Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Our new look! We're excited for this fresh, new season... which is perfect, because we're launching some fresh, new updates to Writing.Com! You might notice that Writing.Com has a brand new, more streamlined and current look. We've added padding, a bit of spacing, more imagery, and an all-around happier feel to the site. We've moved away from the old version that was too wordy, very cramped and not streamlined at all. We've been working on this new, fresh version of Writing.Com for a few months now and the response to it has been fantastic! A lot of hard work has gone into testing and debugging our updates, but if you find something along your journey that confuses you or doesn't work quite like you thought it should, please visit "Beta Tests: Comments" and let us know right away! Many of the changes you'll notice are visual, but we've also cleaned up the tools and mechanics of Writing.Com, as well. "Likes" can now be added to forum posts, blog entries, and blog comments. "Authors", "Public Reviews" and item listings received our favorite updates. The Hub boxes can now be moved and reordered to suit your preference! Item Covers have been given more of a presence. Tools have been combined and streamlined in portfolios and individual items. Item creation and edit forms are now clean and simple. Blogs Blogs are a wonderful way to journal everything from your daily thoughts to themes to progress on your projects and much more. As an ongoing writing exercise, the possibilities are endless and because of that, they now have a renewed focus at Writing.Com! You'll notice the new "Blogs" link in the left side navigation, which will lead you to a listing of the most recently updated blogs. If you have a blog, head in there to check out the new updates you have. If you've got an Upgraded Membership or above and don't have one yet, head to your "Blog" tab in your portfolio and start one! An Ongoing Process While most areas within Writing.Com have been updated, there are still some nooks and crannies that have not yet been touched. Rest assured, we will get to them and we have many more wonderful things in store for all of you! Happy spring, indeed! We welcome your comments, suggestions, bug reports, questions, etc. Please post in:
Write On, The StoryMistress and The StoryMaster |