochelle were both in surgery at the same time, their respective families waiting eagerly for the report of the children awaking from the exstensive process.

'He is so little, i sure hope he grows as he gets older.' a male voice spoke.

'I know it. Compared to the girl he is a foot shorter. Wouldn't you think the Core would have the intelligence to figure that out?'

'Oh of coarse. The Core is the smartest A.I. to have evolved past the thresholds. I know there are triggers that protect us from the Core but do you think that she will ever create a name for herself?'

'Sure, she already refers to herself as 'C' but, you know that everyone thinks it but holds back their ideas. She has fail safes that go to her inner being as well as redundant power bombs that keep her alive. If she so much as twitched wrong the manual bombs would explode and stop any evil tendancies from creeping up.'

'It's not that, it's just that these new ideas of telepathic cops, could they not read her mind too?'

'Wow, thats a wierd idea. Telepathics reading Artificial Intelligences? Yes, i think they could, she operates from a human cloned brain, so yes they could. Holy crap, thats a new frontier to explore as well. I hope these kids pull through.' June spoke, and she thought it as Brandon felt her hug him emotionally. That felt good.

The blond haired, blue eyed female sat nearby waiting for the Awakening. Her small frame was shifting in her seat, her 'butt was sore'. 'I need to stretch my butt is sore.' Brandon heard her thoughts as well as felt her sore butt, yet his eyes stayed shut. He was tired, so tired, but he listened with his mind and his ears and he saw them both through their own eyes. Ms. June Everly was one nurse on hand and the other was Brian Davis, her assistant. Brian was a tall man, almost a giant, that is what June thought. He had swimmingly brown eyes and a crew cut, she just loved those eyes.

Sudden anger.

Brandon was alarmed suddenly, someone 'Terry Burns' was angry. Her thoughts raced outward from 1 floor below as she was yelling at Doctor Kamal, but not yelling, shouting in her head, yet she said nothing. 'Stupid ignorant Doctors think they know it all, but the flash screen shows exactly whats wrong with the patient before he ever walked in i had it diagnosed with the scanners. Stupid doctors, i am going to file a complaint with the medical examiners office.'


Andre' Fomoque was so excited his sons were born healthy. Dina Larrimar was getting a bonus. John Anderson was in a car crash and in severe pain so Brandon thought he could ease the mans pain by thinking of sleep, John fell asleep. Darnell probst was shot twice but alive, once in the left thight once in the right shoulder just missing the heart. He felt no pain but he knew he was dieing. Brandon focused all he could on Darnell that he may not die and sent hope to Darnell. The hope helped him heal and he lived. Sandra was choking on food and waiting for the doctor to come and help her and was panicking that it was taking too long, he eased her.

Freddy had cancer, Lisa burn victim, Terry shot, hundreds maybe thousands SO MANY thoughts how do i block them. 'Do you wish to block these impulse thoughts Brandon?' A mechanical voice asked.



'Um, hello?' He projected his thoughts wincing at the thousands of random thoughts hitting him.

'Yes? Hello. Do you wish to block or shield unprovoked thoughts inbound from random generations?' The voice asked again.

'Um, who are you?' Are you me?'

'No. I am your aide, i am an artificial intelligence that you will name someday. I am your companion, i can help you acclimate to your new powers as well as boost or negate inbound thoughts. You are experiencing a mass of thoughts right now that i can project away or i can boost up to two point four eight miles. You can call me anything you wish, i am blocking all thoughts externally 20 meters or further unless you wish to refine.'

'Well, um, what are you? Are you a computer or an AI brain?' Brandon thought inwardly.

'I am your cloned brain. I am artificial yet i am you. I was built to help you. My programming will someday integrate into your psych profile, however i am exceedingly curious as to what we will do with our lives. My brain and your brawn should be more than a match for any projection facility. I am sure that we will be told shortly. Would you like to see a movie or talk to your mom or dad?' The new friend asked.

'Yes and no. Yes to a movie and no to mom and dad. I do not want to wake up and see her crying and i deffinitely do not want to hear their thoughts. That would be gross and wierd. Can you not show me my mom and dads thoughts perminantly unless i request?'

'It is done. You need but think it and i do it. These actions are perminant so let me just say that if you are uncomfortable with someones thoughts just think it and i will filter. I know you are not fond of cursing so i will filter curse words if you wish it.'

'Thats perfect, thank you so much. I would like to see sector 231 a mini-war please. Will i see with my mind or my eyes?'

'Your mind Brandon.'

He saw the movie and was still simi uncounscious as he watched. As if he were dreaming the movie rather than seeing it. 'Wait. Wait, um Fred, i will call you Fred for now. Fred can i see my room and the rest of my surrounds without looking or opening my eyes?' The room exploded into his mind in perfect clarity. 'Can you show me my mom and dad where they are?' Suddenly his mother was in the waiting room a coffee in hand and her Flex pad in her lap, she was probably working in the waiting room. He bio-tech job was the newest of human tech integration, she was just a programmer. The view was partition as he saw his father in the Grav-mobile moving at high speed over the Arizona desert, inbound to Dallas Memorial center for young adults. 'Can you contact them both and tell them i am fine and do not wish to be disturbed while adjusting to this new thing i have?' He projected to his companion.

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