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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/782293-This-ones-about-sake-for-the-change-of-sake
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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#782293 added May 9, 2013 at 2:43pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about sake for the change of sake.
30DBC PROMPT: "What are your thoughts on the new look of Writing.Com? What are your favorite things about it, and, if anything, what would you like to see changed?"

Party people in the place to be, listen to me: I've written this entry in some form or another probably five times over, and it still doesn't change.

What's up? Time, that's what's up. My stats at WDC will show you that I've been a member since July of 2001. Almost 12 years. My WDC portfolio is almost old enough to legally have its own portfolio. But you and I both know the world isn't ready for that.

Back in the day, here's what WDC was:

*Bullet* It wasn't writing.com. It was stories.com.

*Bullet* It was totally free. No paid memberships. That meant, for a short time, an unlimited portfolio size.

*Bullet* WritingML consisted of bold, italics, underline, and maybe six or eight different colors. Nothing else.

*Bullet* Blogs barely existed anywhere and didn't on WDC.

*Bullet* No merit badges, trophies, ribbons or community points.

I'm sure I'm missing a lot of other key features and points. After 12 years, you're allowed to forget a few things.

All that being pushed aside though, I have to say I'm never a big fan of change. I get used to something and I stick with it. But it never fails...just when I've figured something out, it has to get rearranged.

I've seen a lot of changes in my time here. I think I like this one the best. My biggest concern when introducing friends to this site for the first time was that they might get thrown off by how "busy" it looked at first glance. It was almost overwhelming. Lots of words, lots of things everywhere, and no real direction it seemed for someone who really just wanted to join to read me and people like me. This new look has definitely cleaned up a lot of the clutter.

I like the larger print of blog titles. Of course, if I finally got a new pair of glasses that might not be as big a deal. *Rolleyes*

If I had one complaint, it'd be the same complaint I've been making since the day WDC allowed the sharing of images. Allow us to upload bigger images!! I'm not a fan of uploading an image to my computer, trying to upload it to WDC, getting the "file size error" message, resizing the pic, trying again, getting the same error because my image is 312x298 and not 300x300 or less, re-resizing the pic, and finally getting it right. I understand this isn't Facebook, and we all use WDC differently from the next person, but please, these file-size limitations have been in place since the best digital cameras on the market only went up to 3.1 megapixels. That's all I'm really asking for.

Unless WDC wants to go back to free, unlimited memberships. But I understand that really isn't prudent. *Wink*

BCF PROMPT: "Do you fall asleep quickly or very slowly?"

HAH!! Insomniacs of the world, unite!!

I would love...love, love, love, to be the guy who's out as soon as his head hits the pillow. But I'm not. And it sucks. I need background noise. And exhaustion. And Ambien. And here's my latest trick...I take an Ambien and two Tylenol PM's and lay down with a dvd playing at a low volume. I fall asleep...and I'm wide awake three hours later. Sometimes I'll take another Ambien and maybe sleep three more hours. Or I'll toss and turn, sleeping maybe 15 minutes out of every hour. Painfully. Hopefully, a visit to the doc next week gets that ironed out. But I'm not banking on it.

I've tried everything. OTC sleep aids, melatonin supplements, cutting out caffeine after 4pm, big dinners, small dinners, no dinners, you name it. Sleep and I for some reason don't seem to be able to see eye to shut-eye. It's beyond frustrating.


*Sleep* Soul Coughing's "Sleepless"...you'd think it was boring enough to put you to sleep but just barely captivating enough to keep you awake. *Confused*


*Pencil* Anyone else remember when stories.com/WDC's background was bright yellow? I do. It almost seems murderous to think that that's what I'd stare at for a few hours each day back then.

*Shuffle* Physical therapy today. Finally got to experience one of those "therapeutic massages"...which kinda felt weird, almost like it was wrong for the therapist lady to be doing that to my leg in public. Until she hit the part of my foot where the screws are popping out. Then it was over for this kid.

And that's all I've got for today. Gonna read a little bit I think, and call it an early day. Trying to save up a little for "Funny/Factual Friday", since last Friday wasn't great. Maybe kick back when I get home and ice down the leg some. Peace, left foot and then right foot and repeat, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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